How To Use an Android Device

So you traded in your Motorola RAZR you’ve had for the last 5 years and got yourself a shiny new Android device? Problem is it sure doesn’t work like a RAZR, does it? Well, no worries, we’re here to help. Let us show you how to use your new Android device with our new Android 101 series. Today’s first lesson, how to navigate the darn thing so you can use it at all.

This is part of our Android 101 section. Head to the entire collection of Android 101 posts here.

7 thoughts on “How To Use an Android Device”

  1. Mount the android more vertically so you hand does not block seeing what the finger does. Otherwise excellent. Very much more helpful than the user guide.

  2. Haha… “How to cure constipation fast”… should of cleared your search history first. Good video. I would recommend this video to anyone who is new to Android. Keep making these 101 videos. Good job.

  3. I’ve heard the saying ” a pictures worth a thousand words”, but when giving tips, it would be nice to READ them, I don’t have a problem including a video, but NOT including text is a waste.

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