How to Use the Accelerometer & Proximity Sensors to Control Sleep Mode iOS 7 (Video)

We have to admit that the Moto X has some cool sensor-enabled features. It can put itself to sleep when laid down, wake itself back up, detect when in a pocket, etc. Thanks to a jailbreak tweak called FaceOff, you don’t have to let the sting of jealous stab you in the leg. The developer has found a way to utilize the iPhone’s proximity sensor and accelerometer to determine different states the device might be in and then adjust sleep based on those (just like that Moto X). And, surprisingly, it works, pretty well. Here’s how to install it and set it up.

I. Jailbreak your iPhone/iPad

To do this procedure you must be jailbroken. If you aren’t, you can head to our Jailbreak How To’s section and pick the jailbreak for your version of iOS (currently at the time of writing this is 7.0.6). Once done with that procedure and you have Cydia installed, head back here to continue.

II. Install FaceOff 7

1. Open Cydia.

2. Tap Search in the bottom right corner.

3. Type in FaceOff 7.

4. Tap on FaceOff 7 when it shows up.

5. Tap Install in the top right corner.

6. Tap Confirm.

7. Tap Restart.

III. Setup FaceOff 7

1. Go to Settings.

2. Tap on FaceOff 7.

3. Choose whether you want to disable system sleep or only disable it when the device was locked via proximity sensor (you must select one for it to work properly).

4. Select the different options you want to enable.


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