How To Change the Keyboard on a Honeycomb Android Tablet


Typing on your tablet just not what you hoped it would be? Want to change that on-screen keyboard to something that suits your needs? No problem. In this how to we show you how to do just that. Take the Android stock keyboard and replace it with any of the other third-party keyboards in the Android Market (even some that split the keyboard so you can type with your thumbs on the tablet). Check out the video for more information.

I. Change the Keyboard

1. Open the Android Market on your Honeycomb Tablet.

2. In the Android Market, search for “keyboard honeycomb” or “keyboard tablet” without the quotes.3. Choose one of the keyboards that come up that you want to use and click install.

4. Now, on the tablet, go to Settings > Language and Input.

5. Select Configure Input Methods.

6. Select the keyboard you just downloaded from the list of keyboards and make sure it is checked on and enabled.

7. Now, head to any text field (i.e. the address bar of the web browser) and click it as if you were going to enter in text.

6. Click the keyboard button at the bottom right of your screen and then select the new keyboard and begin using it. Enjoy!

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