How to Root the Samsung Transfix
Samsung Transfix was announced back in 2011 and runs on the Cricket network. It features a 800MHz processor, 3.15MP Camera and runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread firmware. If you’ve purchased this device or are looking to buy one and concerned about the root status, then you’d be glad to know that the device is rootable. A one-click root solution has surfaced the Internet and the guide below shows exactly how you can root your Samsung Transfix smartphone.
I. Before You Begin:
1. This will void the warranty of your device. However, you can reinstate the warranty by unrooting your device if there’s any unrooting procedure available.
2. This works on Windows based PCs only.
II. Downloading Required Files:
1. Root Package (It’s attached in the first post)
III. Rooting the Samsung Transfix:
1. Place the Root Package archive you downloaded to your Desktop.
2. Unzip files from the archive over to your Desktop.
3. Enable the USB debugging option on your device by heading to Menu>>Settings>>Applications>>Development>>USB debugging.
4. Connect your device to your PC using the USB cable.
5. Double-click on the file named run.bat you have on your Desktop.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to root your device.
7. And you should be rooted now!
Brilliant! Your Samsung Transfix has been successfully rooted and the same can be confirmed by downloading and installing the Root Checker app!
Image Credit: CNET
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