Qualcomm at CTIA 2011: Dual Core Processors, Developer Tools, and App Showcases

One of the first booths at CTIA I saw was Qualcomm. Now it wasn’t because they were close to the entrance or anything like that, but because they’re booth was so large and elaborate that one could see it from almost anywhere on the show floor. I figured if they went through that much trouble, I should probably head over and see what it was all about.

Take a look at the video above for a taste of what Qualcomm had to show.

I have to say I’m impressed by the quality of the games I saw as well as some of what the third party app developers were able to do using the Qualcomm developers’ tools. Qualcomm also mentioned that if you make an app using their tools and architecture that they might even showcase your app at their next show.

For more information on getting Qualcomm developers’ tools and developer devices head here:

Qualcomm Developers

In the meantime, what do you guys think of how fast these processors and graphics are evolving? Especially in the Android world…

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