Alibaba Launches First Aliyun OS In China, Hopes To Rival Android And iOS

Move over Android and iOS there’s a new player in town. Well, not yet exactly as a new operating system was launched today with high hopes. Creator Alibaba introduced its first device running on their own unique platform,the Tianyu K-Touch Cloud W700. What’s unique about this device is that it will be enabled by AliyunAlibaba’s cloud based platform.

The device is said to have a combo cloud and web based focus that will feature elements like e-mail and search but will also support web-based apps. The device will also automatically back up call, photo, and text data in the cloud. Linux is speculated to be the power running underneath the OS.

While the majority of the W700’s specs remain unknown it will have 3G, a rear camera, and GPS. China will receive the W700 device before the end of July and will offer it to consumers for approximately $416 without a contract.

Alibaba is primarily known for hosting smaller online shops and has worked hard to distinguish themselves from the competition. However, their Aliyun OS in various ways resembles the Android platform where the software is created independently of the hardware and the focus is to steer users to a revenue producing service. Devices like the K-Touch Cloud W700 look to place a stake in the smartphone market by rivaling Android and the iOS platform. In this case, time and user experience will be the true litmus test.


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