How to Snap, Save, and Share Screenshots with the Droid Turbo

It’s always helpful to be able to take a screenshot with your phone. Need to share directions with a friend? Snag a screenshot of your map and send it to them. Want to show your bff that totally crazy convo you just had with your ex? Snag a screenshot and sent it. I’ll even be utilizing them in this article to show not only how to take screenshots with the Droid Turbo, but also how they are stored and shared. Now, I can hear what some of you are thinking- “taking screenshots is old news. Yawn!” Well, just hold your horses, tech wizards, because upon first glance at the Droid Turbo it’s not exactly obvious how to do so. So, in case you’re stumped, check out the steps below and we’ll help you out.

How to Take a Screenshot

1. Press the power button and the lower volume button at the same time.

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2. Hold until you hear a camera shutter noise and see a flash of the screen shot.

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Simple, right? Well now that you’ve got them, let’s go find them on your phone.

How to Find your Screenshots

A great feature of the Droid Turbo is that is has a separate screenshot folder. Any screenshots you take will be automatically placed in that folder, so that they don’t get mixed in with all your other photos. It’s a very helpful feature. Check out the easy steps below to help you find the folder.

1. Open gallery.


2. All your albums will come up. Tap the one labeled “Screenshots.”

Screenshot_2014-11-23-16-45-16[1]How to Share your Screenshots

And of course, what good are screenshots if you can’t share them. The Droid Turbo allows you to share all your screenshots (or any photos, in fact) across many different platforms. Check out the steps below to find out how.

1. Tap the three small squares in the upper right corner.


2. Tap “Select Item.”


3. Tap on the picture(s) you want to send.


4. Tap the symbol of the three connected dots to drop down a list of options to send your pictures.


Though I find the screenshot storage and sharing capabilities of the Droid Turbo to be simple and convenient, taking the actual pictures proves to be a bit cumbersome. The first few times I tried it, I just kept lowering the volume by accident. How about you, fellow techies? Anybody have a trick for getting the screenshot easily every time?

For more Droid Turbo tips and tricks head to our Android How To’s section.

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