Sebastiaan15’s Runny V4 ROM

Rom InfoRom Name Sebastiaan15's Runny V4
DeviceAndroid ROMsHTC Nexus One ROMsHTC ROMsNexus One ROMsNexus ROMs
Os VersionN/A
Ui SkinN/A
Developer InfoDeveloper Name Sebastiaan15 & dbasabe
XDA Profile PageN/A

1 thought on “Sebastiaan15’s Runny V4 ROM”

  1. Sebastiaan15’s rom is simply great. I cannot believe that on a machine like Nexus One (which isn’t so bad as I make it out to be), that has inferior hardware as compared to some of the latest HTC machines have (read: Sensation)….this rom actually flies. And I could not only run the rom, I could run it with ALL ANIMATIONS ON FULL.

    Amazing….Hats off….

    Oh! And did I forget to mention, all this without a single glitch???

    Can you please update the Nexus One version with 4.0.3 Special Edition? And keep the Nexus One up-to-date with what’s happening on the HTC Desire Rom’s…..PLEASE?

    Thanks A Lot