How To’s

How To Fuel Your Phone Addiction Without Breaking the Bank

So you love phones, you love tech, you wish the picture above was you (probably with much better handsets, but the same idea applies), but there is a slight issue; your gadget fund is pretty low these days. If you are like me, your gadget fund wasn’t looking good before […]

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Teaser Video

So Sony looks like they might actually be launching this thing soon and judging by the video, they want to steal some attention from the Droid 🙂 Take a look: Excited yet? 🙂 Want to get wholesale price on this phone when it comes out? Look for it in the

ITG xpPhone Custom UI Revealed

So remember the “phone” we announced that runs the full version of Windows XP? Well the ITG xpPhone now has a video up of it’s new custom UI that allows better finger oriented controls over the mouse oriented XP OS. Take a look at a sample pic, look for more

Want to Play with Android 2.0 on Your G1/MyTouch

So I’m going to warn you right now. This is a very slow ROM, but if you want to just check out 2.0 real quick and then jump back to your original ROM, then go for it. Figured there were plenty who would want to play 🙂 Remember this is

Motorola Droid User Manual Leaked

So our friends over at got their hands on the User Manual for the Motorola Droid.  Figured some people here might be interested in taking a peek 🙂 Download it from here as a PDF. Source

The Google Effect

Here guys, just thought this was a great read from Gizmodo about how scary powerful Google is. Here it is quoted from “Today, as soon as Google showed off its beta GPS navigator, the stocks of Garmin, TomTom and other companies in that industry fell into the toilet. It’s hard to

HTC Hero Skipping Android 1.6 Going Straight to 2.0

A reader of ours sent us what HTC sent him regarding the 1.6 Donut update for the HTC Hero. It goes as follows: “Dear HTC customer, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your

Verizon’s Motorola Droid and Eris Release Dates Announced

So it is just a rumor but the sources seem pretty confident. The rumor is that Verizon is going to be releasing their first two droid handsets on November 6th; the Motorola Droid and the Droid Eris. The Motorola Droid is Motorola’s section Android device and is a nice option

Sony Xperia X3 Release Date November 3rd

So Sony Officially announced that it will be formally announcing the highly anticipated Xperia X3 (X10?) on November 3rd! Check out the new event page that popped up… Apparently when the site was first posted, you could view the source of the page and notice the mention of the

T-Mobile Project Dark Revealed, Plans Broken Down

So after all the speculations and rumors, T-Mobile finally officially reveals their plans for Project Dark. So T-Mobile breaks down the Project Dark Even More Plans into the following: You choose annual contract or no contract If you do no contract, you get to do an interest free payment plan

Motorla Droid Website Up, Full of Specs

So Verizon has launched the Motorola Droid’s promo site a little early. Here are the specs listed: 3.7″ 480×854 resolution touchscreen 5.0MP camera with dual flash 550mhz processor Bluetooth, Wifi, and 16GB microsd included EDIT: Click Here for the PDF brochure on the Motorola Sholes “Droid”, THANKS CHUCK! Here are the

HTC Hero Kernel Goes Live, and What That Means to the Rest of Us

So HTC announced via a Tweet today that they have posted up the Hero Kernel for download on their site, Now while this is really for the Devs out there, here is what it could mean to the rest of us once the Devs start to play 🙂 The

First Multicore Processor For Mobile Devices

ARM has just launched their new multicore processors for mobile devices. These processors will offer much better processing for any small devices, use less than half of the power (which means increased battery life), and still be about the same size as previous ARM processors. Faster processing, better battery life,

Nokia N900 Not Coming Until November… Not Surprised

Ok, this isn’t a huge surprise to me (a let down, but not a surprise). The new Nokia N900, which was originally scheduled to release in October, will now start shipping sometime in November. I kind of guessed at this when I saw the dates for the Nokia N900 Meetups

Sony Xperia X3, Called X10? Release Date?

Some new rumor is that the highly anticipated Sony Ericsson Xperia X3, aka the Rachael, might actually be called the X10 instead of X3 (maybe to keep Windows Mobile devices as X1 – X9, and Android X10 – X19?). There is also a release date rumored as well. They claim