How To’s

6 Super Easy Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy

There’s a lot of talk about protecting your privacy online lately (big thanks to Facebook for a good portion of that coverage). And even though it’s a buzzy topic right now, it’s not without some merit. There is more and more data being collected on you and me every day, […]

Switch to Instagram Creator Profile

Instagram Creator Profile vs. Business Profile

I logged in to my Instagram profile today on a new phone (we can’t talk about the phone just yet, but videos coming soon 🙂 ) and was greeted by a small popup asking me if I wanted to switch to the new “Creator Profile”? Now, like most “creators,” I

Galaxy Fold Tips and Tricks Thumb

Samsung Galaxy Fold Essential Tips & Tricks

I’ve had enough time now with the Samsung Galaxy Fold and have learned a lot about how I, and I think most people, will end up using it when they do eventually get it. So now, I think I have a few tips and tricks that might help anyone that

Create Your Own Google Drive, Photos, Docs

How to Create Your Own Private “Google Drive/Photos/Docs”

So I personally love using Google apps like Google Drive, Google Photos, and Google Docs/Sheet/etc. They are super easy to use and have a ton of features I like, like auto-sorting in the photos, for example, that works really well, etc. But, what if you like these features but you

Are You a Creator Who Uses NVIDIA GPUs, Change This Setting Right Now

Adobe just released a new update to Premiere Pro, Audition, After Effects, and some other apps (feel free to read the entire changelog as well as check out some videos on the new features from each here). Checking out some of the enhancements for myself, it’s is a neat, albeit

What is Ransomware? (& How to Prevent It)

You’ve probably heard about ransomware at some point. In case you haven’t though, Ransomware is a name given to a type of hacking attack wherein a computer is infected with a virus that encrypts all the data on a computer and then forces the computer owner to pay a sum

Mate 20 Stock

How to Make the Mate 20 Pro Look like Stock Android

You guys asked for it so here’s my updated video on how to make the Mate 20 Pro look like stock Android (and the Mate 20 for that matter). Now, first up, stock Android isn’t really a thing anymore like it used to be. What we are referring to now

Update the BMPCC4K

How to Update the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K

Blackmagic just released a new update to the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K that adds Blackmagic RAW support (which I want to try out and I’m sure some of you that have the camera do, as well). Thing is, it isn’t as easy as a phone and just tapping update

Bixby Remap

How to Remap Bixby on the Samsung Galaxy S10, S10 Plus, & S10e

Praise be to Samsung! After so long of people complaining, and doing everything in their power to circumvent the Bixby button on their Samsung phones, Samsung themselves have finally given us what we’ve wanted all along: a built-in way to remap the Bixby button. If you’re not familiar, Bixby is

Matebook X Pro Storage Fix

How to Fix the Storage on the Huawei Matebook X Pro

I have no idea why Huawei does this, but it’s super annoying. For some reason, Huawei partitions their laptops into two separate sections: one for Windows and one for “Data” instead of the normal everything-is-in-one-place approach that we’re all used to. Now, I can only assume the logic behind this

Backup iPhone Locally Using These

How to Back Up Your iPhone Locally While You Sleep

We’ve all been there. Something happens to your iPhone and it’s then that you realize the last time you backed it up was over 6 months ago–all those photos are gone. There is a way to avoid this, of course, and that’s by doing daily backups, you can do these

Smart Home

How to Make Your Home a Smart Home

If you’ve ever wondered how to make your home a smart home? Or maybe wondered what a smart home was in the first place? This video can help. It’s the new year and my sister and her fiance just bought their first house. A fixer-upper in the town of Poughkeepsie

Best Monitor Mounts

The Best Monitor Mounts (& How to Mount Your Monitor With Them)

Looking to get multiple monitors for your desk setup? Instead of just putting them on a stand, why not get a proper monitor mount for them and make them infinitely adjustable at a moment’s notice and clear up more desk space. Now the word mount I feel has a connotation

No Notch

How to Get Rid of the Notch on the Pixel 3 XL

So a big disappointment for a lot of people watching the unveiling of the Pixel 3XL is that fact that Google has followed suit with other manufacturers lately and added a notch to the display. And, to make matters worse, it seems there’s no way to remove it in the