Sprint Provides LightSquared 30 More Days to Gain Approval of the FCC, Deal Isn’t Dead Yet
Earlier in 2011, Sprint and LightSquared committed to a 15-year deal, which had the two companies on track to share spectrum and equipment as they both developed and grew their respective LTE networks. However, the deal was contingent upon LightSquared’s ability to gain the FCC’s approval over the use of a difficult piece of spectrum.
Originally, Sprint provided LightSquared with a December 31st deadline, which has now come and gone. One would assume that the deal would lose steam, but Sprint has decided to bestow a 30-day reprieve on the deadline to LightSquared.
Hopefully 30 days is enough time for LightSquared to win over the FCC, and the two companies can move forward with their LTE network plans. Lightsquared has yet to release a statement on the recent chain of events, but we’re sure to see additional details surface as 2012 unfolds.Source