Microsoft Announces New ‘Windows Store’ at Best Buy, Inside 600 Retail Locations

Microsoft announced today that it will open speciality Windows Stores within Best Buy retail locations this year. The collaboration will oversee  stores go up in 500 Best Buy locations here in the US and 100 Best Buy and Future Shop retail stores in Canada. Consumers and Windows fans alike will be able to get their hands on Windows-based tablets, Windows Phones, Office, and Xbox devices in a similar fashion to how Apple and Samsung stores offer their dedicated products.

Opening up a store within a store requires a knowledgeable staff and Microsoft plans to assist Best Buy in training over 1,200 sales employees to guarantee that they are fluent in the Windows language. We all know that there is nothing worse than getting stuck with the Best Buy employee who knows little to none about a device.

The new retail partnership with Best Buy aims at significantly expanding Microsoft’s presence in more major cities across the US. You can check out the concept video below for a sneak peek of what’s in store.


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