How to Root the LG Optimus V

If you’re using the LG Optimus on Virgin network, you’re in luck as there’s a simple method available to root the device. The LG Optimus V, where V stands for Virgin, is a smartphone launched back in 2011 and the thing that puts this device aside from its other variants is, the apps that come preloaded by Virgin on the stock ROM. If you own this smartphone and are interested in rooting it, here’s a procedure for you. Let’s get the rooting LG Optimus V procedure started.

I. Before You Begin:

1. You’re going to void the warranty of your device by rooting it.

2. You must have Drivers for your device installed on your PC.

II. Downloading Required Files:

1. Root Package (It’s attached there in the first post)

2. SuperOneClick (It’s attached in the first post)

3. Fastboot

III. Rooting the LG Optimus V:

1. Download and place all the files on your Desktop.

2. Extract files from all three archives you downloaded to your Desktop.

3. Enable USB debugging on your device by heading to Menu>>Settings>>Applications>>Development>>USB debugging.

4. Connect your device to your PC using the USB cable. If it asks for the connection type, choose Charge only.

5. Double-click on the SuperOneClick executable file and it should launch.

6. From the top-right corner, choose psneuter from the Exploit dropdown menu.

7. Now, hit the Shell Root button and it should temporarily root your device. Do NOT close the SuperOneClick window.

8. Open a Command Prompt Window on your Desktop. To do so, press and hold the Shift button on your keyboard and right-click on any empty area on the screen, then choose Open command window here.

9. Type in the following commands into the Command Prompt Window:

adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /system /system
adb push su /system/bin
adb push busybox /system/bin
adb shell
cd /system/bin
chmod 4755 su
chmod 555 busybox
adb reboot

10. Your device should reboot.

11. Now, head over to Google Play and download and install the Superuser app. It doesn’t cost a penny!

12. You’re now permanently rooted !

Well done! The SU binaries have been successfully injected in your system and the Superuser app is there in your Menu! What else you need to run the root-only apps?

IV. Flash a Custom Recovery Image (Optional):

1. If you would like to flash a custom recovery image in order to flash custom ROMs, head to the How To Flash a Custom Recovery Image on the LG Optimus V to learn how to do that.

If this procedure helped you please thank/donate to the original developers here and here.

If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the forum.

This is part of our Android How To’s. We have how to’s on rooting, loading ROMs, and tons of other tips and tricks for your specific device or for Android devices in general! For all of our Android How To’s, head here.

2 thoughts on “How to Root the LG Optimus V”

  1. There seems to be details missing from these instructions.

    For example:

    – Downloaded the attached to post file, and then where do I put the files ‘busybox” and su?’

    Tried following the instructions with the attached post but don’t know how much of it to follow, as it is for a different purpose.

    – what do I do with fastboot?

    – shift-right click does not bring up command prompt in Windows XP. I have a Linux machine, but I assume this is all Win as SuperOneClick is a Win EXE program.

    – Your forum does not have a solution.

    Thank you.

    UPDATE: I followed the instructions on this page and it worked.

  2. Garbage. Completely useless. Perhaps Virgin Mobile have done an update since the time of this page. but nothing worked, the lines of code for the CMD prompts all failed. every single one. i followed these directions to a tee. so, I don’t think its your fault. I think Vmobile must have sent in the fix.

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