How to Root the LG DoublePlay
LG DoublePlay is an Android device running Android 2.3 Gingerbread as its operating system. It’s an ideal choice for mid-range smartphone users who don’t expect much from a smartphone but want at least some useful features that they can use in their day-to-day life. The root-access has been achieved on this device, thanks to ShortFuse for his SuperOneClick tool. Rooting your device will open up doors for root-only apps and all those awesome things you haven’t been able to get on your device because of no root-access. So, if you’re interested in rooting your device, following guide should help you.
I. Before You Begin:
1. You’re gonna void the warranty of your device by rooting it. However, you can reinstate the warranty by unrooting your device if there’s an unrooting procedure available.
2. You must have LG DoublePlay drivers installed on your PC.
II. Downloading Required Files:
1. SuperOneClick (Download the 2.3.3 version of the app)
III. Rooting the LG DoublePlay:
1. Download and place the SuperOneClick archive onto your Desktop.
2. Unzip files from the archive over to your Desktop.
3. Enable the USB debugging option on your device by going to Menu>>Settings>>Applications>>Development>>USB debugging.
4. Connect your device to your PC via USB cable.
5. Double-click on the SuperOneClick executable file and it’ll launch.
6. Click Root button in the app and it should begin rooting your device.
7. Your device will be rooted within a few seconds.
8. You’re done!
Great! Your DoublePlay has been rooted and is ready to be loaded with your favorite root-only apps!
If this procedure helped you please thank/donate to the original developers here and here.
If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the forum.
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