
HTC Sense 3.0 for Android Review / Walkthrough

Good old HTC, I swear, if they didn’t manufacture phones, they sure could start a software company. They love to add their own custom software to their devices and because of Android’s openness, their Android devices are pretty customized indeed. This latest iteration of their custom user interface for Android, […]

HTC Hub for Windows Phone 7 Review / Walkthrough

HTC, in their constant need to differentiate their devices from others via custom software, probably weren’t terribly excited when Microsoft said that Windows Phone was not going to be able to be customized. I mean, from their perspective, what incentive is there for your average consumer to buy a Windows

Windows Phone 7 Review / Walkthrough

So thinking about getting a Windows Phone 7 device? Before you do, you want to know what it’s all about? Well, in this wireless 101, we’re going to go over Windows Phone 7 as an operating system and list out some of the things it does super well, and some