How to Unroot the Samsung Galaxy Precedent
If you had rooted your Samsung Galaxy Precedent smartphone just to install the custom ROMs, you might be a bit disappointed as there aren’t many custom ROMs available for the device. Keeping the device rooted without any intention makes no sense, therefore, you should unroot your device, as this should at least help you reclaim the warranty of your device. To unroot your Samsung Galaxy Precedent smartphone, follow the guide below.
I. Before You Begin:
1. You should have rooted your device using the procedure given here.
II. Downloading Required Files:
1. ES File Explorer (Google Play Link)
III. Unrooting the Samsung Galaxy Precedent:
1. Download and install the ES File Explorer App on your device.
2. Once it’s installed, launch it from the App Drawer.
3. In the app, go to Settings>>Root settings.
4. Enable the following options:
Root Explorer
Up to Root
Mount File System
5. Get back to main screen of the app.
6. Navigate to /system/bin/ directory using the app and find the file named su and delete it.
a) On some devices, you’ll need to delete the su file from /system/xbin/ directory. Check this directory out on your device and if you find such file, delete it.
7. Next, head to /system/app/ directory and delete the file named Superuser.apk.
8. Close the app on your device.
9. Reboot the device.
10. And you’re unrooted now!
Brilliant! The SU binaries, as well as the Superuser app, have been deleted from your device placing it in the warranty period once again!
If this procedure helped you please thank/donate to the original developers here and here.
If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the forum.
This is part of our Android How To’s. We have how to’s on rooting, loading ROMs, and tons of other tips and tricks for your specific device or for Android devices in general! For all of our Android How To’s, head here.
Whenever I try to delete su from either xbin or bin it says that the file cannot be deleted.