
Asus Zenbook Duo 2021 Real-World Test

The new 2nd generation ASUS Zenbook Duo 2021 is here. The dual-screen laptop now has some much-appreciated upgrades including a tilted second screen, more powerful specs, and more. In this real-world test, I’ll see how the Zenbook Duo battery lasts in various scenarios, test the performance for photo and video

ASUS ROG Phone 3 Complete Walkthrough

The ASUS just launched their third version of their spec-crazed gaming phone: the ASUS ROG Phone 3. And since ASUS sent one over to borrow, as is the usual, let’s do a complete walkthrough on it and go through all of the specs, features, run some tests on it, etc.

What is Stadia? (& How It Could Change Videos Games Forever)

You’ve probably heard of Stadia at some point recently. Google has been touting it, their new video game streaming service, for a while now. And if you didn’t hear them beating their chest about it, maybe you heard the early users’ complaints about it. Well, in this episode of Decodr,

Best External SSDs in 2020

I started using filming a few things on a new camera not too long ago: the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K. And as the name suggests, it can shoot in 6K (and in RAW format) all of that to say though that the files I’m working with because of it,

Razer Blade 15 Studio Edition Complete Walkthrough

I’m kind of excited about this laptop, not going to lie. This is the new Razer Blade 15 Studio Edition and I’m excited because of the GPU power sitting under the hood. This is the first laptop to market with NVIDIA’s new Quadro RTX 5000 GPU. You’ve heard of the

ROG Phone 2 Real-World Test (Camera & Battery Test)

I take the ASUS ROG Phone 2 and do a camera comparison against some other top phones as well as a battery test by using in for a full day and seeing how it holds up from waking up to going to sleep. Let me know what you think in

ASUS ROG Phone 2 Complete Walkthrough: Better In Every Way

While it is questionable if gaming phones are necessary, it sure isn’t stopping companies from launching them and packing them full with specs. This is the new ASUS ROG Phone II and it might be the highest spec phone out. While the original ROG Phone was already pretty impressive spec-wise,

Do Gaming Phones Really Make Sense?

From the original Razer phone up till now, we have seen a rise of gaming phones from various companies all touting how much better their phones are at playing games are than others are. But, considering a lot of these have the same processors, RAM, specs, etc. for the most

Razer Blade 15 2019

Razer Blade 15 (2019) Complete Walkthrough: RTX Graphics

Another CES has passed and with it, we have yet another new laptop iteration from Razer (they launch so many laptops and new versions, I feel like its every few months and they have an announcement of some sort). Regardless though, this latest announcement was the unveiling of the Razer Blade

ROG Phone

ASUS ROG Phone Complete Walkthrough: Gaming Phone Beast

ASUS announced the ASUS ROG phone a bit ago but I managed to just recently get a chance to check out their new gaming phone and figured I’d do a complete walkthrough on it for you guys. If you aren’t familiar a complete walkthrough on this site is where I