How to Turn OFF Location Services on an iPhone

If you want to get the search results tailored to your location, you will want to enable the Location Services option on your iPhone. This way, iPhone sends your location data to the search engine and then that engine provides you with the most location relevant results. However, due to some privacy issues, some users don’t like sharing their location with third-party services and they simply want to disable the option, here’s how you can do that:

I. Before You Begin:

1. This should work for other iOS devices as well that include the iPad and iPod Touch.

II. Turning OFF Location Services on an iPhone:

1. Tap on the Settings icon on your screen.

2. Tap on Privacy followed by Location Services.

3. Here you can change the location settings for a specific app, or just disable it for all the apps.

Stop Push Email on your iPad
Disable the service for any particular app

4. To disable it for all the apps, turn the Location Services slider OFF.

Location Services
Turn the slider OFF

5. And you’re done!

Excellent! You’ve successfully turned OFF the Location Services option on your iPhone!

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