How to Root the Samsung Replenish

Samsung Replenish is one of those smartphones which have been in dust because of no custom developments, such as a root method and a custom recovery. Well, the time has come now to shake the dust off of your device as a root method has just surfaced Internet, allowing users get root-only apps up and running on their devices. And this guide shows exactly how you can root your Samsung Replenish smartphone. Here you go:

I. Before You Begin:

1. This will void the warranty of your device. However, unrooting will help you reinstate the warranty of your device, provided the unrooting procedure is available.

2. The following procedure works on Windows based PCs only.

II. Downloading Required Files:

1. Odin (Download link’s given in the first post, in step-1)

2. SU (Download link’s given in the first post, in step-1)

III. Rooting the Samsung Replenish:

1. Place both the files you downloaded to your Desktop.

2. Unzip files from the Odin archive to your Desktop.

3. Double-click on Odin executable file and it’ll launch.

4. Click on OPS and select .ops file you extracted to your Desktop.

5. Next click on One Package and select .tar file you have on your Desktop.

6. Turn OFF your device.

7. Reboot the device into Download mode by pressing and holding the Spacebar+P+Power buttons together.

8. Connect your device to your PC via USB cable.

9. Hit Start button and the flashing will begin.

10. When your device reboots, just hold down the U button and you will be taken to Recovery mode.

11. Now launch a Command Prompt Window on your Desktop. You can do that by holding down the Shift button and right-clicking on any empty area on the screen, then choose Open command window here.

12. Type in following commands into the Command Prompt Window you just opened:

adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t rfs /dev/block/stl12 /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell
chmod 777 /system/bin/su

13. Once you’re done with it, issue the following command to see check if your device’s rooted:

adb shell

14. If you see the # sign, that means you’re rooted.

15. Now head over to Google Play and download Superuser as well as BusyBox apps.

16. You’re all done!

Awesome! Your Samsung Replenish has really been replenished with some energy and is now able to run root-only apps to fulfill your needs!

If this procedure helped you please thank/donate to the original developers here.

If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the forum.

This is part of our Android How To’s. We have how to’s on rooting, loading ROMs, and tons of other tips and tricks for your specific device or for Android devices in general! For all of our Android How To’s, head here.

4 thoughts on “How to Root the Samsung Replenish”

  1. I’m doing every thing like it says & every step goes good. But when I reach the last Step “Type adb shell, $ pops up, I type su, & it says Permission denied. Can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Like I said I followed it step by step. If you could help or have an idea what I can try that would be appreciated.

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