How to Add Color to iOS 7 (Video)

iOS 7 isn’t the most colorful UI on the market. In fact, it’s main “color” could be described as “see-through”. If that’s not quite your cup of tea, perhaps you’d like to splash a bit of other hues onto the UI to really make it your own? A tweak called Fancy describes itself as the “easiest way to add color to iOS” and, frankly, I’m entitled to agree. It’s slick UI (and remember this is a jailbreak tweak not some fancy app by a huge company) and ease of use make it a great way to throw color on all sorts of areas of iOS. Here’s how to install it and set it up.

I. Jailbreak your iPhone/iPad

To do this procedure you must be jailbroken. If you aren’t, you can head to our Jailbreak How To’s section and pick the jailbreak for your version of iOS (currently at the time of writing this is 7.0.6). Once done with that procedure and you have Cydia installed, head back here to continue.

II. Install Fancy

1. Open Cydia.

2. Tap Search in the bottom right corner.

3. Type in Fancy.

4. Tap on Fancy when it shows up.

5. Tap Install in the top right corner.

6. Tap Confirm.

7. Tap Restart.

III. Setup Fancy

1. Go to Settings.

2. Tap on Fancy.

3. Change the Global color settings to change the accent color through out the entire UI (you can then override individual sections of the UI in the next section of settings):

  • Global Tint Color – Choose whatever color you want using the RGB sliders and choose the transparency (alpha) using the A slider.
  • Global Options – Select whether you want to tint the keyboard or navigation bar or darken the keyboard.

4. You can then override the global settings you set by choosing any of the sections mentioned under Override Settings to color those particular sections of the UI.


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