T-Mobile’s 21Mbps HSPA+ Network to Launch in Select Markets on March 14th

So T-Mobile’s HSPA+ rollout has begun. Well, it will, March 14th according to sources at TMoNews. The new HSPA+ network supports theoretical speeds of up to 21Mbps and is somewhat backwards compatible with older 3G devices (in other words your HSDPA T-Mobile G1 will not be getting the super high speeds HSPA+ offers BUT it will see a speed increase nonetheless).

The only device to support the full HSPA+ network will be launching the same day and happens to be a data stick; the webConnect Rocket. But that won’t stop people in the new select markets from running out to their nearest T-Mobile tower and see if they get any speed increase on their current phones, now will it?

The markets to get the HSPA+ upgrade on March 14th will be:

Los Angeles

So if you are in any of these areas, leave a comment after March 14th and let us know what results your speed tests get (for Android users, goto the Market and download the SpeedTest.net SpeedTest and run it).

I happen to be in the Miami market (or close enough to it), to you know I’ll be running around with a Nexus One to see what happens 🙂


35 thoughts on “T-Mobile’s 21Mbps HSPA+ Network to Launch in Select Markets on March 14th”

  1. so i hav a g1 that i got about 2 years ago or something so does it just come naturally or do i hav to buy something

    1. Bob,

      You wont get the full speed upgrade (but no worries no phone will until HSPA+ phones come out), BUT you will get a speed boost nonetheless. Let us know what speeds you get if you are in the markets that get it!

  2. Live in Naperville,Il(suburb of Chicago)and T-Mobile coverage map indicates full 3g. The speed tests I run on my Nexus One go from 200 to 700 kbps in the same location. I do not know if it is the service or the phone. I will test it again after the 14th with the Nexus and the Nokia N900. If anyone has had this issue,let me know.

    1. Dennis,

      Nice thanks! Suburb of Chicago might not get the speed increase (might just be main city itself for the test) but let us know your speed test results! (Should be over 1Mb for sure for the new 21Mbps).

  3. The Nokia N900 (which I own) will be able to take advantage of T-Mobile’s upgraded HSPA+ network though not fully. The N900 supports 3.5G (HSPA+) up to 10Mbps.

    1. Big Rod,

      Correct, it doesn’t support HSPA+ but it does support 10Mb HSDPA (aka 3.5G).
      Phones like the CLIQ support 7.2Mbps HSDPA (also considered 3.5G technically).

  4. Im in Chicago and currently have the G1 rooted. I am definetly seeing some speed performance already. I compared it my phone with the iphone 3gs. G1 was only behind in like 2 secs.

  5. Theunlockr, How about my nexus1? I’m in washington state. Would i get morespeed? If not when do you think please

  6. Philadelphia already has 21Mbps. I’m in Fort Lauderdale so I should see the increase with Miami hopefully. I’m on and HTC TouchPro2 so I will max out at 7.2 Mbs.

    Also – keep in mind that all speeds are reported in BITS and all files sizes are done in BYTES….there are 8 bits in a byte so 21Mbps is equal to 2.62 MBS per socond max.

    1. MyCleverName,

      21Mbps is equal to 21Mb per second not 2.62Mb per second. (Yes it is 2.62MB per second, but we don’t use MBps here in the States for data transfer). But that is theoretical speed (someone with a Rocket USB Modem in Philly reported 3MBs – 6Mbs download speeds).

  7. 21 Mbps(megabits per second)= 2.625 MBps(megabytes per second)here and in China. You are right MyCleverName.

    1. Vicente and MyCleverName,

      Sorry guys, I see what you are saying now. But we don’t use MBps here rarely. MyCleverName was just converting it to MBps.
      You guys are right, but there is no reason here in the States to ever convert Mbps to MBps, since we don’t use MBps. Sorry.

  8. Most all tmobile smartphones (androids, and most windows phones) exept the blackberries will be able to go to atleast 7.2mbs. Concidering right now most places are rockin about 1.5-2mbs you WILL notice a huge speed increase if your in an upgraded area with those phones. For some stupid reason no blackberry including the 9700 will be able to take advantage of higher speeds because they are unsuported. Most regular phones can only go up to 3.2 i believe.

  9. I will surely test this out in the dallas area with my rooted mt3g and let you know results. dl648kbps/ul382kbps right now. will test again on 14th

    1. Patrick M.,

      Technically it will be the same speeds as Sprint’s “4G Wimaxx Network” but it is considered a 3G technology. Kind of a stepping stone from traditional 3G to 4G.

  10. I’m in Dallas and am using the Dell Inspiron Mini Netbook which is HSPA+ enabled. After hearing that HSPA+ is now up and running by a T-Mobile engineer I ran Speedtest.net and I am pulling 5 megs per second on the download! Pretty quick imo.

  11. in Chicago and I still haven’t seen a speed increase. I get 800mbps max downtown and a measly 250-400kbps in Orland Park ( a suburb ). more hype?

    1. Djrakun,

      Im in NYC for a few weeks on business, I definitely notice an increase here! Peak download I got 5mbps but on average just over 2mbps. Much faster than in South Florida where I was getting peak of 1mbps and average 800kbps.

      FYI My DSL in my house in Florida is only 3mbps, I wifi tether my laptop to my phone here in NYC and its faster than my house back home, crazy to me.

  12. I am getting 3mb on average downstream and 600mb upload. This just started today in the Chi. We will see how it goes tomorrow. Before today I was averaging about 600kb downstream and 321mb upload. I am using the MyTouch 3G Slide.

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