How to Get Google Play on the Trio Stealth Pro 9.7

Google Play is the official apps store where you can download apps and games for your Android Devices. It comes preloaded on all the Android devices, however, there’re exceptions like the Stealth Pro 9.7 tablet. This tablet doesn’t come with Google Play installed and therefore you can’t get the apps available inside the store and nothing could be disappointing than this. However, an XDA Developer has come to rescue the users of said device and he’s created a workaround that installs the Google Play on the device. The following guide teaches how you can get the Google Play on your Stealth Pro 9.7 tablet.

I. Before You Begin:

1. You must have rooted your device before doing this procedure. You can find the rooting guide over here.

2. You must have ADB installed on your PC. See this guide to learn how to do so.

II. Downloading Required Files:

1. Phonesky APK (Download link’s given in the fourth post)

III. Getting Google Play on the Trio Stealth Pro 9.7:

1. Download and place the Phonesky APK file in the folder where you’ve installed ADB. It’s the folder where adb.exe file is located.

2. Turn ON the USB debugging function on your device by heading to Menu>>Settings>>Developer options>>USB debugging.

3. Once enabled, connect the device to your PC via USB cable.

4. Go to the folder where ADB is installed, hold down the Shift button on your keyboard and right-click on any empty area on the screen, then choose Open command window here.

5. Type in following command into the Command Prompt Window you just launched:

adb remount

6. Next, issue the following command:

adb push Phonesky.apk /system/app/

7. It’ll push the APK file over to your device. Now, enter the following command:

adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Phonesky.apk

8. Now reboot your device by issuing the following command:

adb reboot

9. You’re all done!

Congrats! The Google Play has been successfully pushed to the device. When the device boots up, just open up the Play app and update it to newer version, it’ll let you take advantage of bug-fixes as well as new additions in the app.

If this procedure helped you please thank/donate to the original developers here.

If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the forum.

This is part of our Android How To’s. We have how to’s on rooting, loading ROMs, and tons of other tips and tricks for your specific device or for Android devices in general! For all of our Android How To’s, head here.

10 thoughts on “How to Get Google Play on the Trio Stealth Pro 9.7”

  1. It worked until #7, then I got an error message that said no such file/program. Phonesky.apk is in my tablet under Android, but not installed.

    1. Mahesh Makvana

      The app is supposed to be inside the /system/app/ folder as the Step-6 does exactly that. It seems the file hasn’t been pushed to the above mentioned directory and that’s why you’re getting that “No such file/program” error.

      If you’re still unsure how to do it, just get the Phonesky APK and copy it manually to the /system/app/ folder using Root Explorers like ES File Explorer. And then start from Step-7.

      Hope it helps!


      1. Still will not work. Keeps saying no such file or directory. I looked at my file through ES File Explorer and the file is in System/app so I don’t understand why it is saying no file or directory.

  2. chris19821313

    i have made it all the way to the adb remount and keep getting operation not permitted it shows the device and i can reboot through adb but wont remount

  3. Okay so I am stuck at a spot. I have rooted my Stealth Trio 9.7 and installed ADB, but when I go into the command prompt to remount, it states: remount failed: remount not permitted. I have even tried running CMD as admin and no luck. I have phonesky.apk in the directory where ADB.exe is located and it won’t even transfer it either. here is a capture of what it says. Please help. I would like to put apps and games on my tablet for our trip to California.

  4. Well a year later and I get the same thing, I see there is no response, so that means the developer has abandoned the site… Dang

  5. install phonesky.apk with pure apk installer before the root i know its been time ,but i get the trio stealth as a gift today and i just did this and worked…

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