What a Hacker Can Do With a Kinect…


One of the hottest gadgets this holiday season is Microsoft’s Kinect for the Xbox360 (sold out pretty much everywhere).

With depth perceiving technology, Kinect scans the scene seamlessly from an infrared light, providing full-body 3D motion capture, along with facial and voice recognition capabilities. Kinect combines with the Xbox 360 to create the ultimate gaming and social experience.

Microsoft Kinect is awesome on it’s own as you can see above, but can you imagine what it can do away from the XBox? We can, and so can Adafruit.

In November, Adafruit.com offered a $3,000 prize for the first person to come up with an open-source driver for Kinect. It didn’t take long for one Hector Martin to create the drivers and take home the prize. The drivers he created have now spurred a huge explosion of other hackers mods for the device.

There is a Wiki page called the OpenKinect project, where hackers can publish their fine craft and you can learn more from the community about where the hacks are headed and how to do them yourselfs (not recommend for beginners, mind you).

So far, here’s some samples of what they’ve been able to do.

What do you guys think? Should we do How To’s for things like hacking the kinect?

Thanks to StuffBuff.com, there is a special $149.99 price for TheUnlockr.com readers w/ FREE shipping! Simply click on the “Stuff It” icon located below, if there is no button, then they sold out. Hurry before “Stuff It” disappears…

4 thoughts on “What a Hacker Can Do With a Kinect…”

  1. looking at some of the stuff it can do…. ummm i just might say yes if its not supper hard to do and it can bring so new life to some new and old games ( maybe)

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