Lauren Doucette

Lauren is a New York based actor/singer/writer. She is a graduate of the American Repertory Theater/Moscow Art Theater School Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University as well as the College of the Holy Cross. She's a fan of beer, pasta, and academic establishments with unnecessarily long titles. Find her on stage, or online-- she's there often.

How to Easily Watch Netflix with Your Friends Remotely

Watching Netflix with friends is always a good time. But what if your best bud, or boyfriend, or girlfriend, or sibling, or grandma, or whoever, is all the way across the country, or even the world? How are you supposed to binge watch “Orange is the New Black” together, while […]

7 Best Photo Filter Apps for iPhone

Check out the app store and you’ll see a seemingly endless array of photo editing apps at your disposal; but which are worth your time? We’ll help you wade through the seas of same-‘ol-same-‘ol and find you a few of the best photo apps for iPhone currently on the market. Whether

7 Best Travel Apps

Whether you’re traveling to faraway lands, or taking a quick jaunt to a nearby locale, there are plenty of great apps to make your trip easier. From planning to packing to finding the best place to get sushi, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best travel apps available. So, next

7 Best To-Do List Apps for iPhone

Optimal organization is a goal so many of us aspire to, and so few of us achieve. So why not grab an app that can help you get, and stay, organized? Check out this list of the best to do list app for your personal needs. Whether making lists is

Everything You Need to Know About Google’s OnHub

Recently, Google announced it’s most recent tech innovation –Google OnHub. But this time the newest must-have device isn’t a new phone, or app, or other such spotlight-hogging device. Nope, it’s a router. The backstage run-crew of your technology dependent life. And you know what? It’s about time. With all the

App Review: Hotel My Phone

It’s happened to all of us at least once, and probably much more frequently than that –your phone is suddenly on its last shred of battery, or you forgot the darn thing at home. In a world where maintaining a constant connection to the outside world in your pocket is

Comparison Between Cortana, Siri, & Google Now

Siri first introduced us to the world of technological personal assistants, and all of our collective minds were blown. Hell yeah, I wanna talk to my phone! However, Google soon gave Apple a run for its money by introducing Google Now. And now, with the introduction of Windows 10, Cortana

7 Best Android Twitter Apps

Okay, so let’s just get this out of the way –the official twitter app is kind of a huge bummer. Yes, there have been many improvements to the app over the years, making it less buggy and bloated, but overall, it’s certainly not the easiest app to use. It’s certainly

Bitdefender 2016 New Features

Those of you out there who have used a computer before (not many, I know…) have probably been concerned about internet and information security once or twice. There are lots of services out there to help you, from antivirus and identity protection, to secure file backups. But it can be

App Review: Karen, an All-Too-Personal Life Coach

These days, we use our phones for just about everything. Games, communication, calendars, scheduling, stalking exes on Facebook and tweeting clever rants on Twitter –there’s little we don’t rely on our mobile devices to help us do. And if you’re having some personal issues and need to work through your problems,

How to Get a Swype Keyboard on Your iPhone (& Why You Want One)

So, Apple has finally let go of the reins a bit when it comes to design and engineering, and decided to let us lowly folk change up our keyboards. That’s right, iOS fanboys, you’re no longer stuck with the one keyboard that comes with the phone! You can download any

How to Use Parental Controls for iPad

These days, kids are using tech devices almost as much as their parents. But of course, handing over your iPad to a small child can often prove perilous. Thus, Apple has wisely supplied you with some iPad parental controls to help make it easier on both you and the tiny human(s)

How to Use Find My iPhone

So, your iPhone has been lost or stolen. It’s a horrible thought, I know, but at least Apple has a few options to help you try to recover your lost device and/or keep the information on your phone from getting into the wrong hands –with the Find My iPhone app.