
Nokia X Unboxing

Nokia X Unboxing (Video)

Apparently, and further to my point about Nokia not creating the Nokia X for US buyers, I had a bit of trouble importing this device. After some shipping issues though, it’s finally here. If you are unfamiliar, the Nokia X is Nokia’s first attempt at making an Android device. It […]

Samsung Galaxy S5 Unboxing

Samsung Galaxy S5 Unboxing (Video)

My Samsung Galaxy S5 finally has arrived (after a bit of trouble with the United States Postal Service) and, as I did with the HTC One M8, I figured the first thing to do is to do an unboxing video for anyone interested to see what it comes with. The

HTC One M8 Unboxing (Video)

My new M8 finally arrived and I figured it was appropriate to film the unboxing for anyone who might be interested. The HTC One M8 is the successor to the HTC One that was a big hit for HTC last year. In actuality, the official name of this new version