How To: Overclock Your Nokia N900

I Before You Begin


II. Download the Firmware Flasher and the Overclocked zImage You Want

1. Download the Flasher 3.5 program from here and then run the .exe (at the time of writing this, it is called “maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2.exe”:

Flasher 3.5

2. Then download the Overclocked Image you want here and save it to the Flasher 3.5 folder that was created by the flasher-3.5.exe program you installer earlier (which should be Program Files > Maemo > Flasher-3.5).

600mhz zImage
750mhz zImage
800mhz zImage
825mhz zImage
900mhz zImage

III. Flash the Phone

1. Turn off the phone

2. Hold down the u button on the keyboard of your phone and while holding it plug in the USB cable connected to your computer. (You should see a very DIM Nokia screen with a little USB sybol in the top right corner on the phone).

3. Open the command prompt on your computer by going to start and typing in cmd into the search box and hitting enter.

4. First we flash the firmware file, type in the following commands hitting enter at the end of each line:

cd c:\programfiles\maemo\flasher-3.5\

flasher-3.5 -k zImage -f -R  (*Replace the word zImage with the name of the zImage file you downloaded, )

5. Wait for it to finish flashing and reboot. All done!

87 thoughts on “How To: Overclock Your Nokia N900”

  1. unlockr,

    when I type: c:>cd c:programfilesflasher-3.5flasher3.5-k zImage800mhz-f-R and hit enter, I get a The system cannot find path specified. Please help.

    Thanks, Dennis

    1. Dennis,

      You need to write those in separate lines, not as one long line. Follow the procedure carefully and hit enter at the end of each line in that section.

    2. i had the same problem. but i have downloaded the app QCPUFreq befor and after trying 10 time i stoped. it looked like it did not work. After i looked in the QCPUFreg and wow i can adjust up to 1150mhz.
      Amaizing!!!!!! But dont ask how it worked.
      Sorry for my bad english.


  2. David,

    Would you please type out the whole line after you did the first cdenter. I forgot maemo the first time,as I said in my first reply. Especially,what is typed after the first flasher-3.5. I downloaded the 800mhz image.

    Thanks, Dennis

  3. David/Unlockr:

    I got it done. I forgot the spaces the first time, but it is working now. Also, Ilive in the Chicago area and I’m wondering if I can put the 900mhz image on. Thanks for the help.

    Take care, Dennis

  4. P.S. As flashing the kernel erases firmware version information (in the Settings/About window “unknown” is shown instead of platform and software version), you will need to do some additional steps to bring it back so that you can still normally use automatic firmware updates in the future:

    – launch X Terminal
    – type sudo gainroot (you need the rootsh package installed)
    – type apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr
    – if asked for confirmation press Y and Enter
    – when done reboot the N900

    Source of Info:

  5. @TheUnlockr,
    I’m glad to add…

    One more thing to add:
    The command “apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr” didn’t work for me as my device had middle east ROM version. So for my case I run the following and it worked:
    type apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-003-pr

    003 is for Africa/Middle East
    and I think 002 for USA.

  6. Unlockr/Nasr:

    I did the procedure that you recomended with and without the 002. It did not recognize either. I got my n900 thru Dell Mobility website. Could it be an European model and is their code 001? Any info would be great.

    Thanks, Dennis

    1. i did it with both generic and 002 (i am uk) but it says that ‘unable to lock admin dir, is another process using it. i tried restarting the set but it still does work. any tips

      1. alright i did it again and it works but it says ‘package is not available but is refered to by another package this may mean that the package is missing has been obsoleted or is only available from another sourse. it has no installation candidate’

        ps: i unlocked all the apps as mentioned on this website as well

  7. To All:

    To get the version back after flashing a higher image,first make sure that you have the extras repository enabled. Then ,substitute 002(US version) for generic. It worked and you can receive any future firmware updates.


  8. Hey You guys wrote it wrong it wasnt working but i went to the site.. THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY.. how it says it on the link..

    apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr

    Notice there are two dashes before the reinstall
    do this and it shall work

  9. UGH it doesnt show on here

    but do two dashes before REINSTALL

    apt-get install[-]-reinstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr

    do that without the brackets and it will work

    there are two Of the dashes before the reinstall

  10. i go to do this and after entering the -R and press enter from the flasher tool prompts it just goes back to
    C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5>

    and nothing happened

    it worked once with the 800mhz but now want to go to 900 and it just blinks and nothing happens

    please help

  11. aliyoop,

    Sorry. Misread your reply. Go to the thread posted on Razi post on april 7 above. There are responses there that should be helpful.


  12. @BigV Thanks for the tip! i think the extra dashes work for me, however, i get another error after i run it:

    /home/user # apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    Package mp-fremantle-generic-pr is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source
    E: Package mp-fremantle-generic-pr has no installation candidate

  13. sorry, pressed enter to quick. Anyway, do you or anyone else know how to solve this?

    I also want to thank you guys of! You’re doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work!


  14. ok i connected the n900 like supposed.then go into the cmd.then type in cd\ then hit enter and it says(The system cannot find path specified) am i doing something wrong?what am i missing?

  15. hey i have a different problem. all the commands work fine but at the end it says

    “Suitable USB device not found, waiting.”

    i have my nokia plugged in and it has the faint nokia symbol and the USB connect symbol. can anyone help?

    1. Ash,

      The procedure tells you how to fix this. Reboot your computer and plug your phone in in normal mode, it needs to reinstall the drivers. Then turn it off and put it into download mode again and continue.

  16. -The easy way to get into the flasher CMD is just go to Start then scroll down to Maemo, open it and click on Flasher 3.5….the flasher will come up ready to go for the inputs.
    -When you download the image, rename it, name it something easy, like 900mhz or 900…
    copy and paste this “flasher-3.5 -k 900mhz -f -R” …remove the “”…then just right click, paste, hit enter and you are done.

  17. Hey guys,

    I posted a reply a few days ago. To explain briefly again: overclocking my phone went perfectly. However, restoring the firmware version information didn’t. This is the message I get in X-Terminal:

    /home/user # apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    Package mp-fremantle-generic-pr is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source
    E: Package mp-fremantle-generic-pr has no installation candidate

    Can anyone please help me how to solve this? You masterminds at the Unlockr maybe?!

    Thanks a lot!!!


  18. hi guys, i watched the HOW TO videos and read and followed instructions carefully, but i still can’t overclock the n900.
    this is what i’ve done.
    went to command prompt.
    cd c:\programfiles\maemo\flasher-3.5\
    i get this
    I tried a few times but still the same, is there another way of doing this or an easier way.
    thanks in advance guys

  19. Basically, last night I had a blinking update sign on my N900. I clicked to update as I normally do. The update was 100% successful (Before this, my last update was on 20th April 2010).

    As the phone re-booted itself I checked my messages and found that all my new messages have vanished from my Conversations & recently added contacts between 20th April – 28th May (last night)!!! ;0(

    I contacted Nokia and they said there is a way to retrieve these but when I took it to a Nokia Centre (in Carphone Warehouse) they said they will need to reboot the whole thing and everything will be deleted!

    Can anybody PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help??!!


  20. Worked well, N900 with 900 MHz and I can sense the improvement. Thanks a lot.

    Couple of notes:

    1) be sure to follow preparation steps “word-by-word”
    2) once turning off N900, to be really on sure side, take the battery off (then put it back)
    3) once attaching USB cable, keep “U” pressed for a while, then release it
    4) in XP mode, wait until USB is ready to be used, select “N900 (update mode)”

    My update after attaching N900 with USB cable took less than 3 seconds.

  21. ihate this error i hav done this for 50 tyms and it still comes “cannot find the path specified” i hate that error plzzz help

  22. Hi everybody, can anyone help me please? When i try to type: apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-002-pr

    It process fine at first and ask me Y/N…but at the end i get this message: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with –fix-missing?

    Then i try typing tany of those keywords but still got errors…

    Please help, anyone?

    I can’t return my phone’s version details… 🙁

  23. I cannot update my phone in future if the phone’s version is unknown…oh dear, what will i suppose to do now, please help anybody? 🙁

  24. Works like a charm!
    After having a few problems with the cmd not finding the path (I didn’t install in program files), I uninstalled the flasher and re-installed it in C:\Program Files\maemo\
    Guess what? It found the path immediately 🙂
    Thank you, Unlockr!
    I’m also going to try the Chromium How To 😉

  25. Hellppp!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZ!!!!

    I tried to overlock my n900 to 900mhz but now all it can do is turn on for 10 seconds and turn off again. Have i fried my phone?


      1. hi unlockr

        i overclocked my n900 to 900mhz and it worked fine but since i did this im not getting any of my sms history or call history

        can you pls help


  26. TheUnlocker,

    I have tried overlclocking my phone to 900 mhz many times and I keep having to reset my phone after I tried overclocking. I typed exactly what you have written and followed all the steps but nothing seems to happen to my phone. Is that the mhz file needs to be a bin file?

    PLZ help


    1. install conky from the apps on ur phone and run it. it will giv u ur sys info then u can see if u hv overclocked it to 900 or not 🙂

  27. aliyoop,

    See if you have downloaded the zImage properly. I had the same problem until I realized I didn’t download the zImage properly, in other words, it didn’t reach 1.7mb. So make sure you donwload it properly.

  28. Hi Unlocker,

    i m new to n900 n i want to overlock this phone with 900 Mhz.. can i do it in India. as m bit confused whether it will work in india or nt…

    please let me know.



  29. Hey Unlocker

    another query is like if i will done with this overlock so my handset’s warranty will affect or it will remain same for the year or so..



  30. Sahil,

    I’ve overclocked my n900 and it can be done anywhere and no it wouldnt affect your fone but it will make it faster.

  31. Sahil,

    It can be done in India although it is recommended that you should not go above 800mhz because you are in a warm climate.

  32. hey guys i have tried this with 5 computers and it still says THE SYSTEM CANNOT FIND
    THE PATH SPECIFIED. plz help

  33. hi there

    i did exactly what u mentioned above and it seemed to work our just fine. but i do not know how to check the system settings

    1. thanks buddy it worked for me, but i hv another problem now. the version of my firmware seems to be unknown now lol that i think means that i cannot get auto updates in future. is there a way to fix it?

  34. Farhan Sherwani

    Worked for me but my version is still unknown, Im from Asia
    help me out i have tried all apt-get install –reinstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr
    even with 003 002 001 no luck

    help please

  35. i also keep getting cannot find specified path over and over again. why does it seem like no one is answering that question. iv followed all the steps word for word and still it doesnt work… please help 🙁

  36. Farhan Sherwani

    well blackford overclocking process worked for me but i m stuck with the version unknown thing, if you have problem with overclock thing, this is what i do i have vista and i searched for flasher in start menu and i got there command prompt of flasher software thn i tried all the upper commands and it worked

  37. Just overclocked my N900 with 900mhz zImage
    Did it with Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit

    This what I did;
    Maemo Flasher 3.5 from start / AllPrograms \ Maemo \ Maemo Flasher 3.5 \
    then paste;
    flasher-3.5 -k zImage-900mhz -f -R

    All done ; your n900 will restart (-R)

  38. im just wondering whats the best overclock for my n900 by the way im from the Philippines.

    and the weather is like 26 – 36 degrees celcius. 🙂

    and can you please explain the Advantages and disadvantages of overclocking.

    Thanks in advance. 🙂

  39. Why are you suggesting people do this.

    EVERYONE: Open app manager and enable extras testing and extras devel repos and search for advanced kernel for power users.

    If in doubt go to and search the extensive forums for your question (which has no-doubt already been answered 1000 times).

  40. okay i think ive done it. can someone tell me where do i find somewhere that tells me what my system is running at please sorry for being so dumb 🙂

  41. I typed the code you said when i came to the command part: cd c:programfilesmaemoflasher-3.5 didnt work so I copied the maemo dir to the root of C: . So I had C:maemoflasher. . I typed that in the cmd and got it right. Then i typed flasher-3.5 -k zImage-800mhz -f -R (because I downloaded the 800mhz one). cmd said: Suitable USB not found, waiting. then it said it was found. Found device RX-. NOLO version… Sending kernel image… 100% something.
    and after that stuff: Flashing kernel…done.
    My N900 booted itself automatically and asked the pin-code as always. Have you updated the flasher version or why did it go differently on my part? and i tried Cocky and i says: Frequency: 800mhz, and after awhile 500mhz. So did it work for me, can you say? Thanks

  42. Ya it worked. It now has a Max frequency of 800mhz, that doesn’t mean it will always run at that (that would be horribly inefficient and kill your battery). It’ll only shoot up to 800 when it needs to now.

    1. Jerald_oliveros


      idont know whats happening to my n900, last week i overclocked it then after a week my phone is rebooting and rebooting after 10 secs. and the usb symbol is not appearing in the upper right corner of the sreen. what will i do?so i cant repeat the process of overcloking

  43. hi unlock, great job
    im wondering is there a possibility to save new over-clocking frequency for good because whenever my phone reboot its going back on original 600 mhz?

  44. hi guys 
    after i write  flasher3.5-kzImage-800mhz-f-R  it said:
    ‘ flasher3.5-kzImage-800mhz-f-R’ is not recognized as an internal or external command.
    what should i do?? 

  45. Dear sirs, 

    Would you be able to put the image files online again? Megaupload does not seem to be around anymore, but I would like to put my old n900 to 800mhz :)Many thanks!

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