
MP3 CD Player

The MP3 Format Just Died

End of an era, people. The MP3, that revolutionary file format that basically made carrying more than 15 or so songs in your pocket (and started the death of the CD as well), has just been officially killed. The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, the German agency that invented the MP3 and

Gear Icon X in Case

Samsung Gear IconX Unboxing

Truly wireless headphones. These little earbuds are finally coming out from a variety of manufacturers and now Samsung has taken their crack at it by introducing the Gear Icon X earbuds. I’m personally quite curious to see how they sound and if they are easier to use than what I’ve

7 Amazing iOS Apps for Musicians

Both in the studio and on stage, we’re seeing more and more professional musicians, songwriters, and performers adopt iOS functionality into their workflow. Without breaking the bank, some of these apps fill needs that would’ve cost a fortune just a couple of years ago; whereas other apps fill needs that you didn’t even

Apple’s New Streaming Music Service Unveiled

Apple often plays the tortoise in the race — slow to start, but come the end of the race, might be the one ahead. On Monday, at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Fran, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the new software they’re launching for streaming music. The service,