How to Root the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo

While all the Galaxy Note series smartphones are enjoying root-access, how can we forget to root the Galaxy Note 3 Leo? Rooting your device will not only help you install root-only apps, but it’ll let you do many things you haven’t even thought of before. Here’s the procedure that teaches how […]

How to Root the Sony Xperia C

The Sony Xperia C, with its modest 1.2GHz processor and a gig of RAM, was released almost a year ago and those who have still held on to it, might have noticed it lagging a bit compared to your friends’ newer, more powerful devices.  If you are looking for ways

Android ROM

7 Top ROM Manager Apps

Android users with root often do so to flash a ROM, bringing an entirely new look and feel to their device. It takes a bit of work, though — ROM managers require you to do the work normally associated with the OEM. There’s also the tedious work of managing your

Five Android Apps to Make Your Handset More Like a Galaxy S5

That Galaxy S5 is tempting, but do you want to upgrade? If you’re stuck in a contract with your carrier, the time when you can upgrade may seem really far off. You could pay the early termination fee, but that’s an expense you probably don’t want. Even if you’re enrolled

How to Get the Android L Preview on Your Nexus 5 / Nexus 7 (Video)

UPDATE 10.19.14: The full version of Android 5.0 has been released! Head to my How to Get Android 5.0 “Lollipop” on the Nexus 5 / Nexus 7 instead! Google I/O just passed and one of the most exciting thing for most people was the revamp Android got with Android L. Android

Google I/O 2014 Recap: Android Everywhere

At Google I/O this week, a lot was brought to developers across the world (consumers are getting quite a bit of useful stuff, too). While we won’t see much of this immediately, Google’s annual Developers conference still yielded a lot of great stuff. Here’s a quick recap! Android “L” The

Best Weather App for Android

You want one, but which is the best weather app for Android? With so many options to choose from, which is going to strike that delicate balance between useful and easy on the eyes? Are they worth spending for? We run through a few to give you a great idea

11 Amazing Android Live Wallpapers for Summer

What’s Summer without having the mood set with live Android wallpapers? If you don’t take a minute to stop and enjoy the short season, it’ll pass you by. Once Fall is here, Summer is at its furthest point from us, so better take advantage while you can. You don’t have

How to Root the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2

Released in April, the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 has one major difference compared to its predecessor; the device is now running Samsung’s own Tizen instead Android.  But that’s not viewed as a deterrent by many as Samsung added in an infrared blaster (to control AV systems from the device), and

How to Root Your Android Device (TowelRoot Method) (Video)

Thanks to Geohot, that kid who first jailbroke an iPhone a long time ago, we have a root method that works for most Android device that are running Kitkat. After his long history of working in the jailbreaking community for iOS, he decided a few days ago to release an

How to Use Text Shortcuts in Android

Text shortcuts are essentially phrases or words you can add to your device’s dictionary and use custom abbreviations to call them when typing instead of having to type them out entirely. Do you type your email a lot? Your street address? Phone number? Maybe you just want to reuse certain

How to Root the Samsung Galaxy S5 (TowelRoot Method)(Video)

Thanks to Geohot, that kid who first jailbroke an iPhone a long time ago, we have a root method for the Samsung Galaxy S5. After his long history of working in the jailbreaking community for iOS, he decided a few days ago to release an app that can allow you

How to Rename Group Conversations in iOS 7 (Video)

I, for one, HATE group chats. They always seem to go off on tangents that I simply don’t need to be a part of or they simply end up becoming a drunken symphony of vibrations on my nightstand if I was the one who had to get up early the

OnePlus One Unboxing

Today I have the OnePlus One finally in my hands and, as always, that means it’s time to do an unboxing. OnePlus, like it’s apparently affiliated company Oppo, have been in the press quite a bit lately. Sometimes for not so good reasons, and sometimes for good ones (like the