
Switch to Instagram Creator Profile

Instagram Creator Profile vs. Business Profile

I logged in to my Instagram profile today on a new phone (we can’t talk about the phone just yet, but videos coming soon 🙂 ) and was greeted by a small popup asking me if I wanted to switch to the new “Creator Profile”? Now, like most “creators,” I […]

Read Receipts

How to Turn off Read Receipts on All Your Social Networks

There’s one feature on a lot of messaging apps that’s one main feature is to basically get you in trouble: read receipts. While it’s great to be able to know if the person you’re talking to has read your messages, it’s never a benefit to you for others to know

Tap Save

How to Download Other People’s Instagram Stories (iOS/Android)

So I’m not sure I can think of a why you’d want to download someone else’s story necessarily. Maybe you’re a big fan of someone and want a keepsake? I don’t know. But I did think it was super interesting that you even could save someone’s story so figured I’d

Zuck Goes Live

How to Disable Live Notifications

OK, so the live craze is great and all. I love the idea of using live video on social to show something that might be important to show in the moment: news, an event, an announcement, hell, even a live show you might do. Sure! What I don’t want to

Archived Photos

How to Hide Instagram Posts

If you were thinking about Spring cleaning your Instagram and getting your feed looking more cohesive (or maybe there’s some questionable photos you don’t want to delete but maybe shouldn’t have let be public) Instagram just launched a new feature to make that a lot easier to do called Archive.

Giphy on S8

How to Share Gifs to Instagram

The internet is obsessed with gifs. Cat gifs, gifs from TV shows, movies, celebrities making odd faces and more that people now use to post as small animations on the web to further get across the more specific emotion they are feeling (nothing says good job like that Drake gif

Snapchat vs Instagram

The Truth Behind Instagram Stories vs Snapchat

So there’s been a lot of talk this last week about how Instagram Stories has just passed Snapchat for daily users. Part of what’s fueling the headlines is, of course, the fact that Stories are a pretty blatant rip of Snapchat’s core features. And when I say blatant rip, I

Instagram Slideshow Update

Instagram Added A New Slideshow Feature, Here’s Why

You might have noticed a new option in your Instagram uploading options recently. There’s a new button that says “Select Multiple”. Essentially, this now allows you to add up to 10 photos or videos in one post. They’ll all share one caption, set of comments, but users can swipe through

Instagram Announces Their Long-Awaited, New Explore Page

Instagram has finally achieved what they’ve set out to do. With their revamped search and explore features, users are able to view images of events in action and more easily browse through hashtags and geotags. Cofounder and CEO, Kevin Systrom told Wired that, “This is our North Star–what we’ve been shooting for