How To Factory Reset the Blackberry Playbook
Blackberry Playbook having issues? Or just feel like starting from scratch? Well, here’s a quick how to on what to do in just such a case. Today, we’re going to show you how to factory reset your Blackberry Playbook and get it back to how it was out of the box.
I. Before You Begin.
1. This will erase EVERYTHING on the Playbook. All of the apps, your data, etc. so please backup anything you want to keep before continuing.
II. Factory Reset the Blackberry Playbook
1. Go to Settings by clicking on the cog at the top right of the device.
2. Then scroll to Security.
3. Now, select factory wipe and type in blackberry to confirm.
4. Your device will reboot and be back to how it was when you first took it out of the box.
This is part of our Blackberry 101 section. Head to the entire collection of Blackberry 101 posts here.
I’ve done that and when it reboots it only appear the navigator tool and says that i have the actual version of OS