How to Queue Songs for Listening from Control Center in iOS 7 (Video)

This tweak is a quick and dirty one. Pluck 2 allows you to add a small button to your Control Center and/or lock screen that allows you to tap it and add songs from your device’s library to a now playing queue. Handy for people on the move that might need to quickly listen to something just as the mood strikes them or else they forget (A.D.D. much?). And for $0.99, it’s not a bad way to spend a dollar. Here’s how to set it up and use it to play your favorite jams.

I. Jailbreak your iPhone/iPad

To do this procedure you must be jailbroken. If you aren’t, you can head to our Jailbreak How To’s section and pick the jailbreak for your version of iOS (currently at the time of writing this is 7.0.6). Once done with that procedure and you have Cydia installed, head back here to continue.

II. Install Pluck 2

1. Open Cydia.

2. Tap Search in the bottom right corner.

3. Type in Pluck 2.

4. Tap on Pluck 2 when it shows up.

5. Tap Install in the top right corner.

6. Tap Confirm.

7. Tap Restart.

III. Setup Pluck 2

1. Go to Settings.

2. Tap on Pluck 2.

3. Select whether you want it on the lock screen, control center, or both.

4. Select if you want a black icon on the lock screen or on the control center.

5. Select whether you want it to pick multiple songs or just a single song.

6. Choose whether you want to allow it to select iCloud items in addition to songs on your device.


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