How to Enable Multi Window Feature on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

The Multi Window Feature has been attracting the users and it was first debut with the Galaxy Note 2 and since then, it became available on some of other Android devices as well. The Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 has just joined this group and now has the Multi Window Feature just like the Note 2 smartphone. Having the feature on the device doesn’t mean each app is compatible with it, some incompatible apps have to be modified to work with the said feature and in the following guide, we’re gonna show you exactly how you can make apps compatible with the Multi Window Feature on the Galaxy Note 10.1. Let’s get started:

I. Before You Begin:

1. You must have rooted your device before doing this procedure. Please head to our How to Root the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 procedure first, finish it, then return to this procedure and continue.

II. Downloading Required Files:

1. ES File Explorer (Google Play Link)

III. Enabling Multi Window Feature For Apps on the Galaxy Note 10.1:

1. Download and install the ES File Explorer app on the device using the link provided above.

2. Once installed, launch it from the App Drawer.

3. In the app, go to Menu>>Settings>>Root settings and tick-mark all the options.

4. Now, navigate to /system/csc/ folder and you should see a file named feature.xml.

5. Long tap on the file and a menu will appear, select Open as followed by Text.

6. The default file should look like following:


7. Delete all the package names in the file and it should look like following:


8. Now, add the package names of the apps you want to make compatible with Multi Window Feature. You can see this page to get help on finding the package names. Once a package is added, the file would look like following:


9. If you want to add more than one packages, just separate them with a comma.


10. Save the file.

11. And you’re done!

Great! You’ve successfully enabled Multi Window Feature for the apps on your Galaxy Note 10.1 device. Do let us know how it goes for you!

If this procedure helped you please thank/donate to the original developers here and here.

If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the forum.

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