How to Change the Window’s Border Color in Windows 8

Blue is the color of Windows and it’s has always been that for years. However, it’s not necessary that you like that color and maybe you want to change it. Well, you can do so and apply any other color as the border color of windows on your PC. Here’s how you can do that:

I. Changing the Window’s Border Color in Windows 8:

1. Right-click on any blank area on your Desktop and select Personalize.

Personalize Desktop
Right-click on your Desktop and select Personalize

2. Click on the Color option.

Click on Color

3. Choose any color that you want to set as the border color.

Choose Border Color
Choose any color to set as Border Color

4. Once you’re done with selecting a color, hit Save changes.

5. And you’re done!

Cool! You’ll now see that the color of window border has been changed to your chosen one, enjoy!

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