Motorola Atrix 4G up for Gingerbread in July

The half-year-old AT&T device has been enjoying Froyo for a while now and it looks like Motorola has now deemed it fit to get a bite at the Gingerbread update.  While the news is still not official, the update is currently being tested for the Atrix 4G, which is a sure indication of the what’s to come very soon.

The update was implied on early last month but it was more of an intention than a concrete roll-out plan, but with testing currently underway, July seems to be a likely month for the update to begin rolling out.  Alongside the usual Gingerbread features, this update is supposed to bring sideloading of apps, something that has been missing for the AT&T Atrix 4G, and a few more cosmetic changes to the MotoBlur UI.

As to whether the update will be on time or not, Motorola has improved its track record slightly in this regard lately, so we hope the trend continues with the Atrix 4G and any other future devices begging for an update.


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