How to Use Gesture Controls on the Droid Turbo

One of the coolest features of the Droid Turbo is it’s gesture controls. For certain functions, you no longer need to bear the massive exertion of pushing a button, and can now use a handful of easy gestures to command your phone. This is especially exciting for any Harry Potter wannabes out there. Yes, you can now be a real life tech wizard, finally fulfilling the dreams of your eleven year old self who never got that Hogwarts admission letter. You can wave your hand to silence calls and alarms, twist the phone to easily open the camera app, or simply reach for your phone to trigger Moto Display. The gestures are simple, and thanks to the Droid Turbo’s walk-thrus, fairly easy to master. So, go ahead, practice your real-life wingardium leviosa with the help of our steps below.

1. Tap Moto.


2. Tap the wheel icon in the upper right corner.


3. Tap “Actions.”


4. Tap one of the three choices for a quick tutorial of that gesture (for example, “Wave to silence”).


5. After watching the tutorial, tap “Try It” to practice it yourself.


6. Perform the gesture.


7. If you do it incorrectly, your phone will prompt you to try again, with some extra tips.


8. Once you’ve done it successfully, tap “Done.”


9. Tap the small box so that it has a blue check mark, this will enable that specific gesture control.


Be sure to go through each of the three different gesture tutorials. Once you’ve done that, you’re all set. Pretty cool, right? I mean, Motorola is clearly attempting to make all buttons on our technology obsolete, thus furthering the agenda of the robot revolution that will one day surely destroy us all. But, until then- Hooray for new gesture controls!

For more Droid Turbo tips and tricks head to our Motorola Droid Turbo How To’s section.

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