Motorola CLIQ Released Today in Stores

Motorola Cliq

What that means for anyone who wants the new CLIQ, you can now officially walk into a T-Mobile store and go get one.

What this means for us is that I am heading to the store in a bit to get one to figure out how to root it and do a video šŸ™‚ Expect it soon as itā€™s rooted.

11 thoughts on ā€œMotorola CLIQ Released Today in Storesā€

  1. I Have this phone is freggin awsomeā€¦I RECOMENDā€¦its like a G1 make over but better..(i sound dumb)ā€¦cant wait to get it rootedā€¦

    1. Roger,

      Unfortunately no šŸ™ That is just the recovery image etc we can always get to those on Android. We need to be able to load our own custom recovery image instead, and at the moment it has stopped all efforts, damn thing lol

  2. I have been looking around for some info on the cliq getting 2.0 since the driod is built with it ā€¦. anyone have any info about this thats credibleā€¦. Thanks

  3. Did everyone forget about the cliq? I see that someone has figured out how to root the behold 2 but whatever happend to rooting the cliq?

  4. the cliq needs rooted asap. has there been any progress anywhere? xda? ive heard that cliq wont get 1.6 till end of the year and thats a rumor from a tmo rep. 2.0 will never arrive for the cliq. if the cliq doesnt get rooted, this phone will just be a paper weight.

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