Best Tech

Best SSDs 4K Video Site

4 Best External SSDs for 4K Video Editing (Video)

It’s a good time to be a video creator. There are amazing cameras and phones that all shoot 4K and are a lot more affordable than ever before allowing us to produce much higher quality content without the need for a crazy feature film budgets. The issue with this 4K […]

Google Home vs Echo Show

Can the Google Home w/ a Chromecast Keep Up w/ the Echo Show? (Video)

There’s always been this rivalry between the Amazon and Google’s respective voice assistant devices. And it makes sense: both do similar things, answer questions, are meant to live in similar spots in your house, etc. Now though, Amazon recently launched their latest device in their Echo series of voice assistants,

Editing Laptops

Best Editing Laptop? Macbook Pro vs Surface Book vs Razer Blade (Video)

When the new Macbook Pro was released, there was a lot of humming and hawing from the creative professional community. Essentially, everyone was a little disappointed in the power the new Macbook Pro was given. One of the more popular theories of Apple aiming for the mainstream instead of the

Google Home

Is Google Home Better Than The Amazon Echo? (Google Home Review)

The new Google Home is Google’s answer to Amazon’s Echo, the voice-activated bluetooth speaker and home automation assistant. Before going into a comparison though, let’s discuss the Google Home itself. OK, so the Google Home and air freshner-looks aside, it does look like it belongs in your home. It’s a lot

Best Cameras

6 Best Camera Apps For iPhone (Video)

Ever see those shot on iPhone billboards? You know, the ones that are showing some beautiful scene from around the world that looks remarkably beautiful for being shot on a phone? There are a few ways that photographers get these photos to look so good, and it’s more a testament

6 Best Photo Editing Apps You Have to Try Right Now

I asked on Twitter recently what video you wanted me to do next and you overwhelming chose this for me to do one on the best photo editing apps you should try right now. When I suggested it, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t quite prepared for just how many photo

11 Best iPhone Keyboards You Should Try Right Now

Chances are, based on most of the people I’ve spoken to, you don’t know about one of my favorite features that iOS 8 added to the iPhone: the ability to add custom keyboards. Adding a custom keyboard to the iPhone can mean a huge change in the way you type

Android Launchers

The 6 Best Android Launchers You Should Try Right Now

One of my favorite things about Android is the sheer level of customization you can do. Just like any modern mobile operating system, Android allows you to download apps from an app store to get extra functionality from your device. But, unlike other operating systems, Android actually allows you to

7 Best Photo Filter Apps for iPhone

Check out the app store and you’ll see a seemingly endless array of photo editing apps at your disposal; but which are worth your time? We’ll help you wade through the seas of same-‘ol-same-‘ol and find you a few of the best photo apps for iPhone currently on the market. Whether

Best Android Keyboards

6 Best Keyboards for Android (Video)

Keyboards. Something we use, literally, every single day. From our computers, at work or at home, to our phones and tablets, everywhere in between, they’re the go-to mode of input for text. Period. But, considering how vital they are for our communication in today’s day and age, they haven’t really changed

7 Best Travel Apps

Whether you’re traveling to faraway lands, or taking a quick jaunt to a nearby locale, there are plenty of great apps to make your trip easier. From planning to packing to finding the best place to get sushi, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best travel apps available. So, next

7 Best To-Do List Apps for iPhone

Optimal organization is a goal so many of us aspire to, and so few of us achieve. So why not grab an app that can help you get, and stay, organized? Check out this list of the best to do list app for your personal needs. Whether making lists is

7 Best iPhone Apps For Cooks

You’re a self-proclaimed “foodie.” You know every nook and cranny of your kitchen. You go to the Farmer’s Market every Tuesday. You have tupperware for every day of the week. Your Instagram account looks like this: #foodpassion #foodaholic #foodporn #pinenuts. Listen, we get you. You love to cook. But have

7 Best Apps for Managing Your Money

Mmmm. Money. I like money. You probably like money. (Even if you don’t want to admit it.) I don’t need a ton of extra cash, but I do like to be able to buy a beer or two on a Friday night… and, you know, pay my rent in expensive-as-heck

7 Best Android Twitter Apps

Okay, so let’s just get this out of the way –the official twitter app is kind of a huge bummer. Yes, there have been many improvements to the app over the years, making it less buggy and bloated, but overall, it’s certainly not the easiest app to use. It’s certainly