How to Tweet More than 140 Characters in iOS 7 (Video)

Sometimes 140 characters just doesn’t cut it. People have long used services like Twitlonger to allow them to post longer than 140 character tweets that are then shortened and a link is displayed so people can click to see the rest of your, of course, super important update. Unfortunately, though, iOS has never really had an easy way of integrating this service seamlessly into Twitter clients available in the App Store. Until now, of course. Here is the tweak called Infinite Tweet 2 that seamlessly adds Twitlonger support to a good deal of the most popular Twitter clients available. No configuration necessary. Here’s how to install it.

I. Jailbreak your iPhone/iPad

To do this procedure you must be jailbroken. If you aren’t, you can head to our Jailbreak How To’s section and pick the jailbreak for your version of iOS (currently at the time of writing this is 7.0.6). Once done with that procedure and you have Cydia installed, head back here to continue.

II. Install Infinite Tweet 2

1. Open Cydia.

2. Tap Search in the bottom right corner.

3. Type in Infinite Tweet 2.

4. Tap on Infinite Tweet 2 when it shows up.

5. Tap Install in the top right corner.

6. Tap Confirm.

7. Tap Restart.

III. Setup Infinite Tweet 2

1. Go to Settings.

2. Tap on Infinite Tweet and let it load.

IV. Use Infinite Tweet 2

1. Head to your preferred Twitter client and type a message more than 140 characters.

2. It’ll prompt you to either cut it down to 140 or to use Twitlonger to post it.


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