How to Unroot the LG Optimus C
Maybe you’ve rooted your LG Optimus C but now facing some issues that can only be solved at the service center? No problem, we’ll help you unroot your device to restore the warranty so you can take it to the service center for the repairing purpose. Unrooting the LG Optimus C is a piece of cake, you download an app, hit Unroot and you’re good to go. Here’s a guide on you can accomplish it.
I. Before You Begin:
1. You must have done our How to Root the LG Optimus C procedure.
2. This should restore the warranty of your device.
II. Downloading Required Files:
1. GingerBreak APK (It’s attached in the second post)
III. Unrooting the LG Optimus C:
1. Place the GingerBreak APK file on the Desktop of your PC.
2. Connect your device to your PC via USB cable.
3. Copy the APK file over to the root of your SD card.
4. Once copied, unplug your device from your PC.
5. Enable the USB debugging function on your device by heading to Menu>>Settings>>Applications>>Development>>USB debugging.
6. Open the File Manager app on your device and install the APK you just copied.
7. Once installed, launch it from your App Drawer.
8. Tap on UnRoot device option in the app and it’ll start unrooting your device.
9. Once it’s done, reboot your device.
10. You’re all done!
Awesome! Your device is now back to the unrooted state and you won’t find Superuser app any longer in your App Drawer. Your warranty has also been restored so you can take your device to the service center.
Image Credit: PCMag
If this procedure helped you please thank/donate to the original developers here.
If you need help with this procedure, please ask in the comments below or in the forum.
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