How To: Root the Motorola Droid 2

This procedure is obsolete. Please head to our new procedure here instead. I. Install the Motorola Drivers 1. Download the drivers for your computer and unzip them. Then double click the program inside to install the drivers. Motorola Drivers (for 32 bit Computers) OR Motorola Drivers (for 64 bit Computers) 2. […]

How To: Root the HTC Wildfire (Unrevoked Method)

I. Before You Begin 1. This is the easiest method available to root. 2. This method will also flash a custom recovery image so you can start flashing ROMs immediately. 3. On your computer, go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > and Uninstall HTC Sync if it is

How To: Root the HTC Desire (Unrevoked Method) (Updated 1.18.11)

I. Before You Begin 1. This is the easiest method available to root. 2. This method will also flash a custom recovery image so you can start flashing ROMs immediately. 3. On your computer, go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > and Uninstall HTC Sync if it is

How To Bypass the Activation Screen on Your Android Device

Don’t feel like activating your phone right now? Just want to get straight to the home screen? Whatever your reason may be, theres a few little tricks to get past the activation screens of some Android devices. Here is a list of the devices and their corresponding procedures to skip

How To: Bypass the Activation Screen on the Motorola Droid X

I. Bypass the Activation Screen on a Droid Phone – 1. On the Welcome screen with the touch the android to begin icon, do the following: 2. Tap the top left corner of the screen then 3. Tap the top right corner of the screen then 4. Tap the bottom

How To: Bypass the Activation Screen on the Motorola Droid 2

I. Bypass the Activation Screen on a Droid Phone – 1. On the Welcome screen with the touch the android to begin icon, do the following: 2. Tap the top left corner of the screen then 3. Tap the top right corner of the screen then 4. Tap the bottom

How To: Bypass the Activation Screen on the Motorola Droid

I. Bypass the Activation Screen on a Droid Phone – 1. On the Welcome screen with the touch the android to begin icon, do the following: 2. Tap the top left corner of the screen then 3. Tap the top right corner of the screen then 4. Tap the bottom

How To: Bypass the Activation Screen on the HTC Droid Eris

I. Bypass the Activation Screen on a Droid Phone – 1. On the Welcome screen with the touch the android to begin icon, do the following: 2. Tap the top left corner of the screen then 3. Tap the top right corner of the screen then 4. Tap the bottom

Unlocking 101: Difference Between CDMA and GSM

Information on GSM vs CDMA Unlocking: Your average user doesn’t know that there are two major different technologies used for cell phones in the world; CDMA and GSM. While the majority of the world uses GSM, there are a few CDMA carriers scattered around the world. Here in the US

How To: Unroot the Motorola CLIQ XT / Quench

  I. Bring the Phone Back to Factory Spec 1. Download RSD Lite, and the Firmware File for your specific model and save them to your computer: RSD Lite T-Mobile USA Original Firmware TIM Brazil Original Firmware Generic Chinese Original Firmware 2. Install RSD Lite on your computer. 3. Extract

How To: Load a Custom ROM on the Motorola Backflip

I. Before You Begin 1. You must have done our How To Root procedure. II. Flash a Custom Recovery Image 1. Download the custom recovery image .zip file and extract it to the tools folder of your AndroidSDK on your computer. Backflip Recovery (Updated 9.18.10) 2. Plug the phone in

How To: Root the Motorola Backflip

I. Install the Motorola Drivers 1. Download the drivers for your computer and unzip them. Then double click the program inside to install the drivers. Motorola Drivers 2. On your phone, go to Menu > Settings > Applications > Development > and make sure USB Debugging is checked ON. II.

New iPhone / iPod Jailbreak Exploit Found, Could Mean Trouble for Apple

So up until now, jailbreaking your iPhone was a fun horrible game of cat and mouse between Apple and the developers hell-bent on keeping the iPhone free of restrictions. The iPhone Dev Team, Chronix Dev Team, or any of the other numerous developers working on Apple jailbreaks, would find a