How to Turn Off the Apple Watch Stand Notifications

Word on the street is that “sitting is the new smoking,” and one needn’t look further than Brian Wilson’s bedridden years to find some validation in this aphorism. If only there had been some kind of system in place to encourage Wilson to stand up and walk around once every hour… well, Apple may be 40 years too late to help the genius behind Pet Sounds, but they may have just the solution for the stationarily-inclined among us today.

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Time to Stand is a notification system designed to keep users on a healthful path via intervallic reminders to walk around for one minute out of every 50 minutes of continuous inactivity. Ideal for the cubicle worker, hacking away on a computer keyboard while his or her spine reshapes itself into a parabolic nightmare of aches and pains. But not all Apple Watch users function in just such an environment, so while this system may agree with some people’s lifestyles, stand notifications are not going to sit well (ha!) with everyone.

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It’s also more than just a matter of lifestyle preference, the stand notifications are reportedly a bit buggy. The notifications will often times buzz people who are already moving about and maintaining positive ambulatory habits. So if you find yourself yelling at your watch to “mind it’s own damn business,” then keep reading to learn how to turn off your Apple Watch’s stand notifications and save yourself from an anger-induced blackout.

  1. Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.
  2. Navigate to My Watch and click on Activity.
  3. Find the Stand Reminder option and slide to toggle off.
  4. With your Apple Watch within range of your iPhone, the new settings should now be synced between your devices.
  5. Enjoy the comfort of your Lay-Z-Boy without the constant nagging of your Apple Watch.
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Depending on your job, prolonged periods of inactivity are sometimes unavoidable. Perhaps you’re a truck driver, or maybe an important business tycoon with a full roster of interminable meetings. In these instances, turning off stand notifications can be an unmistakable boon.

But let’s get real here for a second: personal health notwithstanding, users may want to turn off stand notifications for a multitude of other, non-work related reasons. Don’t forget about purposeful sloth! For instance, have you ever binge-watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy while eating a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts fresh from the microwave?

It’s both delicately transcendent and wildly hedonistic, but no one should have that sacred experience of deliberate indolence interrupted by a judgemental watch. On the flip side, if Brian Wilson had Time to Stand notifications in his life, then perhaps we would have a followup album to the masterpiece that is Smiley Smile. Ultimately when it comes to personal health, it’s all on you to decide what’s best.

Apple Time to Stand notifications can be thought of as a sort of brace to help redirect lifestyles toward healthier habits, but with it being buggy and often clumsy, will users over time find this function maybe just a little bit patronizing?

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