Google Maps For Android Quietly Launches Check-In Point System and Leaderboard
As we reported earlier, Google Maps received an update promising to improve battery life while using Latitude, but that’s not all the application received. Google quietly added in a new social feature with the latest update and left out their usual official fanfare. Anyone who uses the location and check-in service within Maps will now be awarded points after completing a check-in. Additionally, users can now tap to view a full leaderboard that displays an all-time list, current week, and even offers last week’s history. Not surprising to see that the new social aspect of Google Maps extracts from your Google+ Circles. This encourages users to compete with their friends and other people in their Google+ network.
Despite the feature being recently released, Google has yet to make a big deal out of it by only publishing a small sentence on it, which can be found in their Maps support section. However, knowing Google’s press style, we’re expecting to see more details on the feature become official in the near future.
Anyone out there actually using the Latitude feature in Google Maps?