Apple’s Anti-Sexting Software

Apple is continuing its war on sexy content on the iPhone. Apple just granted a patent that prevents people from sending and receiving sexually explicit text messages as known as “sexting.”

The patent filled by Apple states “Systems, devices, and methods are provided for enabling a user to control the content of text-based messages sent to or received from an administered device. In some embodiments, a message will be blocked (incoming or outgoing) if the message includes forbidden content. In other embodiments, the objectionable content is removed from the message prior to transmission or as part of the receiving process. The content of such a message is controlled by filtering the message based on defined criteria. The criteria may be defined according to a parental control application. These techniques also may be used, in accordance with instructional embodiments, to require the administered devices to include certain text in messages. These embodiments might, for example, require that a certain number of Spanish words per day be included in e-mails for a child learning Spanish.”

This means Along with parents and users being able to block sexual content, both lewd language and swear words can be blocked. Also a parent can force their kids to learn a different language by, requiring “that a certain number of Spanish words per day be included in e-mails for a child learning Spanish.”

The thing to keep in mind if you’re a parent is there is ways around this block. For example all a kid has to do is use different and new/made up words, use some app, hack in the phone, call the person, and maybe 79 other ways around this block. And if a parent is really that worry about their kid doing something bad a solution is just get the kid a basic phone without text ability and/or picture messaging ability.

If you are having problems with your kid sexting these sites might help you.


8 thoughts on “Apple’s Anti-Sexting Software”

  1. bunch but there mostly prepaid phones. you can ask your carrier if they have any. depending on your carrier you could even get the text feature off your plan and depending on which one you have it will block both incoming and out going text.
    to let you know if your kid wants to do it that bad then they will find a way like borrowing someone else phone. i think the best way to solve any problem like sexting is by talking to them and letting them know the bad and give the kid a few real life examples of what happen to someone who did that bad thing.

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