T-Mobile Makes It Official, HTC HD2 Coming (with Exclusivity)

T-Mobile finally announced what most have guessed (and hoped); the HTC HD2 is coming to T-Mobile USA. In case you forgot, here are the specs:

1ghz Snapdragon Processor

Windows Mobile 6.5

4.3 Inch Capacitive screen

HTC Sense

448Mbs of RAM

GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth

Not too shabby, eh? So chugging along with their 3G upgrades, nice new phones running on their network (N900, HD2, Nexus One), and lower plans? Bravo, T-Mobile…

Thanks Ed!

17 thoughts on “T-Mobile Makes It Official, HTC HD2 Coming (with Exclusivity)”

  1. I got a question for you guys, I myself have played with one and I say it is a beast!, but how do you think it will hold up to companies like iphone and android that has an app market that is growing continually everyday vs windows marketplace that only have a few hundred?

    1. Surviven6802,

      I think there are still hardcore Windows Mobile users that love Windows Mobile (these are usually the same people that would never get an iPhone even if it were the last phone on Earth). This phone is for them (and that market) mainly. I do believe that with this kind of hardware (which is what Windows Mobile should of had a long time ago, since it needs more hardware to run properly being such a resource hog), the phone will run a lot smoother and with all the fun graphics etc they might be crossing into Android/iPhone territory, but not by much I fear. I also think that if it weren’t for HTC and their software/UI they add to their Windows Mobile phones, Windows Mobile would be suffering much worse. Windows Mobile 7 is going to be really important for the future of Windows Mobile, in either direction depending on what it brings.
      But I digress lol
      As far as the market is concerned, with this phone being picked up by a major carrier and a few more 6.5 devices coming down the pipe, the WM Market will grow slowly, but unless Microsoft does some serious dev challenges and puts some serious cash in the form of grants up for developers, it’s not going to hit the size of Apple’s or even Android’s Markets. The only question you need to ask yourself is, “Do I need access to millions of apps that I may use once or twice? Or can I live with the few hundred to get enough functionality out of my phone?”

  2. …yeah, this is what the new push is for. Rumor said that the T-Mo Europe investors weren’t happy with T-Mo USA performance so these measures were taken to get things rolling.

    I like it so far. Pretty bright future for T-Mo.

  3. Last I was at T-Mobile, we had a meeting regarding saving money/giving back to T-Mo Europe (Germany). I guess too much was spent on the spoiled customers. The customers used to get what they want if they had a problem. ie: “My text message didn’t go through! Buy me a car T-Mobile!!” “Ok, sir, which one would you like?” (yeah, the customers were pretty outrageous.)

  4. No you cant. This is a B-E-A-utiful phone though. Shuns out even the nexus the display is absolutely gorgeous. Stunning to say the least, but under it all you get ugly fugly Win-mo 6.5 🙁 Wish we could get fastboot root like nexus and completely replace the OS like the N1 can.

    Everyone keep he hype up for the beast htc is keeping locked up…

    The HTC DRAGON, with Htc Sense :O

  5. Hello,
    I used T-Mobile once about 7 years ago, but i remember their receptio is not quite good at all at that time.

    How’s T-Mo reception in east coast area?

  6. UnlockR… this is the one winmo phone i will get after ditching my xperia x1. hope you get it because the chefs are hard at work over at xda trying to port android onto it. so only a matter of time.

    get this phone unlockr so you can make the vids on how to custom rom it! i watched all your android mytouch vids and they made my android experience much better than the stock could give me.

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