How to Make iOS 7 Easier on the Eyes (Video)
After hearing a middle-aged woman complaining about how she hated iOS 7 and wishes she never upgraded because she simply can’t see anything on the screen anymore, I decided to intervene (whether she wanted my help or not, of course). After changing the following settings on her iPhone, she literally screamed for joy. Now, even if your reaction isn’t as profound as hers, I’m hoping it might still help you a bit (and if your reaction is as large as hers, don’t worry, no one will judge). Here’s how to make iOS 7 easier to read, navigate, and just plain make it easier on your eyes.
I. Adjust the Accessibility Settings in iOS 7
- Click on Settings.
- Click on General.
- Click on Accessibility and change the following options for each corresponding setting:
II. Make the Font Larger
- Tap Larger Type.
- Tap Larger Dynamic Type ON.
- Move the slider below to the desired size for the font. This should make font across all apps that support this feature this new size.
III. Make All Text Bold
- Tap Bold Text ON. This will make all text in the system bold and stand out better against the backgrounds. This will restart your iPhone, by the way.
IV. Increase the Contrast
- Tap Increase Contrast.
- Tap Increase Contrast ON. This will increase the contrast of content against certain backgrounds, again, making it easier to read.
V. Turn Off the Parallax Effect.
- You can watch our How To Turn off the Parallax Effect if you also want to turn off the effect that makes the background move slightly slower than the foreground (what you witness when you move the phone while on the homescreen and see the background moving behind the icons).
That’s it, the device should be much easier to read from. For more iOS basics, head to our iOS How To’s section.
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