How to Hard Reset the Nokia Luma 1020 (if it Becomes Unresponsive)(Video)

Sometimes things just happen. You know, the type of things that just render a device useless. You can’t turn on the screen, or it won’t respond, none of the buttons seem to be working, etc. Luckily most manufacturers put in some type of reset button combo in order to fix these issue when they do inevitably arise. Here’s the reset procedure for the Nokia Lumia 1020.

Warning: This will erase your device.

How to Hard Reset the Nokia Luma 1020 (if it Becomes Unresponsive)

I. Phone is On

1. Go to Settings > About > and Tap Reset Your Phone.

II. Phone Won’t Turn On / Frozen on a Screen

1. Press and Hold the Volume Down and Power button at the same time until you feel it vibrate then let go. This will reboot the device.

2. If the above doesn’t work, hold down Volume Down, Power and the Camera button at the same time.

3. When it vibrates, release the Power button, but continue to hold the Volume Down and Camera button until it vibrates again, then you can let go. This will reboot AND erase the device.

4. If the above still doesn’t work, hold down the Power button.

5. When it vibrates, let go of the Power button and begin to hold the Volume Down button until the exclamation point shows up on the screen.

6. Then tap volume up, volume down, power, volume down in succession. It should vibrate, erase the data and return the phone to an out-of-box state.

41 thoughts on “How to Hard Reset the Nokia Luma 1020 (if it Becomes Unresponsive)(Video)”

  1. Jasmine Nicole Knight

    oh my god thank you so much! I was about to go into AT&T to have them take a look at it since it was stuck on the lock screen and holding down the power button and volume down button fixed it right up ^_^ <3<3<3<3<3<3

  2. 1. Thank you! This information is extremely helpful.
    2. Please, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, write something like, “this will erase all of your phone’s data” BEFORE the instruction. I don’t read ahead and after the first option didn’t work, I plowed right into the second instruction. Then I nearly crapped my pants when I realized as I was holding these three buttons I was about to erase all my data. Luckily, I let go before all my data was erased. Phew. That was a close one.

    1. Welcome! And sorry figured most people knew that that is what a Hard Reset does (compared to a soft reset that just reboots the phone essentially).
      I’ve added a caveat for others who dont know. Thanks!

  3. My lumia 1020 just froze. I did the soft re-set. Entered my simpin…accepted…. now i get the sleep acreen saying try again in 105906 minutes. I can still recieve calls. Turn on the camera and i’m get loads of sms notification messages but cannot get any further. The hard reset does not work either WTF!!!

  4. Thank you for your help.This worked, three button method, but I must say I did not lose any data. I have had this phone for less than a month (new purchase from Microsoft store) and this is the third time the screen has frozen after receiving a text. This time I had to use the the three key method. Pretty frustrating. My old Lumia 920 never had this problem. Thanks.

  5. Lucas Figueiredo

    I did all of this, but every time, my phone shows the nokia on the screen and then restart, shows the nokia on the screen, and then restart. This go on and on and doens’t work at all. Do you have any information for me? Thanks

  6. What happens if the hard reset 3 button still doesn’t work? That’s the last resort right? Ditto on Windows & Nokia I’ve been long loyal user but this sucks. I hope the 1520 doesn’t have this problem because I just got one yesterday & haven’t switched sim card yet.

  7. @TheUnlockr:disqus sir i am facing a problem i reset my lumia 1020 and after reset it restarted and then it turned off i turned it on and again that sign appears like i did reset again and then turns off after that keeps happening again and again tried charging but same pc not picking up my device help me please

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