How To: UnRoot Your MyTouch 3G/MyTouch 1.2 MyTouch and Get Back to Cupcake (Updated 04.19.10)


1. Download the correct .nbh file for your device and rename it to sappimg.nbh if necessary (make sure it is sappimg.nbh and NOT sappimg.nbh.nbh or anything else)

NBH File (Works for the Old MyTouch)

Zip File (Works for the new MyTouch w/ 3.5mm headphone jack) RENAME IT TO (not, just sappimg and its a .zip file!) Thanks Caesar for sending this in!

2. Save the sappimg.nbh/ file to your SD card. As always, do not place it in any folder on the SD card, just on the SD card.

3. Put the SD card into the phone and turn the phone on by holding down Volume Down and Power.

4. Push the trackball down on that screen and wait for it to pick up the Sappimg.nbh.

5. Push the trackball to begin, it should automatically update from there.

6. Once the flashing is fully complete, reboot the phone. DONE!

Reported Issues

Issue: Phone says that the wrong Main Version is Older or Wrong Model ID…

Solution: Use our Goldcard Method instead.

1,159 thoughts on “How To: UnRoot Your MyTouch 3G/MyTouch 1.2 MyTouch and Get Back to Cupcake (Updated 04.19.10)”

  1. Will this work if I already put a rom on my phone? If I unroot will the custom rom stop working or will it leave me without an O/S?

      1. I did as you put but left me with android 1.5 when I need the stock 1.6 how do I upgrade to 1.6 as I started before I rooted my phone with your basic rom?

        1. Alexmc,

          Google for the 1.6 mytouch 1.2 file and flash it through recovery, or call TMobile and tell them you reset your phone and now your at 1.5 for some odd reason and if they can send you the 1.6 update over the air.

          1. I was wondering cause I successfully unrooted my Mytouch 3g with the 3.5mm jack and I’m on version 1.6, let me know if you need help, or if anyone needs help

          2. i unrooted, but still says 1.6, i tried the flash recovery, but always says, back up failed. that is where I am stuck.

          3. i take that back, i am trying to unroot, i have 1.6, i was able to update the rom using the sappimg link provided above, but trying to back up, fails, and i can not load the image files provided in the several videos. i even renamed it “recovery.img” to shorten my typing, but still, back up fails.

      2. i did everything you said to do but it tells me the update is too old
        so what do i do now?
        and how do i get back to 1.6 im in the original mytouch 3g
        help please

    1. it does not work on my Fender, I did all the steps but a error appears saying that the that the main version is older. what should I do in this case? thank you

    2. anyone can help me my myTouch 3G gets the screen as when you press the declared volume and turn down and I run this file as income to the memory card and start uploading when powered up the phone stays again in recovery mode please help as I remove the recovery mode of my phone my email
      thank you very much

    3. ok first i tried to root it but could not get tmobile signal kept droping and got a bunch of fc errors so i went to unroot it and now i dont have my fender logo or any icons whtf can any one please help thanks cant make any calls just a black screen

  2. Will this work if I already put a rom on my phone? If I unroot will the custom rom stop working or will it leave me without an O/S?

    1. Hello Maryanne,

      Unrooting will put you back to the way you were before rooting, you will have the regular Android OS.

  3. This worked perfect.

    I had done something to my phone where it wouldn’t use my recovery backup to restore (flash errors) and seen this, followed your instructions and works perfectly so far.

    Now I just need to go to the next town to get a tmobile signal to get my phone up and running. (live in the middle of no where).

    Thanks theunlockr!

  4. Step 4: my system doesn’t detect sappimg.nbh file. Any work around? I placed sappimg.nbh (96 MB) file on root, double checked with linda file manager it is under /sdcard.

  5. This worked perfect.

    I had done something to my phone where it wouldn’t use my recovery backup to restore (flash errors) and seen this, followed your instructions and works perfectly so far.

    Now I just need to go to the next town to get a tmobile signal to get my phone up and running. (live in the middle of no where).

    Thanks theunlockr!

  6. Step 4: my system doesn’t detect sappimg.nbh file. Any work around? I placed sappimg.nbh (96 MB) file on root, double checked with linda file manager it is under /sdcard.

  7. nvm my dumazzzz didnt turn my phone offf b4 i took the card out,… so i took the battery out n bak in n then it worked flawlesssslllyyy./…. ty

  8. nvm my dumazzzz didnt turn my phone offf b4 i took the card out,… so i took the battery out n bak in n then it worked flawlesssslllyyy./…. ty

  9. I tried to unroot my phone and when i load the phone to install or update the sappimg it goes thru looking for the image but does not ask me to update or install. Now my phone will not even load up i get the splash screen then it goes blank

    1. Hello Maryanne,

      Just take out the memory card and put it into your computer. Format it (right click it and select format if you have Windows) then put the Sappimg.nbh file on it (recommend redownloading it, in case it got corrupted during download) and then put it back into the phone without any other files on the card besides that. Then try again.

  10. I tried to unroot my phone and when i load the phone to install or update the sappimg it goes thru looking for the image but does not ask me to update or install. Now my phone will not even load up i get the splash screen then it goes blank

    1. Hello Maryanne,

      Just take out the memory card and put it into your computer. Format it (right click it and select format if you have Windows) then put the Sappimg.nbh file on it (recommend redownloading it, in case it got corrupted during download) and then put it back into the phone without any other files on the card besides that. Then try again.

    1. Hello Travis,

      Is your phone rooted? Because it should not check for any signatures if it is rooted… and if it isn’t rooted then there is no need to UnRoot.

  11. yes its rooted! I’m running the sappimg rom that I used in the goldcard rooting process because I was having problems with fastboot. Everytime I try to boot a recovery.img using fastboot, it says cannot load.So in order to use the phone I’m using the sappimg that I downloaded.

  12. I think its rooted! when i got to terminal emulator, type in su, then type in id it says uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=3003(inet)!

    1. Hello Travis,

      Is your phone rooted? Because it should not check for any signatures if it is rooted… and if it isn’t rooted then there is no need to UnRoot.

  13. yes its rooted! I’m running the sappimg rom that I used in the goldcard rooting process because I was having problems with fastboot. Everytime I try to boot a recovery.img using fastboot, it says cannot load.So in order to use the phone I’m using the sappimg that I downloaded.

  14. I think its rooted! when i got to terminal emulator, type in su, then type in id it says uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=3003(inet)!

  15. now its bricked! HAd to put an order in for a new one!It’ll be here by wednesday! I think I’ll use the 1 click root method on that one!

  16. now its bricked! HAd to put an order in for a new one!It’ll be here by wednesday! I think I’ll use the 1 click root method on that one!

  17. hello theunlockr

    does this procedure work on my already rooted htc magic ??? can i unroot it with the procedure how to unroot mytouch 3g????

  18. hello theunlockr

    does this procedure work on my already rooted htc magic ??? can i unroot it with the procedure how to unroot mytouch 3g????

  19. Hello Unlockr

    I Tried All The Steps But When I Get Toward The End It Checks For Update After That It Tells Me Signature Incorrect And Update Failed Plz Help. And I Know Itz Rooted I Just Want The Old O/S Back. Needs Help Plz 🙁

  20. @unlockr: does this method also work to unroot after having rooted with the one click method?

    Does it bring back the stock android build?

    Thanks for the reply!

  21. Hello Unlockr

    I Tried All The Steps But When I Get Toward The End It Checks For Update After That It Tells Me Signature Incorrect And Update Failed Plz Help. And I Know Itz Rooted I Just Want The Old O/S Back. Needs Help Plz 🙁

  22. @unlockr: does this method also work to unroot after having rooted with the one click method?

    Does it bring back the stock android build?

    Thanks for the reply!

  23. If you could tell us in your description what will happen to apps and the like before we unroot that would help. Also does this process re-format the card since I did the 1-click root. And finally will this work with my upgraded card 8GB class 4 or do I have to put back the 4GB class2 which came with the phone?

    I think your site has been excellent and well organized.

    I only wish the HERO roms would be good enough for me to stay rooted but I just could not find one at this time. I had bad lag to fuzzy screens not one rom did it all. I guess we need HTC to release the original for a true functional phone with ALL the features working. I really hate to think I may go to the closed ipone system but their OS is closed for a reason. They have got the best UI even though a perfect HERO may be close.

    Thanks again I will donate to your efforts.


    1. Hello Frank,

      1. Just load into recovery mode (home and power) and then there is an option to Format SD to Fat32. Do that and your card will be back to normal. Then unroot.
      2. Doesn’t matter what card you use.
      3. Thanks! Trying to improve it constantly, any ides greatly appreciated 🙂
      4. Hero ROMs are not the only reason to root… try the Cyanogen ROM for 32B in our Downloads section before you unroot. It has multitouch in the browser, wifi tether, apps2sd, faster performance than the original mytouch ROM, and other nice features. No Hero Interface so it is nice and fast.
      5. It isn’t that we do not have the original from HTC, we do actually, that is what these ROMs are based off of. The difference is that the Hero phone has 100 more MBs of RAM than the G1 or MyTouch. Considering that, it is amazing that the Hero ROMs run as fast as they do (and they are getting better every week I’ve noticed).
      6. I won’t get into a conversation comparing an iPhone to anything, just becomes a very long winded debate lol So to each his own is all I will say to that lol
      7. Thanks really appreciate it!

  24. If you could tell us in your description what will happen to apps and the like before we unroot that would help. Also does this process re-format the card since I did the 1-click root. And finally will this work with my upgraded card 8GB class 4 or do I have to put back the 4GB class2 which came with the phone?

    I think your site has been excellent and well organized.

    I only wish the HERO roms would be good enough for me to stay rooted but I just could not find one at this time. I had bad lag to fuzzy screens not one rom did it all. I guess we need HTC to release the original for a true functional phone with ALL the features working. I really hate to think I may go to the closed ipone system but their OS is closed for a reason. They have got the best UI even though a perfect HERO may be close.

    Thanks again I will donate to your efforts.


    1. Hello Frank,

      1. Just load into recovery mode (home and power) and then there is an option to Format SD to Fat32. Do that and your card will be back to normal. Then unroot.
      2. Doesn’t matter what card you use.
      3. Thanks! Trying to improve it constantly, any ides greatly appreciated 🙂
      4. Hero ROMs are not the only reason to root… try the Cyanogen ROM for 32B in our Downloads section before you unroot. It has multitouch in the browser, wifi tether, apps2sd, faster performance than the original mytouch ROM, and other nice features. No Hero Interface so it is nice and fast.
      5. It isn’t that we do not have the original from HTC, we do actually, that is what these ROMs are based off of. The difference is that the Hero phone has 100 more MBs of RAM than the G1 or MyTouch. Considering that, it is amazing that the Hero ROMs run as fast as they do (and they are getting better every week I’ve noticed).
      6. I won’t get into a conversation comparing an iPhone to anything, just becomes a very long winded debate lol So to each his own is all I will say to that lol
      7. Thanks really appreciate it!

  25. Thanks Dave.

    I was not aware of the 100MB difference. You can get an unlocked HERO phone but until they correct the 3G network deficiency, I probably will wait.

    I am considering the Cyanogen Rom if it has full exchange which is the reason I oved away from the standard rom in the first place.

    My business requires full contact with contacts and calendar as well as the mail on my Outlook. Google stuck their hand in this decision I’m guessing.

    I un rooted already but no contacts and calendar sync and hate to patch with apps. If you could let me know on full exchange sync on Cyanogen I may go back. Do I use your same 1-click or should I root differently since my cell got fuzzy screen on many roms by Qtek and JAC.

    Thanks again!


    1. Hello Frank,

      1. There is no “fixing” the 3G. The phone either has the correct antenna in it or it doesn’t and the Hero doesn’t (I use the Hero myself and use EDGE for email etc and use Wifi for everything else most of the time, doesn’t bother me, but again to each his own lol
      The only thing you would be waiting for is for one of the phone companies here in the States to pick up the phone and have HTC put their frequencies in the phone. Sprint is getting it on Oct 11th, so that is an option for you.
      2. I believe only the Hero ROMs have full exchange support (not just email) 🙁
      3. Our rooting procedure is fine for any ROM, the issue with the fuzziness is seeming to be an issue with the Kernel that developers are putting in their phones. Also, there are other Hero ROMs that aren’t fuzzy and fast enough for daily use. In our downloads section, try the JACHeroski V1.5 (after 1.5 he started using the new Kernel so any newer version than 1.5 will cause fuzziness). Just make sure that you have partitioned the memory card correctly before loading the ROM.
      Then to increase performance there are a few tips… I might do a quick How To Speed Up Hero this weekend… or just add it to the bottom of the procedures.

  26. Dave,

    One last question, I downloaded v4.0.4 from your link on 32B cyanogen. Do I need any differend radio files etc. to run this effectively? If I use your 1-click root which seems much eaiser than the goldcard I briefly reviewed wheew…

    Thanks Again.


  27. Thanks Dave.

    I was not aware of the 100MB difference. You can get an unlocked HERO phone but until they correct the 3G network deficiency, I probably will wait.

    I am considering the Cyanogen Rom if it has full exchange which is the reason I oved away from the standard rom in the first place.

    My business requires full contact with contacts and calendar as well as the mail on my Outlook. Google stuck their hand in this decision I’m guessing.

    I un rooted already but no contacts and calendar sync and hate to patch with apps. If you could let me know on full exchange sync on Cyanogen I may go back. Do I use your same 1-click or should I root differently since my cell got fuzzy screen on many roms by Qtek and JAC.

    Thanks again!


    1. Hello Frank,

      1. There is no “fixing” the 3G. The phone either has the correct antenna in it or it doesn’t and the Hero doesn’t (I use the Hero myself and use EDGE for email etc and use Wifi for everything else most of the time, doesn’t bother me, but again to each his own lol
      The only thing you would be waiting for is for one of the phone companies here in the States to pick up the phone and have HTC put their frequencies in the phone. Sprint is getting it on Oct 11th, so that is an option for you.
      2. I believe only the Hero ROMs have full exchange support (not just email) 🙁
      3. Our rooting procedure is fine for any ROM, the issue with the fuzziness is seeming to be an issue with the Kernel that developers are putting in their phones. Also, there are other Hero ROMs that aren’t fuzzy and fast enough for daily use. In our downloads section, try the JACHeroski V1.5 (after 1.5 he started using the new Kernel so any newer version than 1.5 will cause fuzziness). Just make sure that you have partitioned the memory card correctly before loading the ROM.
      Then to increase performance there are a few tips… I might do a quick How To Speed Up Hero this weekend… or just add it to the bottom of the procedures.

  28. Dave,

    One last question, I downloaded v4.0.4 from your link on 32B cyanogen. Do I need any differend radio files etc. to run this effectively? If I use your 1-click root which seems much eaiser than the goldcard I briefly reviewed wheew…

    Thanks Again.


  29. So I used the one-click method here to root my phone and noticed it seemed to slow way down so I used this method to unroot until I could really devote time to mods, ect and my phone booted up fine after the flash but when I rebooted once again it gets stuck on the ANDROID screen. I left my MT3G on since I thought it was just doing its thing and all I got this am was a dead battery and it still stuck on ANDROID screen cycling through

  30. So I used the one-click method here to root my phone and noticed it seemed to slow way down so I used this method to unroot until I could really devote time to mods, ect and my phone booted up fine after the flash but when I rebooted once again it gets stuck on the ANDROID screen. I left my MT3G on since I thought it was just doing its thing and all I got this am was a dead battery and it still stuck on ANDROID screen cycling through

  31. I unrooted my MT3G and all went well with one exception. Unfortunately I mistakenly forgot to backup my backup when I loaded the Hero rom so I used the about backup. I’m not sure if it is the cause and ask if you could point me in the right direction.

    When enabling GPS satellites it acts as if it is working fine. But when trying to determine my location on Maps it says it can’t be determined. The only way it can be determined is if I enable Use Wireless Networks for my location. I’ve used GPS only before and it would find my location on Maps. It’s as if the internal GPS no longer functions.

    1. Hello SB,

      If you unrooted correctly, then just call T-Mobile customer care about the GPS and they can help you. Rooting and unrooting should have nothing to do with the GPS receiver, but you are under warranty so just call and they will help you. Do not mention rooting etc. Just say it all of a sudden stopped working.

  32. I unrooted my MT3G and all went well with one exception. Unfortunately I mistakenly forgot to backup my backup when I loaded the Hero rom so I used the about backup. I’m not sure if it is the cause and ask if you could point me in the right direction.

    When enabling GPS satellites it acts as if it is working fine. But when trying to determine my location on Maps it says it can’t be determined. The only way it can be determined is if I enable Use Wireless Networks for my location. I’ve used GPS only before and it would find my location on Maps. It’s as if the internal GPS no longer functions.

    1. Hello SB,

      If you unrooted correctly, then just call T-Mobile customer care about the GPS and they can help you. Rooting and unrooting should have nothing to do with the GPS receiver, but you are under warranty so just call and they will help you. Do not mention rooting etc. Just say it all of a sudden stopped working.

  33. I was having an issue with the internal GPS not working after unrooting using the above file and finally figured out a fix for my situation. As noted above, hold the Volume Down and Power to boot the phone. A simple reset of the device took care of the problem.

  34. Hey I would just like to say thank you so much for all the help and clear step by step directions that you have put up. Keep up the good work.

  35. I was having an issue with the internal GPS not working after unrooting using the above file and finally figured out a fix for my situation. As noted above, hold the Volume Down and Power to boot the phone. A simple reset of the device took care of the problem.

  36. Hey I would just like to say thank you so much for all the help and clear step by step directions that you have put up. Keep up the good work.

  37. Hi
    I did the one click method on MT3G, but wasnt getting good results with Hero (class 6 card was partitioned properly). They suggested on another forum to upgrade the SPL, so I upped it. If I want to downgrade the SPL to stock and unroot, how would I go about it on a MT3G? THanks

  38. Hi
    I did the one click method on MT3G, but wasnt getting good results with Hero (class 6 card was partitioned properly). They suggested on another forum to upgrade the SPL, so I upped it. If I want to downgrade the SPL to stock and unroot, how would I go about it on a MT3G? THanks

  39. I just unrooted my mytouch because the hero rom was so laggy. Does my sd card memory or class speed help improve preformance of the roms?

    1. Hello DaTruth92803,

      To some extent the class of the card will help. Then try different Hero ROMs, make sure you partitioned the card correctly, then do the How To Speed Up your Hero ROM.
      Good luck!

  40. I’ve recently finish performing unrooting mytouch however, I am unable to connect to my network after the reboot. Before I performed the unrooting, I have perform the rooting process using the gold card method (a bit challenging but successful in the end), my goal was to perform the once click rooting process then load a custom rom. My question is, Did the unrooting process had anything to do with my lost of network connection, I have an unlocked version of mytouch and I’ve already swap several sims to make sure that I do have connection to a network. Any help will be greatly appreciated, If you must know, I have an Non US mytouch, and my phone service is NTT Docomo. Again, thank you.

    1. Hello Rey,

      You have a Magic you mean right? MyTouch is the US name for the Magic. (Dont worry were familiar with European phones no need to try and change the name for our sake lol)
      If you unrooted your Magic using the MyTouch procedure, you now have the US rom and that was a mistake since here in the US the ROM is locked to TMobile.
      Does the phone show any signal at all and just no data connection? Or no bars at all?
      If it shows a signal but no data, just click Menu and click APN settings and put in your carriers data settings and you should be good to go.
      If you have no signal, you need to find the .nbh file for the Magic NOT the MyTouch by using our custom search in the Support section (if you find it please post the link here and Ill get to work on an unrooting procedure for the Magic for others).
      Good luck!

  41. My fault for questioning your intelligence (lol). Yes I do have a signal but no connection, I am currently lookin for the necessary information for the apn settings (yes its a b*tch). .. We’ll let you know in a few if go or no go. . .Thanks for swift respond btw.. ..

    1. Ha, no problem, apology accepted lol most americas wouldnt know so you were right in assuming lol
      If you find the APN settings please put a link to where you found them in our Support > Internet Settings section (trying to create a place for them so people dont have to search anymore).
      Should solve your problem, good luck!

  42. Okay, it my patience really sucks, is it possible to perform a nandroid restore on this?. Then once I supposedly restore my setting, I can write down my settings and then try it again. But then I am unrooted right now, and if I perform a restore that would be going back to rooted phone, Is that possible? (i think no but I am no pro)…Again, any help will be greatly appreciated. .If you must know, I had one of those perfect SPL.

    1. Hello Rey,

      Ya no root means no restore in recovery mode so to restore you would need those apn settings anyway to get to the main screen, so defeats the purpose. You should be able to call your carrier, tell them you deleted them on accident and they will give them to you (dont forget to post them in the internet settings section of our site pretty please).
      Your SPL wont make a difference, are procedure gets around it.

  43. Fine, I guess, I’m gonna have to learn Japanese in a heart beat. FYI, I am currently in Japan (military stationed). So yea, internet settings will be posted once I get it from the NTT Docomo customer service.

  44. Maybe i missed something i tried the suggested rom and it worked fine at points then it got really really laggy and would have a bunch of error. how do i make sure my card has been partitioned correctly, after that all i will need to do is read How To Speed Up your Hero ROM. and that should help reduce some of the issues im having? Any help is appreciated because i am a noob

  45. I just unrooted my mytouch because the hero rom was so laggy. Does my sd card memory or class speed help improve preformance of the roms?

    1. Hello DaTruth92803,

      To some extent the class of the card will help. Then try different Hero ROMs, make sure you partitioned the card correctly, then do the How To Speed Up your Hero ROM.
      Good luck!

  46. OMG. I guess patience really is a virtue. No need for the APN Settings for Non US HTC Magic (NTT Docomo, Japan), all you need is patience. My network connection just went up. I just finished the rooting section. One more step to go “loading rom”. Well let you know once I finished, I maybe the first one with a non US HTC Magic/Perfect SPL to root and load a mod rom (I said maybe, don’t take no offense).

  47. I’ve recently finish performing unrooting mytouch however, I am unable to connect to my network after the reboot. Before I performed the unrooting, I have perform the rooting process using the gold card method (a bit challenging but successful in the end), my goal was to perform the once click rooting process then load a custom rom. My question is, Did the unrooting process had anything to do with my lost of network connection, I have an unlocked version of mytouch and I’ve already swap several sims to make sure that I do have connection to a network. Any help will be greatly appreciated, If you must know, I have an Non US mytouch, and my phone service is NTT Docomo. Again, thank you.

    1. Hello Rey,

      You have a Magic you mean right? MyTouch is the US name for the Magic. (Dont worry were familiar with European phones no need to try and change the name for our sake lol)
      If you unrooted your Magic using the MyTouch procedure, you now have the US rom and that was a mistake since here in the US the ROM is locked to TMobile.
      Does the phone show any signal at all and just no data connection? Or no bars at all?
      If it shows a signal but no data, just click Menu and click APN settings and put in your carriers data settings and you should be good to go.
      If you have no signal, you need to find the .nbh file for the Magic NOT the MyTouch by using our custom search in the Support section (if you find it please post the link here and Ill get to work on an unrooting procedure for the Magic for others).
      Good luck!

  48. Unlockr do you have any ideal why all the apps i try and download now come back and say download unsuccesful ever since i unrooted and went back to factory settings

    1. Hello Datruth92803,

      Nope, sorry. I would suggest, reformatting the card and then doing a wipe in the recovery mode and reloading the ROM, usually fixes those kinds of problems. Good luck!

  49. unlockr,no rom is loaded im using the factory settings. So would I just format my sd card and go into recovery mode wipe data, and reboot?

  50. My fault for questioning your intelligence (lol). Yes I do have a signal but no connection, I am currently lookin for the necessary information for the apn settings (yes its a b*tch). .. We’ll let you know in a few if go or no go. . .Thanks for swift respond btw.. ..

    1. Ha, no problem, apology accepted lol most americas wouldnt know so you were right in assuming lol
      If you find the APN settings please put a link to where you found them in our Support > Internet Settings section (trying to create a place for them so people dont have to search anymore).
      Should solve your problem, good luck!

  51. Okay, it my patience really sucks, is it possible to perform a nandroid restore on this?. Then once I supposedly restore my setting, I can write down my settings and then try it again. But then I am unrooted right now, and if I perform a restore that would be going back to rooted phone, Is that possible? (i think no but I am no pro)…Again, any help will be greatly appreciated. .If you must know, I had one of those perfect SPL.

    1. Hello Rey,

      Ya no root means no restore in recovery mode so to restore you would need those apn settings anyway to get to the main screen, so defeats the purpose. You should be able to call your carrier, tell them you deleted them on accident and they will give them to you (dont forget to post them in the internet settings section of our site pretty please).
      Your SPL wont make a difference, are procedure gets around it.

  52. Fine, I guess, I’m gonna have to learn Japanese in a heart beat. FYI, I am currently in Japan (military stationed). So yea, internet settings will be posted once I get it from the NTT Docomo customer service.

  53. Maybe i missed something i tried the suggested rom and it worked fine at points then it got really really laggy and would have a bunch of error. how do i make sure my card has been partitioned correctly, after that all i will need to do is read How To Speed Up your Hero ROM. and that should help reduce some of the issues im having? Any help is appreciated because i am a noob

  54. OMG. I guess patience really is a virtue. No need for the APN Settings for Non US HTC Magic (NTT Docomo, Japan), all you need is patience. My network connection just went up. I just finished the rooting section. One more step to go “loading rom”. Well let you know once I finished, I maybe the first one with a non US HTC Magic/Perfect SPL to root and load a mod rom (I said maybe, don’t take no offense).

  55. Unlockr do you have any ideal why all the apps i try and download now come back and say download unsuccesful ever since i unrooted and went back to factory settings

    1. Hello Datruth92803,

      Nope, sorry. I would suggest, reformatting the card and then doing a wipe in the recovery mode and reloading the ROM, usually fixes those kinds of problems. Good luck!

  56. unlockr,no rom is loaded im using the factory settings. So would I just format my sd card and go into recovery mode wipe data, and reboot?

  57. Good news.

    I just finished unrooting (rooted by gold card method)–> rooting (one click method) –> loading rom (cyanogen 4.04). I had HTC Magic, NTT Docomo(Japan), SPL: 1.33.0006 and no need to update APN settings (have patient, network will load automatically). FYI, I performed every single step using the “great Unlockr’s” instruction, and all I could say is that “you are god”. If people actually read your instruction carefully, they won’t have so much trouble rooting, unrooting etc etc. etc. Again, thank you…. Bravo Zulu!.. .Finally I can go show and tell my HTC Magic to them I phone loverz around me.

  58. Good news.

    I just finished unrooting (rooted by gold card method)–> rooting (one click method) –> loading rom (cyanogen 4.04). I had HTC Magic, NTT Docomo(Japan), SPL: 1.33.0006 and no need to update APN settings (have patient, network will load automatically). FYI, I performed every single step using the “great Unlockr’s” instruction, and all I could say is that “you are god”. If people actually read your instruction carefully, they won’t have so much trouble rooting, unrooting etc etc. etc. Again, thank you…. Bravo Zulu!.. .Finally I can go show and tell my HTC Magic to them I phone loverz around me.

  59. Please help,

    I had my HTC magic rooted before but while trying to get a different ROM for my HTC, i ended up unrooting the phone and now it is a My Touch 3G, from T-Mobile.

    But I am living in Canada here so i need a ROM for ROGERS.

    I can turn the phone on and it loads up fine but when i have to sign into my google account, during the setup it doesnt go through says my sim card is incompatible, cannot connect to the internet.

    So can unlockr PLEASE provide a rogers sappimg.nbh, so i can start from scratch and root my phone.

    Thank you.

  60. Please help,

    I had my HTC magic rooted before but while trying to get a different ROM for my HTC, i ended up unrooting the phone and now it is a My Touch 3G, from T-Mobile.

    But I am living in Canada here so i need a ROM for ROGERS.

    I can turn the phone on and it loads up fine but when i have to sign into my google account, during the setup it doesnt go through says my sim card is incompatible, cannot connect to the internet.

    So can unlockr PLEASE provide a rogers sappimg.nbh, so i can start from scratch and root my phone.

    Thank you.

    1. Hello Aziz,

      Goto the support section of the site and in the search box type unroot rogers magic and you should get what you need.

  61. If I UnRoot my mytouch 3g. Will it default the phone? Guess I’m wondering if by doing this, will the phone be as it was prior to me Rooting it and putting a Hero Rom on it??

  62. If I UnRoot my mytouch 3g. Will it default the phone? Guess I’m wondering if by doing this, will the phone be as it was prior to me Rooting it and putting a Hero Rom on it??

  63. my mytouch won’t turn on at all. got it to the reboot screen and just turned off, now it wont turn back on. i took out the battery and put it back in. nothing. all combos of power buttons. nothing. was wondering if there is anything i can do, or if i should just take it back to t-mobile and tell them it “just stopped working”

    1. Hello Nicko,

      Try plugging it into the wall for a while. Then see if the MyTouch logo at least comes on when you try to turn it on.
      If it does, redo the last step you did (you may need to put the memory card into the computer with an SD/USB adapter.

  64. my mytouch won’t turn on at all. got it to the reboot screen and just turned off, now it wont turn back on. i took out the battery and put it back in. nothing. all combos of power buttons. nothing. was wondering if there is anything i can do, or if i should just take it back to t-mobile and tell them it “just stopped working”

    1. Hello Nicko,

      Try plugging it into the wall for a while. Then see if the MyTouch logo at least comes on when you try to turn it on.
      If it does, redo the last step you did (you may need to put the memory card into the computer with an SD/USB adapter.

    1. Hello Zhollid,

      Yes, of course. But there aren’t any coming out soon, and even if they did there will be a custom ROM out with the update in it way before T-Mobile gets around to sending the update to you so you could just load the custom ROM and that’s that.

    1. Hello Zhollid,

      Yes, of course. But there aren’t any coming out soon, and even if they did there will be a custom ROM out with the update in it way before T-Mobile gets around to sending the update to you so you could just load the custom ROM and that’s that.

  65. ok well i figured there is nothing left to this phone, just hardware error due to me messing with the spl or something. the phone will not power on what-so-ever. took it to t-mobile, and they couldn’t figure out what i even did to do it. but i have the protection plan.. lame thing is i bought it online so they can’t just had me a new one from the shop. they have to mail it =[ why did my phone have to break on friday? not gettin it till monday

    1. Hello Nicko,

      I don’t think that is an issue with the SPL, seems like an issue with the hardware itself (would have probably happened whether you were rooting and messing around or not). But glad they are replacing it (as they should), sucks to have to wait though man 🙁

  66. ok well i figured there is nothing left to this phone, just hardware error due to me messing with the spl or something. the phone will not power on what-so-ever. took it to t-mobile, and they couldn’t figure out what i even did to do it. but i have the protection plan.. lame thing is i bought it online so they can’t just had me a new one from the shop. they have to mail it =[ why did my phone have to break on friday? not gettin it till monday

    1. Hello Nicko,

      I don’t think that is an issue with the SPL, seems like an issue with the hardware itself (would have probably happened whether you were rooting and messing around or not). But glad they are replacing it (as they should), sucks to have to wait though man 🙁

  67. I went on youtube to run HERO on my Mytouch and didn’t like it. Then I went in and wiped the data rebooted the system. Now I have a blank screen and I can’t unroot because I have an old PC and don’t have an adapter for the memory card. I messed up please help

  68. I went on youtube to run HERO on my Mytouch and didn’t like it. Then I went in and wiped the data rebooted the system. Now I have a blank screen and I can’t unroot because I have an old PC and don’t have an adapter for the memory card. I messed up please help

    1. Hello RJ123,

      It is highly recommended to get the micro adapter because if the phone locks up (which happens and is normal) you need that adapter to access the memory card. But you can try it without, and if you get stuck then go get the adapter.

    1. Hello RJ123,

      It is highly recommended to get the micro adapter because if the phone locks up (which happens and is normal) you need that adapter to access the memory card. But you can try it without, and if you get stuck then go get the adapter.

  69. AngryCookieMonster

    ok, i used the 1 click rooting, i am rooted as i can see through terminal by getting the # but im getting the error of Device Not Found when using ADB, Ive tried every wich way to get this to work but unfortunatley have not, any idea what i may have overlooked?

  70. ok, i used the 1 click rooting, i am rooted as i can see through terminal by getting the # but im getting the error of Device Not Found when using ADB, Ive tried every wich way to get this to work but unfortunatley have not, any idea what i may have overlooked?

  71. ok,i accidently rooted and i didnt back up my original stuff. now when i press home and power, it says Build:CyanogenMod v1.4 + JF… my phone is messed up and the wifi wont turn on, also the phone orientation wont rotate no matter what, with and without it being check in the phone settings. i called tmobile and they are sending another phone for an exchange and there sending mine off to be fixed…if they see the syanogen will they charge me like others have reported?! i just want the original tmobile system on the phone and im never gonna tamper with it again! please help me get it back to normal so that when they fix it, it wont go to the the rooted screen! ive tried the download from but it doesnt even fix it! HELP! the phone is comming in about a day!

  72. ok,i accidently rooted and i didnt back up my original stuff. now when i press home and power, it says Build:CyanogenMod v1.4 + JF… my phone is messed up and the wifi wont turn on, also the phone orientation wont rotate no matter what, with and without it being check in the phone settings. i called tmobile and they are sending another phone for an exchange and there sending mine off to be fixed…if they see the syanogen will they charge me like others have reported?! i just want the original tmobile system on the phone and im never gonna tamper with it again! please help me get it back to normal so that when they fix it, it wont go to the the rooted screen! ive tried the download from but it doesnt even fix it! HELP! the phone is comming in about a day!

  73. Any way to get the nbh file other than download from rapidshare? Each time I try it stops at 30MB so I can never the entire file to unroot with. Any ideas?

  74. Any way to get the nbh file other than download from rapidshare? Each time I try it stops at 30MB so I can never the entire file to unroot with. Any ideas?

  75. so i went through all your steps and when i turned it on by pushing the volume down and power button it only brought it up for like 2 sec then went away. never got the option to reboot. how do i know if my phone is rooted or unrooted

    1. Hello RJ123,

      Try using our custom Search in the Support section and see if you can find a different place to download the .nbh file (I personally just downloaded it from the site and am doing an unroot on a mytouch as we speak, no issues so far).

  76. damn thats so weird.. do i need to delete any of that recovery flash files or anything in settings does my phone need to be charged all the way. thanks for your help by the way

  77. hey unlockr. i rooted my phone your way. i tried adding that new donut couldnt get it to work. now im just trying to get my phone back how it was when i first got it. i tired this unrooting and it didnt work. i need your help im stressed about this.

  78. so i went through all your steps and when i turned it on by pushing the volume down and power button it only brought it up for like 2 sec then went away. never got the option to reboot. how do i know if my phone is rooted or unrooted

    1. Hello RJ123,

      Try using our custom Search in the Support section and see if you can find a different place to download the .nbh file (I personally just downloaded it from the site and am doing an unroot on a mytouch as we speak, no issues so far).

  79. damn thats so weird.. do i need to delete any of that recovery flash files or anything in settings does my phone need to be charged all the way. thanks for your help by the way

  80. hey unlockr. i rooted my phone your way. i tried adding that new donut couldnt get it to work. now im just trying to get my phone back how it was when i first got it. i tired this unrooting and it didnt work. i need your help im stressed about this.

  81. okay cool but when i was messing with it i wiped out everything i dont have those flosh recoverys or anything will that matter

    1. Hello MyJoe,

      If you unrooted and when you hold down home and power you get an exclamation point instead of the custom recovery image, then you will have to redo the 1 click root procedure and the how to load a rom, otherwise if you still have Amon RAs recovery image you can just wipe, then apply

  82. okay cool but when i was messing with it i wiped out everything i dont have those flosh recoverys or anything will that matter

    1. Hello MyJoe,

      If you unrooted and when you hold down home and power you get an exclamation point instead of the custom recovery image, then you will have to redo the 1 click root procedure and the how to load a rom, otherwise if you still have Amon RAs recovery image you can just wipe, then apply

  83. and anytime i use the sappimg.nbh file on my rogers HTC Magic, i get an error saying “model ID incorrect…update fail”. Any solutions anyone?

  84. in addition i’m also running JACheroski’s hero rom for the 32A right now…i tried updating my phone with the rogers update to see if this would unroot but the update always says error and talks about how my usb is not connected properly despite knowing this.

    1. Hello Hakim,

      You need to install HTC sync and connect to it then run the Rogers update.
      By the way, can you PLEASE send me the rogers RUU link (goto the Contact Us section and put it in the tip us on news contact form)? This way I can do a procedure on how to unroot the Rogers Magic (and you can then follow it if you want to wait).

  85. Hi
    My post got lost in a flurry above: I rooted using this method on my mt3g. I wasnt happy with the results I got using Hero (I know it has gotten better recently). Another forum suggested that I upgrade my SPL to the .2005 Haykuro spl, which I did. Will I still be able to unroot using this method? Thanks

    1. Hello Rich B.

      Yes, you can still use this method to unroot.
      I can tell you right now though that the SPL shouldn’t make a difference though, but let us know if you notice anything!

  86. and anytime i use the sappimg.nbh file on my rogers HTC Magic, i get an error saying “model ID incorrect…update fail”. Any solutions anyone?

  87. in addition i’m also running JACheroski’s hero rom for the 32A right now…i tried updating my phone with the rogers update to see if this would unroot but the update always says error and talks about how my usb is not connected properly despite knowing this.

    1. Hello Hakim,

      You need to install HTC sync and connect to it then run the Rogers update.
      By the way, can you PLEASE send me the rogers RUU link (goto the Contact Us section and put it in the tip us on news contact form)? This way I can do a procedure on how to unroot the Rogers Magic (and you can then follow it if you want to wait).

  88. Hi
    My post got lost in a flurry above: I rooted using this method on my mt3g. I wasnt happy with the results I got using Hero (I know it has gotten better recently). Another forum suggested that I upgrade my SPL to the .2005 Haykuro spl, which I did. Will I still be able to unroot using this method? Thanks

    1. Hello Rich B.

      Yes, you can still use this method to unroot.
      I can tell you right now though that the SPL shouldn’t make a difference though, but let us know if you notice anything!

  89. Hi
    I would have to agree with you, I didnt notice any difference with the new SPL. Im a bit of a flashoholic though and there have been ROMs where the dev specified the SPL so I suppose there hasnt been any harm to it, as long as it doesnt interfere with the possibility of unrooting (not that I’m planning to do that..I’m on Akirah’s 3.0 ATM and loving it) Thanks for the response and the great tuts.

  90. Hi
    I would have to agree with you, I didnt notice any difference with the new SPL. Im a bit of a flashoholic though and there have been ROMs where the dev specified the SPL so I suppose there hasnt been any harm to it, as long as it doesnt interfere with the possibility of unrooting (not that I’m planning to do that..I’m on Akirah’s 3.0 ATM and loving it) Thanks for the response and the great tuts.

  91. Do I need to wipe or anything before I do this? And on step 4 do you mean roll the trackball down or press the trackball down? I hate have a love/hate relationship with my hero roms

  92. This worked great, I rooted so I could get the tethering and that was it and then today I got the notification to update to 1.6 but wouldn’t let me since I was rooted. So I unrooted and installed the OTA 1.6 manually and worked great. Thank you very much!

  93. Do I need to wipe or anything before I do this? And on step 4 do you mean roll the trackball down or press the trackball down? I hate have a love/hate relationship with my hero roms

    1. Hello Drew,

      It wipes everything for you.
      Push down on the trackball, you’ll see though when you come to the step…

  94. This worked great, I rooted so I could get the tethering and that was it and then today I got the notification to update to 1.6 but wouldn’t let me since I was rooted. So I unrooted and installed the OTA 1.6 manually and worked great. Thank you very much!

  95. i have a question when i unrooted my phone and try to go to the recovery screen ( home and power )it shows a ! and my phone did i do something wrong or an unrooted phone will show that? if you can please email me because this thread def gets full 🙂

    1. Hello Ashley,

      The ! symbol is the recovery screen that comes with the phone, stock. You are NOT rooted if you have that screen.
      If you want to root, goto the 1 click rooting procedure then the how to load a ROM procedure and you are all set.

  96. nevermind i just read another response…. do i have to do the 1 click root or it doesnt matter? did my phone come originally like that?

  97. i have a question when i unrooted my phone and try to go to the recovery screen ( home and power )it shows a ! and my phone did i do something wrong or an unrooted phone will show that? if you can please email me because this thread def gets full 🙂

    1. Hello Ashley,

      The ! symbol is the recovery screen that comes with the phone, stock. You are NOT rooted if you have that screen.
      If you want to root, goto the 1 click rooting procedure then the how to load a ROM procedure and you are all set.

  98. nevermind i just read another response…. do i have to do the 1 click root or it doesnt matter? did my phone come originally like that?

    1. Hello Ashley,

      Why don’t you ask the real question lol What is it doing so we can help you fix it.
      Have yet to see a bricked phone, if you can get to the recovery screen (home and power) or the bootloader screen (power and back then click on Hboot) then you are not bricked.

  99. Unlockr,

    I just unrooted my phone and i go to look in to my apps and my myFaves app is no longer in the phone once i did this. How do I get this app back?

  100. I am trying to unroot my phone and its definitely NOT working … I dont know what im doing wrong … It picks up the sappimg.nbh but it doesnt do anything … it seems like it doesnt complete … Can you help??

    1. Hello Ashley,

      Why don’t you ask the real question lol What is it doing so we can help you fix it.
      Have yet to see a bricked phone, if you can get to the recovery screen (home and power) or the bootloader screen (power and back then click on Hboot) then you are not bricked.

    1. Hello Andrew,

      Yes but youre better off just loading a nonhero ROM (the donut with sprinkles ROM in the Downloads section). Wipe the apply update.

  101. Unlockr,

    I just unrooted my phone and i go to look in to my apps and my myFaves app is no longer in the phone once i did this. How do I get this app back?

  102. I am trying to unroot my phone and its definitely NOT working … I dont know what im doing wrong … It picks up the sappimg.nbh but it doesnt do anything … it seems like it doesnt complete … Can you help??

  103. I have the same problem as Felicia, I’ve tried downloading and redoing it several of times and I still can’t get it to work.

  104. I have the same problem as Felicia, I’ve tried downloading and redoing it several of times and I still can’t get it to work.

  105. Hello, Unlockr

    I am using a mt3g and want to root…but i have 1.6 and i am not sure if this is what i need to do to get it back to 1.5 to root it…i want to use the hero rom….i have watched the videos and i am still not sure….please help..

    1. Hello Brian,

      Just Download the Dreaimg.nbh file, save it to your sd card (not in any folder), turn off the phone, turn it back on by holding down Volume Down and Power until the skateboarding screen comes up. Then it will ask you to push “Action” to begin. This means push the trackball in. Wait and done. Then goto the How To Root in One Click method and then the How to load a ROM.

  106. sorry about that….but anyway….do i have to have the sd card adaptor? I dont have one. If so what would you recomend? Sorry for the questions…just trying to figure this out. One last thing…thanks for all the info you have on here. it is helpful.

  107. it downloaded as DREAMING-RC29.ZIP…leave it like this or change it? once again i am sorry about all the questions…i couldnt really find what i was looking for in the fourms…thanks again for all the help

    1. Hello Brian,

      You downloaded the wrong file. I don’t even understand where you got the RC29 file from out of this post. Click on the NBH File link at the top, when downloading it name it Sappimg.nbh and hit Save. Then follow the steps.

  108. Hello, Unlockr

    I am using a mt3g and want to root…but i have 1.6 and i am not sure if this is what i need to do to get it back to 1.5 to root it…i want to use the hero rom….i have watched the videos and i am still not sure….please help..

    1. Hello Brian,

      Just Download the Dreaimg.nbh file, save it to your sd card (not in any folder), turn off the phone, turn it back on by holding down Volume Down and Power until the skateboarding screen comes up. Then it will ask you to push “Action” to begin. This means push the trackball in. Wait and done. Then goto the How To Root in One Click method and then the How to load a ROM.

  109. sorry about that….but anyway….do i have to have the sd card adaptor? I dont have one. If so what would you recomend? Sorry for the questions…just trying to figure this out. One last thing…thanks for all the info you have on here. it is helpful.

  110. it downloaded as DREAMING-RC29.ZIP…leave it like this or change it? once again i am sorry about all the questions…i couldnt really find what i was looking for in the fourms…thanks again for all the help

    1. Hello Brian,

      You downloaded the wrong file. I don’t even understand where you got the RC29 file from out of this post. Click on the NBH File link at the top, when downloading it name it Sappimg.nbh and hit Save. Then follow the steps.

  111. I unrooted my mytouch back to 1.5, its been a few hours and I amwondering if I will get an ota for donut, please help I really want to go back to 1.6 but I am wondering if I will even get an ota, do you know?

    1. Hello Alex,

      It can take up to 48 hours. If you don’t get it by then just call T-Mobile and tell them you never got dount but all your friends have and see if they can manually send it.

  112. Alex (different one)

    I haven’t rooted yet, and was planning to today, but I can’t even Flash the Recovery Image since I already have stock Donut installed. Will this work on an unrooted phone and allow me to get back to Cupcake so I can run the Recovery Flasher and root?

    1. Hello Alex,

      Just added the answer to your question to the new forums. Goto the forums and look for the MyTouch > Modifying ROMs and you will see How To Root Stock Donut.

  113. I unrooted my mytouch back to 1.5, its been a few hours and I amwondering if I will get an ota for donut, please help I really want to go back to 1.6 but I am wondering if I will even get an ota, do you know?

    1. Hello Alex,

      It can take up to 48 hours. If you don’t get it by then just call T-Mobile and tell them you never got dount but all your friends have and see if they can manually send it.

  114. I haven’t rooted yet, and was planning to today, but I can’t even Flash the Recovery Image since I already have stock Donut installed. Will this work on an unrooted phone and allow me to get back to Cupcake so I can run the Recovery Flasher and root?

    1. Hello Alex,

      Just added the answer to your question to the new forums. Goto the forums and look for the MyTouch > Modifying ROMs and you will see How To Root Stock Donut.

  115. I need help ok I rooted my phone and didn’t like how laggy hero was so I just deleted the rom so then it would do the hero load up but just keep repeating it then I tryed to wipe it format it and install Dreaming.nbh and it will always say no image file when I go to the android skateboard boot screen and now this wont even work and now its stuck on the T-mobile G1 Screen PLEASE HELP UNLOCKR I’m only 12 so nothing to complication Thanx PS:I have the orginal G1 SPL and its FAT32….

    1. Hello Breck,

      You need to make sure the dreanimg.nbh file is called just that with no other extensions and that it is on the sd card not in any folders then hold camera and power and see if it finds it.
      Above all dont panic 🙂 So long as you can get to the bootloader and/or recovery screen it isnt broken.

  116. I need help ok I rooted my phone and didn’t like how laggy hero was so I just deleted the rom so then it would do the hero load up but just keep repeating it then I tryed to wipe it format it and install Dreaming.nbh and it will always say no image file when I go to the android skateboard boot screen and now this wont even work and now its stuck on the T-mobile G1 Screen PLEASE HELP UNLOCKR I’m only 12 so nothing to complication Thanx PS:I have the orginal G1 SPL and its FAT32….

    1. Hello Breck,

      You need to make sure the dreanimg.nbh file is called just that with no other extensions and that it is on the sd card not in any folders then hold camera and power and see if it finds it.
      Above all dont panic 🙂 So long as you can get to the bootloader and/or recovery screen it isnt broken.

  117. Hi unlockr, i just loaded a new hero rom in my mytouch and its telling me thet it has no sim card. i went back to the old Hero Rom i had and it said the same thing. Does that Happen or is my phone just mest up?

    1. Hello Robert,

      That is not an issue with the ROM, it is probably your phone or your SIM card. Try putting a friends SIM card in and see if that fixes it. If it does have TMobile give you a new SIM, if it doesnt then unroot the phone and call TMobile for a warranty replacement.

  118. i tried to unroot but it tells me that i no image was found. i downloaded the one from this link and renamed it. is there something wrong i might be doing.

  119. Hi unlockr, i just loaded a new hero rom in my mytouch and its telling me thet it has no sim card. i went back to the old Hero Rom i had and it said the same thing. Does that Happen or is my phone just mest up?

    1. Hello Robert,

      That is not an issue with the ROM, it is probably your phone or your SIM card. Try putting a friends SIM card in and see if that fixes it. If it does have TMobile give you a new SIM, if it doesnt then unroot the phone and call TMobile for a warranty replacement.

  120. i tried to unroot but it tells me that i no image was found. i downloaded the one from this link and renamed it. is there something wrong i might be doing.

  121. hey unlockr.
    i downloaded the file and renamed it exactly how you said. when i held the volume button down and power it brought me to the screen. it did not find the sappimg.nbh. do u know why and how it can help me? i want to get back to the 1.6 for warranty issues.

  122. hey unlockr.
    i downloaded the file and renamed it exactly how you said. when i held the volume button down and power it brought me to the screen. it did not find the sappimg.nbh. do u know why and how it can help me? i want to get back to the 1.6 for warranty issues.

    1. Hello Travis,

      You need to extract the file out of the .zip file (if there is one) then rename that file, not folder.

  123. Hey unlockr. I used the one-click root process to upload roms onto my phone. found the roms performance really slow, so i decided to unroot. i used your method to unroot and everything worked out except..

    when i went to view my camera and tried to take a picture, the camera view was very blurry and when i had a view of a tv or light the image was very blurry and distorted. any way to fix this?

    1. Hello Cameraman,

      I would actually root again and just use a Non Hero Custom ROM and you wont have any lag but you’ll still get all the benefits of having root etc.

  124. Hey unlockr. I used the one-click root process to upload roms onto my phone. found the roms performance really slow, so i decided to unroot. i used your method to unroot and everything worked out except..

    when i went to view my camera and tried to take a picture, the camera view was very blurry and when i had a view of a tv or light the image was very blurry and distorted. any way to fix this?

    1. Hello Cameraman,

      I would actually root again and just use a Non Hero Custom ROM and you wont have any lag but you’ll still get all the benefits of having root etc.

    1. Hello Wazzow,

      Would be happy to help, please just post your issue in the Technical Support Forums for your phone (so we can try to stop these comments from getting any more cluttered and so people can learn from your issue easily). I’m sure you understand.

  125. I’ve read around a bit more and it seem that:

    1)I used a 3G for a limited time when the handset+sim were new to sign in to google

    2)The myTouch doesn’t allow keying in of codes before sign in

    3)ADB is disabled by default on the myTouch.

    that said, has anyone come up with a workaround for this, apart from borrowing a sim?

    1. Hello Wazzow,

      Would be happy to help, please just post your issue in the Technical Support Forums for your phone (so we can try to stop these comments from getting any more cluttered and so people can learn from your issue easily). I’m sure you understand.

  126. I’ve read around a bit more and it seem that:

    1)I used a 3G for a limited time when the handset+sim were new to sign in to google

    2)The myTouch doesn’t allow keying in of codes before sign in

    3)ADB is disabled by default on the myTouch.

    that said, has anyone come up with a workaround for this, apart from borrowing a sim?

  127. Hey Unlockr,

    I ran into some major issues and I can’t seem to find out what the cause is… when I try unrooting my Mytouch 3G, it states “Main Version is older! Update Fail!”

    Also, I CANNOT get into recovery at all (Home+Power Button). I’m at a total lost as I have been trying to figure this out for over 8hrs straight :*(. I also can’t go into the market (keeps saying file not found). I can’t flash anything, I’m just at a total lost…

    Here’s other specs just in case:
    Sapphire PVT 32B Ship S-On H
    HBOOT-1.33.0009 (SAPP30000()
    May 8 2009, 21:02:32

  128. Hey Unlockr,

    I ran into some major issues and I can’t seem to find out what the cause is… when I try unrooting my Mytouch 3G, it states “Main Version is older! Update Fail!”

    Also, I CANNOT get into recovery at all (Home+Power Button). I’m at a total lost as I have been trying to figure this out for over 8hrs straight :*(. I also can’t go into the market (keeps saying file not found). I can’t flash anything, I’m just at a total lost…

    Here’s other specs just in case:
    Sapphire PVT 32B Ship S-On H
    HBOOT-1.33.0009 (SAPP30000()
    May 8 2009, 21:02:32

    1. Hello J,

      Post this in the Technical Support forums for your phone in the Forums section of the site and someone will be glad to help.

  129. Hello. T-Mobile USA gave me an unlock code so I can use MT3G with other providers when I travel. Since my phone is unlocked should I root it according to your MT3G instructions or according to the HTC Magic instructions? Thanks!

  130. Hello. T-Mobile USA gave me an unlock code so I can use MT3G with other providers when I travel. Since my phone is unlocked should I root it according to your MT3G instructions or according to the HTC Magic instructions? Thanks!

  131. Once Rooted, can I access / adjust DNS settings for the GPRS/Edge? I believe I’m stuck in a walled garden which is not the case on alternate phone hardware.

  132. Once Rooted, can I access / adjust DNS settings for the GPRS/Edge? I believe I’m stuck in a walled garden which is not the case on alternate phone hardware.

  133. @unlockr .. if i changed my spl on my mt3g and want to unroot would i need to chage it back?? and if i do where can i get it?

  134. @unlockr .. if i changed my spl on my mt3g and want to unroot would i need to chage it back?? and if i do where can i get it?

  135. So I unrooted my mytouch and everything went well but now im trying to download apps and it keeps saying download unsuccessful…and ideas about whats goin on?

  136. i have a HTC magic it comes from the company NTT DOCOMO Japan
    but i am currently in Pakistan

    i want to downgrade it to 1.5 cupcake and so saw ur video

    i completed the process till starting but then when updating starts after two minutes it gives an error i.e.
    while the screen reads checking signatures
    checksum etc. . .

    then at once comes the ERROR

    Model ID incorrect
    Update Fail!
    Do you want to reboot device

  137. So I unrooted my mytouch and everything went well but now im trying to download apps and it keeps saying download unsuccessful…and ideas about whats goin on?

  138. i have a HTC magic it comes from the company NTT DOCOMO Japan
    but i am currently in Pakistan

    i want to downgrade it to 1.5 cupcake and so saw ur video

    i completed the process till starting but then when updating starts after two minutes it gives an error i.e.
    while the screen reads checking signatures
    checksum etc. . .

    then at once comes the ERROR

    Model ID incorrect
    Update Fail!
    Do you want to reboot device

  139. @unlockr ….. if i changed my spl on my mt3g and want to unroot would i need to chage it back?? and if i do where can i get it?

  140. @unlockr ….. if i changed my spl on my mt3g and want to unroot would i need to chage it back?? and if i do where can i get it?

  141. Hello Ulockr,
    I have a mytouch 3G and accidently updated it to 1.6 firmware and has no roms or anything on it that is not standard. I am slightly confused about what unrooting is and was wondering if I followed the instructions on this form, would this downgrade my phone back to 1.5 cupcake?


  142. Hello Ulockr,
    I have a mytouch 3G and accidently updated it to 1.6 firmware and has no roms or anything on it that is not standard. I am slightly confused about what unrooting is and was wondering if I followed the instructions on this form, would this downgrade my phone back to 1.5 cupcake?


    1. Griffin,

      That is correct. For more details search our site for the How To Root a Donut Phone procedure and that will walk you through it 🙂

  143. Hello,
    I’ve just bought a MyTouch 3G and it told me to upgrade to 1.6 firmware. Unfortunately, I did it and now I found no way to root it.

    Following your guide to downgrade the phone to 1.5 was NOT successful. It keeps saying: Unknown fail! Update fail!

    HBOOT-1.33.0006 (SAPP30000)
    May 27 2009,19:06:41

  144. Hello,
    I’ve just bought a MyTouch 3G and it told me to upgrade to 1.6 firmware. Unfortunately, I did it and now I found no way to root it.

    Following your guide to downgrade the phone to 1.5 was NOT successful. It keeps saying: Unknown fail! Update fail!

    HBOOT-1.33.0006 (SAPP30000)
    May 27 2009,19:06:41

  145. I’ve recently finish performing unrooting to mytouch G3 successfully, however, when I power it back up, it asked me to login to google. I use my gmail username and password and I get a message “CAN’T ESTABLISH A RELIABLE DATA CONNECTION TO THE SERVER”. I see no bars, however on power up it shows 4 bars and my laptop is working on an open connection, so it should connect to my open router? Do I need to continue with other steps or do I have a problem? Forgive me if I have fail to do something more, I am 50 years young, come from an era of two cans and a string for a telephone, so I am trying hard to be as smart as you guys. Please help.Thanks

    1. Angel,

      Hit menu on the screen asking you for the google login. Then click APN and add the TMo APN (you can find the settings in the Support \ Internet MMS Settings page on our site).

  146. I’ve recently finish performing unrooting to mytouch G3 successfully, however, when I power it back up, it asked me to login to google. I use my gmail username and password and I get a message “CAN’T ESTABLISH A RELIABLE DATA CONNECTION TO THE SERVER”. I see no bars, however on power up it shows 4 bars and my laptop is working on an open connection, so it should connect to my open router? Do I need to continue with other steps or do I have a problem? Forgive me if I have fail to do something more, I am 50 years young, come from an era of two cans and a string for a telephone, so I am trying hard to be as smart as you guys. Please help.Thanks

    1. Angel,

      Hit menu on the screen asking you for the google login. Then click APN and add the TMo APN (you can find the settings in the Support Internet MMS Settings page on our site).

  147. hey wats love your videos but um u no the video u made…… how to unroot ur mytouch….well i want to unroot it because its slow an stuff but when u unroot it….. will it bypass the google account cuz i dont have a google account…… please help and reply…….please someone help

  148. so when i unroot it and i make a google account i will be able to get in free but last time i did that my phone said to call custermer service to get the stupid plan please help

    1. Robert G,

      That has nothing to do with Google, you mean you dont have an internet plan is what I think you mean?
      You will need an internet plan to get through the main screen.

      I would suggest just loading a basic custom ROM instead of unrooting completely. This way you can get the faster performance without having to lose root access and start over.

      If you have any other issues, please post them in the Technical Support forums instead of here in the comments so we don’t clog the comments. Thanks!

  149. hey wats love your videos but um u no the video u made…… how to unroot ur mytouch….well i want to unroot it because its slow an stuff but when u unroot it….. will it bypass the google account cuz i dont have a google account…… please help and reply…….please someone help

  150. so when i unroot it and i make a google account i will be able to get in free but last time i did that my phone said to call custermer service to get the stupid plan please help

    1. Robert G,

      That has nothing to do with Google, you mean you dont have an internet plan is what I think you mean?
      You will need an internet plan to get through the main screen.

      I would suggest just loading a basic custom ROM instead of unrooting completely. This way you can get the faster performance without having to lose root access and start over.

      If you have any other issues, please post them in the Technical Support forums instead of here in the comments so we don’t clog the comments. Thanks!

  151. Hi, guys this is Angel again, just want to thank you for all your help, you guy are great. I got stuck there for a little bit, but did get my phone working. Moving to step 2 thanks again.Not bad for a young man. LOL

  152. Will un-rooting my MT3G change my current Amon Ra recovery image ?( I am currently using his latest)and after un-rooting, will I get an OTA update to Donut 1.6 ? Thanx again for all the great vids and ur help….

  153. Hi, guys this is Angel again, just want to thank you for all your help, you guy are great. I got stuck there for a little bit, but did get my phone working. Moving to step 2 thanks again.Not bad for a young man. LOL

  154. Will un-rooting my MT3G change my current Amon Ra recovery image ?( I am currently using his latest)and after un-rooting, will I get an OTA update to Donut 1.6 ? Thanx again for all the great vids and ur help….

  155. when i unroot it and then go to re root it with the sappimg root and then put evilhero on is it going to delete all my stuff?

  156. when i unroot it and then go to re root it with the sappimg root and then put evilhero on is it going to delete all my stuff?

  157. Please advise where can I obtain sapping.img for Vodafone UK? Mine is updated to 1.6 and would like to root it. Or any other methods?Thanks.

  158. Please advise where can I obtain sapping.img for Vodafone UK? Mine is updated to 1.6 and would like to root it. Or any other methods?Thanks.

  159. hey guys i just got the internet plan for my mytouch and the lady on customer care told me i hav to wait like 24-48 hours to get through the google sign in screen… that true please some help some that experience it already… please help

  160. hey guys i just got the internet plan for my mytouch and the lady on customer care told me i hav to wait like 24-48 hours to get through the google sign in screen… that true please some help some that experience it already… please help

  161. what if i bricked my mt3g and i dont have a card reader plus i just took Amon RA’s recovery image and replaced it with cyanogen 1.4 which has no option to enter usb mode!!!!????

    1. Anthony,

      Then I would either go get a card reader ($5 or less most places and it is good to have) or find a friend with a phone you can put you card into so you can put a ROM on it and then put it back into your phone, boot into recovery, and then wipe and flash the new rom.

  162. what if i bricked my mt3g and i dont have a card reader plus i just took Amon RA’s recovery image and replaced it with cyanogen 1.4 which has no option to enter usb mode!!!!????

    1. Anthony,

      Then I would either go get a card reader ($5 or less most places and it is good to have) or find a friend with a phone you can put you card into so you can put a ROM on it and then put it back into your phone, boot into recovery, and then wipe and flash the new rom.

  163. Hi Theunlockr, Im being so concern! i would like to unroot on new mytouch 3g, i got a new phone 3 last weeks i think. i wonder if I roots on your website then it will be work after root? Is better to buy a new SD then download on your roots? instead of waste time to wipe and start over SD. What is your opinion better is buying a new SD?

  164. Hi Theunlockr, Im being so concern! i would like to unroot on new mytouch 3g, i got a new phone 3 last weeks i think. i wonder if I roots on your website then it will be work after root? Is better to buy a new SD then download on your roots? instead of waste time to wipe and start over SD. What is your opinion better is buying a new SD?

  165. don’t do this if you don’t have a data plan (like me) and are afraid of getting stuck on the “Welcome to” screen (where you enter your google account info. It requires a data plan.

    Now, if you happen to have a friend’s data-equipped sim card handy, you can use it… but so far as I see I’m SOL after following this guide.

    (Please put this in the issues if you have no way around. I know several people running Android without data plans.)

  166. don’t do this if you don’t have a data plan (like me) and are afraid of getting stuck on the “Welcome to” screen (where you enter your google account info. It requires a data plan.

    Now, if you happen to have a friend’s data-equipped sim card handy, you can use it… but so far as I see I’m SOL after following this guide.

    (Please put this in the issues if you have no way around. I know several people running Android without data plans.)

  167. Alright, so I got my phone rooted. Had to hunt down a friend’s sim card, though after the above process stranded me (wish we could get around this already).

    For anyone else in my situation, who is worried about being stranded without a way to activate your android phone (because of no data plan or internet connectivity), the newer rooted ROMs you’ll be flashing come with a “skip activation” option — that way you can get into the phone and turn on wifi before you enter your google username/password.

    At least amonRA’s ROM comes with the option:

  168. Alright, so I got my phone rooted. Had to hunt down a friend’s sim card, though after the above process stranded me (wish we could get around this already).

    For anyone else in my situation, who is worried about being stranded without a way to activate your android phone (because of no data plan or internet connectivity), the newer rooted ROMs you’ll be flashing come with a “skip activation” option — that way you can get into the phone and turn on wifi before you enter your google username/password.

    At least amonRA’s ROM comes with the option:

  169. Unlockr

    I have a mytouch 3g that was rooted to a hero. It was very laggy so I want to un root and can not get it to work. I have tried formating my sd and redownloading the sappimg multiple times but my phone will still not find it. Every time I try to redo it my phone will seach and find nothing. Do you have any tips for me because I have done every step in your video more than once and still have no use out of my phone. Thanks

  170. Unlockr

    I have a mytouch 3g that was rooted to a hero. It was very laggy so I want to un root and can not get it to work. I have tried formating my sd and redownloading the sappimg multiple times but my phone will still not find it. Every time I try to redo it my phone will seach and find nothing. Do you have any tips for me because I have done every step in your video more than once and still have no use out of my phone. Thanks

  171. Hi Unlockr,
    First – Thanks for all you do!!! I started with a never rooted donut G1 – wanting to downgrade and root. Loading the Dreaimg.nbh file went fine, and then the cupcake update went fine. Now Im back at signing in to google, and I keep getting “Cant establish a reliable data connection to the server”. I tried a hard reset, and another sim…same problem. I have 3/4 bars, and 3g apparently. Help:(

  172. Hi Unlockr,
    First – Thanks for all you do!!! I started with a never rooted donut G1 – wanting to downgrade and root. Loading the Dreaimg.nbh file went fine, and then the cupcake update went fine. Now Im back at signing in to google, and I keep getting “Cant establish a reliable data connection to the server”. I tried a hard reset, and another sim…same problem. I have 3/4 bars, and 3g apparently. Help:(

  173. thank you so much this is my first time rooting and i needed to go back to 1.5 and it worked perfectly thanks the unlockr…..

  174. thank you so much this is my first time rooting and i needed to go back to 1.5 and it worked perfectly thanks the unlockr…..

  175. I noticed you are running Haykuro 1.33.2005 SPL — when you unroot to stock, does your SPL go back to 1.33.0006?

    I have not unrooted, nor need to, but was wondering if SPL reverted back as well. I have the Haykuro 1.33.2005 SPL as well and did not know if the .nbh image wiped and changed everything.

  176. I noticed you are running Haykuro 1.33.2005 SPL — when you unroot to stock, does your SPL go back to 1.33.0006?

    I have not unrooted, nor need to, but was wondering if SPL reverted back as well. I have the Haykuro 1.33.2005 SPL as well and did not know if the .nbh image wiped and changed everything.

  177. @ The Unlockr: Okay here’s my problem. I’ve done your process as well as others. Well now I accidentally flashed an old recovery image and when I tried to port a rom onto the phone it failed and then it bricked. I went and bought a sd adapter and now the factory sd card wont even read on my computer. Is there anything else I can do to fix this before putting in for another phone? PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP. MONEY IS LOW AND GETTING A NEW PHONE IS OUT OF MY REACH RIGHT NOW.

    1. Will,

      Use a different computer is the only advice I can give if your computer cant see the SD card (that has nothing to do with our procedures, that’s your computer or the SD card).
      If anything try to put it in a computer and then format it using Windows. Then put a new ROM on the card, boot into recovery and wipe then flash.
      Good luck!

      Post in the technical support forums if you have any other issues!

  178. @ The Unlockr: Okay here’s my problem. I’ve done your process as well as others. Well now I accidentally flashed an old recovery image and when I tried to port a rom onto the phone it failed and then it bricked. I went and bought a sd adapter and now the factory sd card wont even read on my computer. Is there anything else I can do to fix this before putting in for another phone? PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP. MONEY IS LOW AND GETTING A NEW PHONE IS OUT OF MY REACH RIGHT NOW.

    1. Will,

      Use a different computer is the only advice I can give if your computer cant see the SD card (that has nothing to do with our procedures, that’s your computer or the SD card).
      If anything try to put it in a computer and then format it using Windows. Then put a new ROM on the card, boot into recovery and wipe then flash.
      Good luck!

      Post in the technical support forums if you have any other issues!

  179. will i be able to update to donut 1.6 once this is done? also wat do i do with the apk file and the other files i have downloaded to my sd to root the phone?

  180. i still have all the files ive downloaded to root the phone on my sd card. can i just delete them all including the nbh file?

  181. will i be able to update to donut 1.6 once this is done? also wat do i do with the apk file and the other files i have downloaded to my sd to root the phone?

    1. Bran,

      We’ve used this procedure on a stock MyTouch with 1.6 no problem. Try redownloading the file and trying again.
      If you have any other issues, please feel free to post in the technical support forums.

  182. i still have all the files ive downloaded to root the phone on my sd card. can i just delete them all including the nbh file?

    1. Jamal,

      Once you are done with the unrooting and you get back to cupcake (1.5) then you can delete all the files and just wait for the 1.6 update to come over the air.

    1. Bran,

      We’ve used this procedure on a stock MyTouch with 1.6 no problem. Try redownloading the file and trying again.
      If you have any other issues, please feel free to post in the technical support forums.

  183. Hey guys, appreciate all the work you do. First rooted my phone after finding your site so thanks for getting me started. I have flashed numerous roms since than and have infact upgraded my radio and spl as well. Do i need to downgrade my radio if i want to unroot and if so how do i do that? Will i need to downgrade the radio if i ever have warranty issues?

    Thanks for you help

    1. Karim Lalji,

      Welcome back, glad I could help you!
      Nope, in fact NEVER downgrade the radio or SPL manually (this can freeze the phone). Just do the unrooting and the .nbh file does all that for you in a safe way 🙂

  184. Hey guys, appreciate all the work you do. First rooted my phone after finding your site so thanks for getting me started. I have flashed numerous roms since than and have infact upgraded my radio and spl as well. Do i need to downgrade my radio if i want to unroot and if so how do i do that? Will i need to downgrade the radio if i ever have warranty issues?

    Thanks for you help

    1. Karim Lalji,

      Welcome back, glad I could help you!
      Nope, in fact NEVER downgrade the radio or SPL manually (this can freeze the phone). Just do the unrooting and the .nbh file does all that for you in a safe way 🙂

  185. i tried putting the sappimg,nbh on my sd, turn my phone by holding volume down and power. then it says no image found. i formatted my sd card and it still says no image found. help!

  186. i tried putting the sappimg,nbh on my sd, turn my phone by holding volume down and power. then it says no image found. i formatted my sd card and it still says no image found. help!

    1. Andrew,

      You need to make sure it is on the root of the SD, not in any folders on the card. Also that it is spelled correctly, not zipped etc. Good luck!

  187. it still doesnt work, i put it in the root of my sd card and i even copy pasted the name sappimg.nbh. it still says no image found

  188. it still doesnt work, i put it in the root of my sd card and i even copy pasted the name sappimg.nbh. it still says no image found

    1. Andrew,

      Read the reported issues, should be something about formatting you card to FAT or FAT32 on your computer before you put the sappimg file on it etc.

  189. okay the hero unrooting process said to do this if i wanted to install cupcake 1.5 but i cant tell if it worked or not? HELP!

  190. okay the hero unrooting process said to do this if i wanted to install cupcake 1.5 but i cant tell if it worked or not? HELP!

  191. Some rom made phone unable to read SD cards, now can’t unroot or use rom. Any solution or just stuck without a phone?

    1. Alex,

      Can you put the phone into Recovery mode (home and power)? Then click Wipe Data, and/or Part SD fat32 only? If you can get to any of those options try them they should fix it. Otherwise, this is probably more suited for the Dev that created the ROM cause I have never seen it before so must be his ROM.

  192. Some rom made phone unable to read SD cards, now can’t unroot or use rom. Any solution or just stuck without a phone?

    1. Alex,

      Can you put the phone into Recovery mode (home and power)? Then click Wipe Data, and/or Part SD fat32 only? If you can get to any of those options try them they should fix it. Otherwise, this is probably more suited for the Dev that created the ROM cause I have never seen it before so must be his ROM.

  193. Sorry if this is a dumb question but, What if we don’t have a sd adapter? The little thing where we put our microsd card into? can we just connect the phone to our computer using the USB cord and then put the files into the memory card?

    1. Joe,

      I highly recommend having an SD adapter, but yes you can try it without. (We use the SD adapter because the phone can get stuck on the G1 logo and then you can’t mount it to the computer with USB).

  194. Sorry if this is a dumb question but, What if we don’t have a sd adapter? The little thing where we put our microsd card into? can we just connect the phone to our computer using the USB cord and then put the files into the memory card?

    1. Joe,

      I highly recommend having an SD adapter, but yes you can try it without. (We use the SD adapter because the phone can get stuck on the G1 logo and then you can’t mount it to the computer with USB).

  195. Hey! My SD card has the file on it, has been formatted and everything. When I press the volume down + start, it goes to the HBOOT but it says “image not found” a bunch of times and then it stops booting. I never get to the “do you want to reboot” menu. What should I do?

  196. Hey! My SD card has the file on it, has been formatted and everything. When I press the volume down + start, it goes to the HBOOT but it says “image not found” a bunch of times and then it stops booting. I never get to the “do you want to reboot” menu. What should I do?

    1. Siren,

      Sorry I thought I uploaded it as a .zip. The sappimg.nbh file, download it and don’t rename it to anything, then put it on the SD and try again.
      (The issue is something with your computer either renaming the .nbh file or it doesn’t know what .nbh is so it takes it off the end of the file automatically and then when you put it on the SD card, Android doesn’t know what it is).

  197. unlockr,
    i currently am having the same issue as SiRen was having above. before i discovered you guys I followed a tutorial from thegadgetpro on you tube on how to downgrade to 1.5, then root. it was basically the same as your process. i am running the hero rom that you guys recommend but its too buggy for me. i am wanting to unroot and get back to 1.5. Like SiRen, when i go into HBOOT it never asks to apply update. i have done this correctly before when i was downgrading from 1.6 to 1.5 but now it says image not found and goes back to say only HBOOT. i have tried formatting 3 sd cards and re-downloading the sappimg.nbh file several times. what can i do?

    1. Richard,

      Siren got it working. It was that his computer was renaming it, here’s what I told him to do, see if it works for you:

      The sappimg.nbh file, download it and don’t rename it to anything, then put it on the SD and try again.
      (The issue is something with your computer either renaming the .nbh file or it doesn’t know what .nbh is so it takes it off the end of the file automatically and then when you put it on the SD card, Android doesn’t know what it is).

  198. i tried this after you told Siren to and still did not work. i have done this before and it worked. i noticed something that is different between yalls mytouch 3g and mine when we go into HBOOT. in the top right yalls says “SHIP S-OFF G” but mine says “SHIP S-ON G”. does this have something to do with my problem?

    1. Siren,

      Sorry I thought I uploaded it as a .zip. The sappimg.nbh file, download it and don’t rename it to anything, then put it on the SD and try again.
      (The issue is something with your computer either renaming the .nbh file or it doesn’t know what .nbh is so it takes it off the end of the file automatically and then when you put it on the SD card, Android doesn’t know what it is).

  199. unlockr,
    i looked closer at your video and when you are in HBOOT, our phones say different things. mine says “SHIP S-ON G” instead of “ENG S-OFF H”. also mine says: “HBOOT-1.33.0006” instead of “HBOOT-1.33.2005” we also have different dates.

  200. unlockr,
    sorry for the many posts but i continue to find more things out. i noticed that when i rooted my phone via the youtube video i saw i entered something different in the text box in linda file manager in the flashrec program. i typed in “sdcard/recovery-RAv1.2.1G.img”, but you guys say to type in “sdcard/recovery-RA-dream-v1.2.3.img”. is this my problem? also i do not remember if i installed the amon ra recoveryimage. but if i hadnt then it would have ever worked huh?

  201. unlockr,
    i currently am having the same issue as SiRen was having above. before i discovered you guys I followed a tutorial from thegadgetpro on you tube on how to downgrade to 1.5, then root. it was basically the same as your process. i am running the hero rom that you guys recommend but its too buggy for me. i am wanting to unroot and get back to 1.5. Like SiRen, when i go into HBOOT it never asks to apply update. i have done this correctly before when i was downgrading from 1.6 to 1.5 but now it says image not found and goes back to say only HBOOT. i have tried formatting 3 sd cards and re-downloading the sappimg.nbh file several times. what can i do?

    1. Richard,

      Siren got it working. It was that his computer was renaming it, here’s what I told him to do, see if it works for you:

      The sappimg.nbh file, download it and don’t rename it to anything, then put it on the SD and try again.
      (The issue is something with your computer either renaming the .nbh file or it doesn’t know what .nbh is so it takes it off the end of the file automatically and then when you put it on the SD card, Android doesn’t know what it is).

  202. i tried this after you told Siren to and still did not work. i have done this before and it worked. i noticed something that is different between yalls mytouch 3g and mine when we go into HBOOT. in the top right yalls says “SHIP S-OFF G” but mine says “SHIP S-ON G”. does this have something to do with my problem?

  203. unlockr,
    i looked closer at your video and when you are in HBOOT, our phones say different things. mine says “SHIP S-ON G” instead of “ENG S-OFF H”. also mine says: “HBOOT-1.33.0006” instead of “HBOOT-1.33.2005” we also have different dates.

  204. unlockr,
    sorry for the many posts but i continue to find more things out. i noticed that when i rooted my phone via the youtube video i saw i entered something different in the text box in linda file manager in the flashrec program. i typed in “sdcard/recovery-RAv1.2.1G.img”, but you guys say to type in “sdcard/recovery-RA-dream-v1.2.3.img”. is this my problem? also i do not remember if i installed the amon ra recoveryimage. but if i hadnt then it would have ever worked huh?

  205. turns out that i do not have the latest version of amon ra. can i just re-do with new version (1.2.3) through linda file manager and then do this unroot process?

  206. turns out that i do not have the latest version of amon ra. can i just re-do with new version (1.2.3) through linda file manager and then do this unroot process?

  207. I am sorry to ask such a stupid question, but I’m totally computer/cell phone illiterate. I just bought a used MyTouch on Ebay and it’s rooted and having all kinds of problems. The seller said I should unroot it, but I am clueless. Do I take the SD card out of my phone and put it right in my computer? I can’t find where it would go. Or is there some other thing I need to purchase in order to get the SD card into the computer. Thanks so much for your help!

    1. Cindy,

      No need. Just plug the phone in via USB cable. Then pull down the notification bar and clcik on the SD notification and click Mount. This will allow you to open the SD card on the computer (will be under My Computer as Removable Disk). Then drag and drop the file over to the Removable Disk and then once it is done copying unplug the USB cable and follow the procedure.

  208. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Please forgive my ignorance 🙂 I managed to make it through the steps above as you directed, and now I’m just trying to get my phone up and running. When I turn it on and touch the android to begin and go to the google account, I am getting an error message that says “Can’t establish a reliable data connection to the server. This could be a temporary problem or your SIM Card may not be provisioned for data services. If it continues, call Customer Care”. Is this related to what I just did by any chance, or do you have any other ideas for me?

  209. I am sorry to ask such a stupid question, but I’m totally computer/cell phone illiterate. I just bought a used MyTouch on Ebay and it’s rooted and having all kinds of problems. The seller said I should unroot it, but I am clueless. Do I take the SD card out of my phone and put it right in my computer? I can’t find where it would go. Or is there some other thing I need to purchase in order to get the SD card into the computer. Thanks so much for your help!

    1. Cindy,

      No need. Just plug the phone in via USB cable. Then pull down the notification bar and clcik on the SD notification and click Mount. This will allow you to open the SD card on the computer (will be under My Computer as Removable Disk). Then drag and drop the file over to the Removable Disk and then once it is done copying unplug the USB cable and follow the procedure.

  210. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Please forgive my ignorance 🙂 I managed to make it through the steps above as you directed, and now I’m just trying to get my phone up and running. When I turn it on and touch the android to begin and go to the google account, I am getting an error message that says “Can’t establish a reliable data connection to the server. This could be a temporary problem or your SIM Card may not be provisioned for data services. If it continues, call Customer Care”. Is this related to what I just did by any chance, or do you have any other ideas for me?

    1. Cindy,

      On that screen, click Menu then APN then Menu again and Add APN. Then put in your companies APN settings from our Internet and MMS Settings page.

  211. Ok, I just did a warranty exchange for my Mytouch3G. I am trying to root my new one. It shipped with android 1.6. I cant do the 1 click method as I am not on cupcake. I tried to do the sappimg.ngh but it gives me the following message.
    “Main version is older!
    Update Fail!
    Do you want to reboot device?

    Is there anyway to root a mytouch that was shipped and preloaded with 1.6. I have no cupcake os to roll back to!!!! thanks lol

    1. Allen Mac,

      Thats an odd error…
      You should be able to reformat the SD card, then put the sappimg.nbh file on there and flash it in bootloader.

      If not then search our site for the word Goldcard and youll find a procedure for the myTouch that is old but it’ll get around that for sure (its just a long process).

  212. LOL!…When I originally got my MyTouch I did the gold card method. 4 days later the one click root method was revealed to the world. I vowed to never do the goldcard again…awwwwww man…great site, and great response time. wow…IMPRESSED

  213. Ok, I just did a warranty exchange for my Mytouch3G. I am trying to root my new one. It shipped with android 1.6. I cant do the 1 click method as I am not on cupcake. I tried to do the sappimg.ngh but it gives me the following message.
    “Main version is older!
    Update Fail!
    Do you want to reboot device?

    Is there anyway to root a mytouch that was shipped and preloaded with 1.6. I have no cupcake os to roll back to!!!! thanks lol

    1. Allen Mac,

      Thats an odd error…
      You should be able to reformat the SD card, then put the sappimg.nbh file on there and flash it in bootloader.

      If not then search our site for the word Goldcard and youll find a procedure for the myTouch that is old but it’ll get around that for sure (its just a long process).

  214. Ok. Gold Card method worked. Maybe you should update it for people who might have had the same problem. The only way to root mytouch 3g that shipped stock is by using a gold card. If anyone needs a gold card I will send you mine.

    1. Allen Mac,

      Its weird though, the procedure works for some shipped Donut MyTouches and some it doesn’t. But I added a Reported Issue to the procedure for anyone that gets the error.
      Thanks for letting me know!

  215. LOL!…When I originally got my MyTouch I did the gold card method. 4 days later the one click root method was revealed to the world. I vowed to never do the goldcard again…awwwwww man…great site, and great response time. wow…IMPRESSED

  216. Ok. Gold Card method worked. Maybe you should update it for people who might have had the same problem. The only way to root mytouch 3g that shipped stock is by using a gold card. If anyone needs a gold card I will send you mine.

    1. Allen Mac,

      Its weird though, the procedure works for some shipped Donut MyTouches and some it doesn’t. But I added a Reported Issue to the procedure for anyone that gets the error.
      Thanks for letting me know!

  217. Ok. Found out. Some phones from TMobile ship with 1.5 and some with 1.6. Obviously this would have to be older stock. The ones with 1.5 will automatically OTA after you sign in and it registers on the network. The ones that ship with 1.6 dont have a cupcake to roll back to. The goldcard method works flawlessly. I am rooted!

  218. Ok. Found out. Some phones from TMobile ship with 1.5 and some with 1.6. Obviously this would have to be older stock. The ones with 1.5 will automatically OTA after you sign in and it registers on the network. The ones that ship with 1.6 dont have a cupcake to roll back to. The goldcard method works flawlessly. I am rooted!

  219. unlockr… plz help. when i go to hboot the file it will say sd checking, loads, then goes to the same screen with hboot and the fastboot under it. i power down and when i power up everything still powers up fine, just like normal. i tried formating the card and redownloading the file but still does the same thing…
    i want to go to the 1.5 to root and get the hero rom.
    plz help!

  220. unlockr… plz help. when i go to hboot the file it will say sd checking, loads, then goes to the same screen with hboot and the fastboot under it. i power down and when i power up everything still powers up fine, just like normal. i tried formating the card and redownloading the file but still does the same thing…
    i want to go to the 1.5 to root and get the hero rom.
    plz help!

    MAY 27 2009,19:06:41

    i now alot of people is having trouble unrooting their mytouch or putting it back to version 1.5… so for those people that has the sappimg file not reading on the mytouch, you have to set your memory card to FAT32. you could do this by going to the format option on the computer but before you do it make sure you format the sd card to FAT32 and not FAT(default), then copy the sappimg file and the mytouch should read it with no problem.

    i hope i helped. at least someone

    MAY 27 2009,19:06:41

    i now alot of people is having trouble unrooting their mytouch or putting it back to version 1.5… so for those people that has the sappimg file not reading on the mytouch, you have to set your memory card to FAT32. you could do this by going to the format option on the computer but before you do it make sure you format the sd card to FAT32 and not FAT(default), then copy the sappimg file and the mytouch should read it with no problem.

    i hope i helped. at least someone

  223. Okay, I’m back on 1.5, but when I go to the update thing, it says my phone is up to date. How do I get back to regular Donut?

  224. Okay, I’m back on 1.5, but when I go to the update thing, it says my phone is up to date. How do I get back to regular Donut?

  225. theunlockr,

    Sorry for repeating same typical question, but my gf just got new mt3g sent to her from tmobile because her last one was broken. I tried rooting, just like i did it to my mt3g and i got the “phone says the updated version is older” If i go ahead and try the goldcard method can i use the sd card in my phone as a backup, or should i try this method once more and if it fails buy a new sd card for the goldcard method. Thanks for the help.

  226. theunlockr,

    Sorry for repeating same typical question, but my gf just got new mt3g sent to her from tmobile because her last one was broken. I tried rooting, just like i did it to my mt3g and i got the “phone says the updated version is older” If i go ahead and try the goldcard method can i use the sd card in my phone as a backup, or should i try this method once more and if it fails buy a new sd card for the goldcard method. Thanks for the help.

    1. Manny,

      You can use your SD card, just make sure that you backup everything currently on it onto your computer cause it will be erased by this process.
      Good luck!

  227. hello unlockr,
    using the myt3g, so i had android 1.6, and just finished your method to go back to cupcake, and now im stuck on the “welcome to” process, have an account, but no data access to finish the process and continue loading my ROM, got any suggestions? plz help lol

    1. Kevin,

      Easies way to get past that is to add the data plan to your account, activate the phone, then call and have the data plan removed (will literally cost you $1 for the day and that’s it).
      Check our How to Activate a G1 without a Data Plan procedure too for other options.

  228. hello unlockr,
    using the myt3g, so i had android 1.6, and just finished your method to go back to cupcake, and now im stuck on the “welcome to” process, have an account, but no data access to finish the process and continue loading my ROM, got any suggestions? plz help lol

    1. Kevin,

      Easies way to get past that is to add the data plan to your account, activate the phone, then call and have the data plan removed (will literally cost you $1 for the day and that’s it).
      Check our How to Activate a G1 without a Data Plan procedure too for other options.

  229. hello,,i have a mt3g and i flashed the sappimg,,and said succesfull but when my phone rebooted it still says versipn 1.6…..whats up with that?

  230. hello,,i have a mt3g and i flashed the sappimg,,and said succesfull but when my phone rebooted it still says versipn 1.6…..whats up with that?

    1. Ramon,

      Try to root and see what happens… if it doesnt let you flash the recovery than you didnt downgrade to 1.5 you are still at 1.6.

  231. i tried to root,,no luck,,i read somewhere that the newest version of mytouch (drc92) is setup to not be rooted,,,,dont know

  232. i tried to root,,no luck,,i read somewhere that the newest version of mytouch (drc92) is setup to not be rooted,,,,dont know

  233. anyone happens to have the rogers default logo in 565 format ?
    i need to return my phone and i don’t have that splash screen anywhere.

  234. I have a myTouch 3g:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP31000)
    Oct 21 2009.22:33:27

    When I try this I get: Model ID incorrect! Update Fail!

  235. I have a myTouch 3g:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP31000)
    Oct 21 2009.22:33:27

    When I try this I get: Model ID incorrect! Update Fail!

  236. Hi Unlockr / All,

    Yes, I also have the error:
    Model ID incorrect! Update Fail!

    My phone configuration is:
    HBOOT-1.76.0007 (SAP10000)
    Aug 4 2009,19:43:30

    Really appreciate if you could give inputs as I’m stuck and couldn’t root my phone via one-click ( as it says backup failed or flash failed when I try to use the FlashRec program, thus this unrooting method first. And goldcard method of rooting is the last resort I would like to take since it is SO complicated. Thanks in advance.

    1. Creon,

      You don’t have a MyTouch from your motherboard version you have a Magic (32A). So do the How To Unroot the Magic procedure, not the MyTouch. Then go back to the How To Root the Magic in One Click procedure.
      Good luck!

  237. Hi Unlockr / All,

    Yes, I also have the error:
    Model ID incorrect! Update Fail!

    My phone configuration is:
    HBOOT-1.76.0007 (SAP10000)
    Aug 4 2009,19:43:30

    Really appreciate if you could give inputs as I’m stuck and couldn’t root my phone via one-click ( as it says backup failed or flash failed when I try to use the FlashRec program, thus this unrooting method first. And goldcard method of rooting is the last resort I would like to take since it is SO complicated. Thanks in advance.

    1. Creon,

      You don’t have a MyTouch from your motherboard version you have a Magic (32A). So do the How To Unroot the Magic procedure, not the MyTouch. Then go back to the How To Root the Magic in One Click procedure.
      Good luck!

    1. PatrikS,

      Ya I figured they might be the same image but didnt have time to check the link. Are they the exact same url that they are pointing to?

  238. Hello Mr.Unlockr,

    I just went to the store and bought a Mytouch 3g from tmobile and it’s the new one with the 3.5mm headset jack on it when I tried this it went through and it says update is in progress after about 2-3 mins when the blue bar gets to the top of the phone it says “Model ID incorrect! Update fail!”

    I have tried to use the 32A nbh file that was updated today and yet still have had no luck.

    Phone Info is as follows:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP31000)
    Oct 21 2009,22:33:27

    P.s. I had no problem rooting my wifes 32b using this guide and I thank you for that and if you could leand me a hand in this I would be greatful, Thanks again.

  239. Hello Mr.Unlockr,

    I just went to the store and bought a Mytouch 3g from tmobile and it’s the new one with the 3.5mm headset jack on it when I tried this it went through and it says update is in progress after about 2-3 mins when the blue bar gets to the top of the phone it says “Model ID incorrect! Update fail!”

    I have tried to use the 32A nbh file that was updated today and yet still have had no luck.

    Phone Info is as follows:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP31000)
    Oct 21 2009,22:33:27

    P.s. I had no problem rooting my wifes 32b using this guide and I thank you for that and if you could leand me a hand in this I would be greatful, Thanks again.

    1. LouisD,

      The new MyTouch is a different phone, we need to do a different procedure for it (when someone lets us borrow the new mytouch).

  240. Trying to revert my device back to cupcake to root

    my device info:
    Sapphire pvt 32B ship s-on G
    Hboot-1.33.0006 (SAPP30000)
    May 27 2009, 19:06:41

  241. i started the unroot section. dragging first sappimg folder to my mem card. keeps saying remove writ protection? whats this

    1. Jason,

      Your memory card has a little slider on the side. If it is in the locked position you can’t copy to it. You probably accidentally flicked it to lock. Unlock it and try again. Good luck!

  242. Trying to revert my device back to cupcake to root

    my device info:
    Sapphire pvt 32B ship s-on G
    Hboot-1.33.0006 (SAPP30000)
    May 27 2009, 19:06:41

  243. i started the unroot section. dragging first sappimg folder to my mem card. keeps saying remove writ protection? whats this

    1. Jason,

      Your memory card has a little slider on the side. If it is in the locked position you can’t copy to it. You probably accidentally flicked it to lock. Unlock it and try again. Good luck!

  244. OMG, ive never done anything like this! I bought MyTouch 3g off craigslist off some girl who looked suspicious. she didnt tell me much about the phone. SUre enough it was rooted. I had no idea what was going wrong! I talked to T-Mobile and have a new phone on the way….but…my phone works fine! WHen it was rooted i couldnt use 3G. I unrooted it successfully! THanks UNLCKER!! but, when i do get my new mytouch, should i just go ahead and root it again? Is it worth it? im assuming the last peron to root it, didnt do it thouroughly. Please let me know, if its unrooted, should I have been able to connect through 3G?


    1. Promanxo,

      Your welcome 🙂
      Yes definitely root it, if done with our steps, 3G will work just fine 🙂 Benefit is that you can load other ROMs (like the Hero UI, Google it) and WiFi tethering (use your phone as a Wifi hotspot).
      Good luck!

  245. OMG, ive never done anything like this! I bought MyTouch 3g off craigslist off some girl who looked suspicious. she didnt tell me much about the phone. SUre enough it was rooted. I had no idea what was going wrong! I talked to T-Mobile and have a new phone on the way….but…my phone works fine! WHen it was rooted i couldnt use 3G. I unrooted it successfully! THanks UNLCKER!! but, when i do get my new mytouch, should i just go ahead and root it again? Is it worth it? im assuming the last peron to root it, didnt do it thouroughly. Please let me know, if its unrooted, should I have been able to connect through 3G?


    1. Promanxo,

      Your welcome 🙂
      Yes definitely root it, if done with our steps, 3G will work just fine 🙂 Benefit is that you can load other ROMs (like the Hero UI, Google it) and WiFi tethering (use your phone as a Wifi hotspot).
      Good luck!

  246. Hi, I have had to Myhero-rom on my 32A Magic, but after
    trying to update it with another rom with Flashrec and wiping it won’t start.. Stuck after the green dude.

    I can however boot it in fastmode, tried this guide but unfortunetly I get the update fail-message.

    This is my device:
    Sapphire 32A
    May 8, 2009

    Please help:)

  247. Hi, I have had to Myhero-rom on my 32A Magic, but after
    trying to update it with another rom with Flashrec and wiping it won’t start.. Stuck after the green dude.

    I can however boot it in fastmode, tried this guide but unfortunetly I get the update fail-message.

    This is my device:
    Sapphire 32A
    May 8, 2009

    Please help:)

  248. Hi Unlockr ,

    Sorry for my bad English before . Yesterday I had my friend’s htc magic . He gave me that because he said that it was briked. When I press back+power or voldown+power or home+power , the result is same like picture in the link I give .. Is that means bricked ?

    I also try plug in that phone when powered off via usb to my computer , the orange led is on .
    And if I try to fastboot again, the orange led goes off and the same picture showed up.
    Do you know what should I do ?

    Thanks before for your help .
    Regards ,

  249. Hi Unlockr,
    Thanks so much for posting the details. My reason for going back to stock is different. I just want to stay away any kind of security problems. Could you please explain that unrooting would take me “exactly” to where it was out of the box? Not just for warranty sake but for everything.
    Secondly, since I bought mytouch3G in november 09′, I had android 1.6 on it. The link which you have is for 1.5. Could you please direct me to where I can find 1.6?

    1. Maximus,

      Do the unroot to get back to out of box state at 1.5. Then you can just find a download for 1.6 or call your carrier and tell them to send 1.6 to you OTA.

  250. Hi Unlockr ,

    Sorry for my bad English before . Yesterday I had my friend’s htc magic . He gave me that because he said that it was briked. When I press back+power or voldown+power or home+power , the result is same like picture in the link I give .. Is that means bricked ?

    I also try plug in that phone when powered off via usb to my computer , the orange led is on .
    And if I try to fastboot again, the orange led goes off and the same picture showed up.
    Do you know what should I do ?

    Thanks before for your help .
    Regards ,

  251. Hi Unlockr,
    Thanks so much for posting the details. My reason for going back to stock is different. I just want to stay away any kind of security problems. Could you please explain that unrooting would take me “exactly” to where it was out of the box? Not just for warranty sake but for everything.
    Secondly, since I bought mytouch3G in november 09′, I had android 1.6 on it. The link which you have is for 1.5. Could you please direct me to where I can find 1.6?

    1. Maximus,

      Do the unroot to get back to out of box state at 1.5. Then you can just find a download for 1.6 or call your carrier and tell them to send 1.6 to you OTA.

  252. Unlocker, I had a post in the gold card section were I was having issues. Well I came back to this section to see if there was somthing in the step I missed.

    Step four, says 4. Push the trackball down on that screen and wait for it to pick up the Sappimg.nbh

    I somehow overread the WAIT part, Could you Caps that or put in abb. “2-4 seconds”

    I think that might help with a lot of errors. Cause I read every step carfully, and some how I just missed the wait word. Yea I know, I still didn’t read it carefully enough, but that one word made it not work, cause I was just holding it down for like a second.

    Just a thought,

    Currently running Cyogen rom and overclock the phone and it runs way better then stock..

    Thanks for all the hard work people here at this site has put in for making it easy for people to root there phone.

  253. Unlocker, I had a post in the gold card section were I was having issues. Well I came back to this section to see if there was somthing in the step I missed.

    Step four, says 4. Push the trackball down on that screen and wait for it to pick up the Sappimg.nbh

    I somehow overread the WAIT part, Could you Caps that or put in abb. “2-4 seconds”

    I think that might help with a lot of errors. Cause I read every step carfully, and some how I just missed the wait word. Yea I know, I still didn’t read it carefully enough, but that one word made it not work, cause I was just holding it down for like a second.

    Just a thought,

    Currently running Cyogen rom and overclock the phone and it runs way better then stock..

    Thanks for all the hard work people here at this site has put in for making it easy for people to root there phone.

  254. thanks a lot unlockr for helping me unrooting my Mytouch. It took me a while to convince that I need an OTA upgrade(to 1.6). Is there a way I can back up my currently installed OS so that I wont need OTA in future?

    Thanks again!

  255. Hi Unlockr,
    I did the following on my vodafone magic and it sort of worked but there are some things wrong with it. I cant get into recovery mode, it comes up with ! and the fone on the screen and i can get into the fone but at set up i cant get passed the google mail signup process. how can i fix this?

    1. Derrik,

      Redownload it from the site and put it on the SD card and make sure it is spelt right and is NOT in any folders on the SD card, just on the SD card itself.

  256. thanks a lot unlockr for helping me unrooting my Mytouch. It took me a while to convince that I need an OTA upgrade(to 1.6). Is there a way I can back up my currently installed OS so that I wont need OTA in future?

    Thanks again!

  257. Hi Unlockr,
    I did the following on my vodafone magic and it sort of worked but there are some things wrong with it. I cant get into recovery mode, it comes up with ! and the fone on the screen and i can get into the fone but at set up i cant get passed the google mail signup process. how can i fix this?

    1. Derrik,

      Redownload it from the site and put it on the SD card and make sure it is spelt right and is NOT in any folders on the SD card, just on the SD card itself.

  258. hboot 1.33.0007
    jul 31 2009,15:49:25
    and i have the gold card and still tell me that img is older

    main version is older
    update fail

    any idea on what i need to do.????????????

  259. hboot 1.33.0007
    jul 31 2009,15:49:25
    and i have the gold card and still tell me that img is older

    main version is older
    update fail

    any idea on what i need to do.????????????

  260. I started with a mytouch (Android 1.6)
    I followed steps to take back to cupcake and it worked
    started one-click but could not download RA-dream-v1.2.3.img so I went to XDA and got RA-sapphire-v1.6.2G.img and everything went fine.
    I then started to put custom rom on and that is where I messed up, instead of wipe sd card I wiped everything somehow and now I have no recovery program at all(holding down power and menu)goes straight to home screen and terminal says I’m denied

    Please help!

  261. thanks unlockr,
    I did that and now I’m still at cupcake 1.5 but I got back the backup utility that came with Android. When I ran flash.rec it only gave me “Restore backup image” option
    thanks for your help

    1. Sam,

      Follow the procedure now.
      Push backup, then you need to make sure the recovery image is named correctly, you are typing it in correctly, and it is on the root of your sd card (not in any folders), when you do that the button will appear.
      Then continue.
      Good luck!

  262. I started with a mytouch (Android 1.6)
    I followed steps to take back to cupcake and it worked
    started one-click but could not download RA-dream-v1.2.3.img so I went to XDA and got RA-sapphire-v1.6.2G.img and everything went fine.
    I then started to put custom rom on and that is where I messed up, instead of wipe sd card I wiped everything somehow and now I have no recovery program at all(holding down power and menu)goes straight to home screen and terminal says I’m denied

    Please help!

  263. thanks unlockr,
    I got there, RA dream v1.2.3 is my recovery utility now . I followed instructions on loading a custom rom and tried two roms: cm and cm and when I rebbo the bootup green screen never goes away to
    flashing android and home screen.
    with your help I will get there

  264. thanks unlockr,
    I did that and now I’m still at cupcake 1.5 but I got back the backup utility that came with Android. When I ran flash.rec it only gave me “Restore backup image” option
    thanks for your help

    1. Sam,

      Follow the procedure now.
      Push backup, then you need to make sure the recovery image is named correctly, you are typing it in correctly, and it is on the root of your sd card (not in any folders), when you do that the button will appear.
      Then continue.
      Good luck!

  265. thanks unlockr,
    I got there, RA dream v1.2.3 is my recovery utility now . I followed instructions on loading a custom rom and tried two roms: cm and cm and when I rebbo the bootup green screen never goes away to
    flashing android and home screen.
    with your help I will get there

  266. sam if you go yo download page on this web site you wont see cm roms…………

    there is a reason why……………..

    if you want sm roms use their how to root because you will need a diferent radio and spl….

    but if you root your phone using cyanogent how to. you will be stuck with them, because if you want to try a diferent rom you must upgrade your spl and radio.

    if you want a fast rom just flash dwant and you will be ok.

  267. sam if you go yo download page on this web site you wont see cm roms…………

    there is a reason why……………..

    if you want sm roms use their how to root because you will need a diferent radio and spl….

    but if you root your phone using cyanogent how to. you will be stuck with them, because if you want to try a diferent rom you must upgrade your spl and radio.

    if you want a fast rom just flash dwant and you will be ok.

  268. I rooted my 1.33.0007 spl mytouch pretty easily, and i have no problem unrooting it and getting it back to 1.33.0006 spl. But i assume tmobile can tell what spl they shipped it with based on the imei or model number or something. now if i want to send it back for warranty, i have to make sure it isnt sent back with a 1.33.0006 spl, or they’d know its been tampered with. How do i bring it back to the 1.33.0007 spl stock? thanks.

  269. I rooted my 1.33.0007 spl mytouch pretty easily, and i have no problem unrooting it and getting it back to 1.33.0006 spl. But i assume tmobile can tell what spl they shipped it with based on the imei or model number or something. now if i want to send it back for warranty, i have to make sure it isnt sent back with a 1.33.0006 spl, or they’d know its been tampered with. How do i bring it back to the 1.33.0007 spl stock? thanks.

  270. Question my mytouch radio and spl are different my radio is n my spl is 1.33.0006 with 1.6. do i have to do this procedure n install the radio n spl you guys have to download before doing the 1 step rooting. Or will it be fine doing the 1 step rooting with what i have. becuz i really wanna root my phone just dont wanna mess up. it seems easy to do i just wanted to make sure before i do the 1 step rooting method. Becuz on How to: Load a custom ROM on your MyTouch 3G page its not included n it says to skip this part.

    1. Blanco,

      Just follow the instructions. If you have a MyTouch with a 3.5mm headphone jack do the How To Root the Mytouch 1.2 / Fender procedure.
      If you have an old myTouch then use this procedure to get back to 1.5 then use the One Click rooting procedure to root, and finlly load a custom ROM for the MyTouch and you are all set.
      Your SPL and Radio only matter for the flashing a ROM section (you can check the developers page for the ROM you want and see what SPL and Radio they require, but most can use the stock radio and spl).
      Good luck!

  271. Sorry one more question if i do this n i root my phone and something happens to the phone (Meaning got to get it repaired or something like that)and i root it back to 1.5 will i be able to update it back to 1.6 so it doesnt look like i rooted it at all. if you can help me with these 2 question thatll be great

    thanks unlockr

  272. Question my mytouch radio and spl are different my radio is n my spl is 1.33.0006 with 1.6. do i have to do this procedure n install the radio n spl you guys have to download before doing the 1 step rooting. Or will it be fine doing the 1 step rooting with what i have. becuz i really wanna root my phone just dont wanna mess up. it seems easy to do i just wanted to make sure before i do the 1 step rooting method. Becuz on How to: Load a custom ROM on your MyTouch 3G page its not included n it says to skip this part.

    1. Blanco,

      Just follow the instructions. If you have a MyTouch with a 3.5mm headphone jack do the How To Root the Mytouch 1.2 / Fender procedure.
      If you have an old myTouch then use this procedure to get back to 1.5 then use the One Click rooting procedure to root, and finlly load a custom ROM for the MyTouch and you are all set.
      Your SPL and Radio only matter for the flashing a ROM section (you can check the developers page for the ROM you want and see what SPL and Radio they require, but most can use the stock radio and spl).
      Good luck!

  273. Sorry one more question if i do this n i root my phone and something happens to the phone (Meaning got to get it repaired or something like that)and i root it back to 1.5 will i be able to update it back to 1.6 so it doesnt look like i rooted it at all. if you can help me with these 2 question thatll be great

    thanks unlockr

    1. Blanco,

      That is exactly what this procedure does, gets you back to an unrooted state, then you just wait for the OTA 1.6 update.

  274. Unlockr,

    So for Manup’s Eclair 2.1 ROM by Manup will my stock SPL and Radio be fine? Becuz thats the ROM i want to install.

  275. *repost* I rooted my 1.33.0007 spl mytouch pretty easily, and i have no problem unrooting it and getting it back to 1.33.0006 spl. But i assume tmobile can tell what spl they shipped it with based on the imei or model number or something. now if i want to send it back for warranty, i have to make sure it isnt sent back with a 1.33.0006 spl, or they’d know its been tampered with. How do i bring it back to the 1.33.0007 spl stock? thanks.

  276. Unlockr,

    So for Manup’s Eclair 2.1 ROM by Manup will my stock SPL and Radio be fine? Becuz thats the ROM i want to install.

  277. *repost* I rooted my 1.33.0007 spl mytouch pretty easily, and i have no problem unrooting it and getting it back to 1.33.0006 spl. But i assume tmobile can tell what spl they shipped it with based on the imei or model number or something. now if i want to send it back for warranty, i have to make sure it isnt sent back with a 1.33.0006 spl, or they’d know its been tampered with. How do i bring it back to the 1.33.0007 spl stock? thanks.

  278. Dear UnLockr: Since the HTC Eris is similar to the Magic/ MyTouch, will the downgrade procedure work if I have downloaded the 2.1 leak for the Eris?

  279. Dear UnLockr: Since the HTC Eris is similar to the Magic/ MyTouch, will the downgrade procedure work if I have downloaded the 2.1 leak for the Eris?

  280. Thanks! Could you point me in the direction of the Eris .nbh file? Once I get this file, I would assume that I could follow the same directions and successfully downgrade my Eris to 1.5, am I correct in this assumption?

  281. Thanks! Could you point me in the direction of the Eris .nbh file? Once I get this file, I would assume that I could follow the same directions and successfully downgrade my Eris to 1.5, am I correct in this assumption?

  282. hey i downloaded the sappimg.nbh
    and copied it to the sd card through the phone
    and my phone does the:
    sd checking…
    but “doesn’t” say:’do you want to start update’
    instead says fastboot mode
    plz help

  283. I have had rooted mytouch using Hero Rom successfully for a while with only one problem…Bluetooth says connected to phone audio yet it doesn’t work. Tried several times to connect and reconnect with no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Rob,

      Most custom ROMs with Sense UI do not have functioning Bluetooth. Check the page where you downloaded the ROM, it will usually say known issues etc and “Bluetooth Doesn’t Work” will probably be on that list.

  284. hey i downloaded the sappimg.nbh
    and copied it to the sd card through the phone
    and my phone does the:
    sd checking…
    but “doesn’t” say:’do you want to start update’
    instead says fastboot mode
    plz help

    1. Jesse,

      Reformat your SD card to Fat32, then put the sappimg.nbh file back on it (make sure it is NOT in any folders) and try again.

  285. I have had rooted mytouch using Hero Rom successfully for a while with only one problem…Bluetooth says connected to phone audio yet it doesn’t work. Tried several times to connect and reconnect with no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Rob,

      Most custom ROMs with Sense UI do not have functioning Bluetooth. Check the page where you downloaded the ROM, it will usually say known issues etc and “Bluetooth Doesn’t Work” will probably be on that list.

  286. Unlockr,

    I installed the Manup ROM Ecliar 2.1 on my mytouch 3G everything went fine on the install the only thing it force closes alot and it freezes sometimes wld i need a different SPL or something or could that be the ROM thats acting like that.. I really like the ROM its fast the only thing its not as smooth since it freezes and force closes alot.. Just woundering if i can do something to fix that or wld i have to switch out the ROM for a different one.. Im hoping not becuz thats what ive been wanting the 2.1 Eclair ROM.. PLease help

    Thanks, Blanco

    1. Blanco,

      Do this:

      Goto recovery mode, then click on the following:

      Partition sdcard > Partition SD > then when it asks, set Swap size to 96mbs > Ext2 to 512Mbs > and it’ll automatically make the rest Fat32. (This is not reformatting the card, it is actually partitioning it with the standard setup for most Hero ROMs so just do it this way and most ROMs will work fine). THIS WILL ERASE EVERYTHING ON YOUR SD CARD SO SAVE IT FIRST.

      Wipe > Wipe Data/Factory Reset

      USB-MS Toggle (this will allow you to plug in the phone in recovery to your computer via USB) and now plug it in and open the memory card on your computer and put the ROM on the sd card (NOT in any folders).
      Then click the trackball to disable USB-MS Toggle and return to the Recovery Menu.

      In recovery mode, click Flash .zip from sdcard and choose the ROM.
      Reboot when done. Good luck!

  287. Unlockr,

    I installed the Manup ROM Ecliar 2.1 on my mytouch 3G everything went fine on the install the only thing it force closes alot and it freezes sometimes wld i need a different SPL or something or could that be the ROM thats acting like that.. I really like the ROM its fast the only thing its not as smooth since it freezes and force closes alot.. Just woundering if i can do something to fix that or wld i have to switch out the ROM for a different one.. Im hoping not becuz thats what ive been wanting the 2.1 Eclair ROM.. PLease help

    Thanks, Blanco

    1. Blanco,

      Do this:

      Goto recovery mode, then click on the following:

      Partition sdcard > Partition SD > then when it asks, set Swap size to 96mbs > Ext2 to 512Mbs > and it’ll automatically make the rest Fat32. (This is not reformatting the card, it is actually partitioning it with the standard setup for most Hero ROMs so just do it this way and most ROMs will work fine). THIS WILL ERASE EVERYTHING ON YOUR SD CARD SO SAVE IT FIRST.

      Wipe > Wipe Data/Factory Reset

      USB-MS Toggle (this will allow you to plug in the phone in recovery to your computer via USB) and now plug it in and open the memory card on your computer and put the ROM on the sd card (NOT in any folders).
      Then click the trackball to disable USB-MS Toggle and return to the Recovery Menu.

      In recovery mode, click Flash .zip from sdcard and choose the ROM.
      Reboot when done. Good luck!

  288. Unlockr,

    IN my recovery mode i dont have that just Part SD: fat32+ext2+swap. I cant set my swap or my ext2. Is there another way to setup my swap or my ext2. I tried reinstall the ROM to see if that wld be any better n bought a bigger sdcard to see if that wld help. But if your saying that changing the swap or the ext2 will make my Mytouch 3G run better or smoother with this ROM i wld like to do that. Becuz i wld really wanna make this my everyday ROM..

    if this helps heres what my recovery mode menu..
    Running RA-dream-v1.2.3

    Reboot system Now
    Nandroid v2.2 backup
    Nandroid v2.2 restore
    apply sdcard:choose zip
    go to console
    wipe data/factory reset
    wipe sd:ext partition
    wipe sd:dalvik-cache
    part sd:fat32+ext2+swap
    part sd:only fat32
    repair ext filesystem
    convert ext2 to ext3
    fix apk uid mismatches
    fix rotate
    USB mass storage on
    USB mass storage off

    Thats my recovery mode menu..

    Please just let me know what to do Thanks for your time.

    1. Blanco,

      You have the older recovery thats fine.
      Just click Part SD: fat32+ext2+swap and then goto the next step (that will do all the partitioning for you and set the swap, ext2, and fat32 so skip all those steps and goto the next which would be wipe data/factory reset.

    1. John,

      I didn’t want to over complicate it for him by having him flash a new recovery, but that would work too.
      Yes, if you can find it in format you could boot into recovery and flash it (no clue where a copy would be though).

  289. Unlockr,

    IN my recovery mode i dont have that just Part SD: fat32+ext2+swap. I cant set my swap or my ext2. Is there another way to setup my swap or my ext2. I tried reinstall the ROM to see if that wld be any better n bought a bigger sdcard to see if that wld help. But if your saying that changing the swap or the ext2 will make my Mytouch 3G run better or smoother with this ROM i wld like to do that. Becuz i wld really wanna make this my everyday ROM..

    if this helps heres what my recovery mode menu..
    Running RA-dream-v1.2.3

    Reboot system Now
    Nandroid v2.2 backup
    Nandroid v2.2 restore
    apply sdcard:choose zip
    go to console
    wipe data/factory reset
    wipe sd:ext partition
    wipe sd:dalvik-cache
    part sd:fat32+ext2+swap
    part sd:only fat32
    repair ext filesystem
    convert ext2 to ext3
    fix apk uid mismatches
    fix rotate
    USB mass storage on
    USB mass storage off

    Thats my recovery mode menu..

    Please just let me know what to do Thanks for your time.

    1. Blanco,

      You have the older recovery thats fine.
      Just click Part SD: fat32+ext2+swap and then goto the next step (that will do all the partitioning for you and set the swap, ext2, and fat32 so skip all those steps and goto the next which would be wipe data/factory reset.

    1. John,

      I didn’t want to over complicate it for him by having him flash a new recovery, but that would work too.
      Yes, if you can find it in format you could boot into recovery and flash it (no clue where a copy would be though).

  290. model id incorrect!
    update fail!
    i have a vodafone htc magic (sapphire 32b)
    does this mean i have to use the goldcard method?!
    or shud i be using the rogers magic?
    >< so confused

  291. Cool thanks guys i put the new recovery system on it and did what you told me to do Unlockr. I loaded my ROM on there n so far i think everything is working fine so far.. I usually get a force close when it loads up n this time i didnt get anything so we’ll see.. lol..

    One more question whats the difference with EXt2 n Ext3 shld i convert to Ext3. Well that help.. if i do convert do i need to load the ROM again..??

    Thanks again..
    John n Unlockr

  292. model id incorrect!
    update fail!
    i have a vodafone htc magic (sapphire 32b)
    does this mean i have to use the goldcard method?!
    or shud i be using the rogers magic?
    >< so confused

    1. Jesse,

      Correct. Use the goldcard and then do that step over and you won’t get the model ID incorrect error and can continue.

  293. Cool thanks guys i put the new recovery system on it and did what you told me to do Unlockr. I loaded my ROM on there n so far i think everything is working fine so far.. I usually get a force close when it loads up n this time i didnt get anything so we’ll see.. lol..

    One more question whats the difference with EXt2 n Ext3 shld i convert to Ext3. Well that help.. if i do convert do i need to load the ROM again..??

    Thanks again..
    John n Unlockr

  294. UnLockr,
    I tried the downgrade using the samppimg.nbh and it said main version older, update fail. I made a goldcard using a PNY 2GB sdcard, re-downloaded the sappimg.nbh file and same problem.

    HBOOT-1.33.0007 (SAPP30000)
    JUL 31, 2009 15:49:25

    Any advice would be appreciated, thanks

    1. Oz,

      That would mean the Goldcard didn’t work. Make sure you are editing the Physical Disk and not logical when making the goldcard. (also check out our new How To Make a Goldcard procedure to make the goldcard, might be better than this one).

  295. UnLockr,
    I tried the downgrade using the samppimg.nbh and it said main version older, update fail. I made a goldcard using a PNY 2GB sdcard, re-downloaded the sappimg.nbh file and same problem.

    HBOOT-1.33.0007 (SAPP30000)
    JUL 31, 2009 15:49:25

    Any advice would be appreciated, thanks

    1. Oz,

      That would mean the Goldcard didn’t work. Make sure you are editing the Physical Disk and not logical when making the goldcard. (also check out our new How To Make a Goldcard procedure to make the goldcard, might be better than this one).

  296. So could it be that my micro SD card does not work to make a goldcard? I followed the steps to the t, and it still did not worked.

    I was also reading on the HTC developer site, that if you need to downgrade to a 1.5 the phone needs to be cleared of all user data and cache using the fastboot. Maybe that is the key; Goldcard and a clean phone. What do you think?

  297. So could it be that my micro SD card does not work to make a goldcard? I followed the steps to the t, and it still did not worked.

    I was also reading on the HTC developer site, that if you need to downgrade to a 1.5 the phone needs to be cleared of all user data and cache using the fastboot. Maybe that is the key; Goldcard and a clean phone. What do you think?

  298. To answer the question about getting back to 1.6 after unrooting. If you have t-mobile put this code in your dialer: *#*#2432546#*#* and a notification should pop-up. the ota will be sent within 72 hours.

  299. To answer the question about getting back to 1.6 after unrooting. If you have t-mobile put this code in your dialer: *#*#2432546#*#* and a notification should pop-up. the ota will be sent within 72 hours.

  300. Unlockr, hey so I follow your process to the T, but when I rebooted my myTouch and went through with the setup process again when it tried to sign in with my account it says “Can’t establish a reliable data connection to the server, This could be a temporary problem or your SIM card may not be provisioned for data services. If it continues, call Customer Care.” And I can’t do anything else.

    1. Kane,

      Try again later or wipe data then reflash the ROM.
      Also check the APNs in the phone and make sure you have your company’s APN in it (otherwise you won’t have an E or 3G at the top and that means you have no internet access).

  301. Unlockr, hey so I follow your process to the T, but when I rebooted my myTouch and went through with the setup process again when it tried to sign in with my account it says “Can’t establish a reliable data connection to the server, This could be a temporary problem or your SIM card may not be provisioned for data services. If it continues, call Customer Care.” And I can’t do anything else.

    1. Kane,

      Try again later or wipe data then reflash the ROM.
      Also check the APNs in the phone and make sure you have your company’s APN in it (otherwise you won’t have an E or 3G at the top and that means you have no internet access).

  302. Well I have Edge at the top and full bars, but aso for some reason now I cant access the SD card via computer while it’s in the phone, it is saying the device is malfunction, so I can’t put anything on there to flash it.

  303. Well I have Edge at the top and full bars, but aso for some reason now I cant access the SD card via computer while it’s in the phone, it is saying the device is malfunction, so I can’t put anything on there to flash it.

  304. I TRIED rooting my mytouch 3g from tmobile i got it when it first came out. an error came up and said i could not backup. so i followed your instructions they said to unroot it cause its a donut but i do not have a separate card to put my sd card into can i use my cord instead?

  305. I TRIED rooting my mytouch 3g from tmobile i got it when it first came out. an error came up and said i could not backup. so i followed your instructions they said to unroot it cause its a donut but i do not have a separate card to put my sd card into can i use my cord instead?

  306. Hello everyone!
    I followed exact what I read and I downloaded SAPPIMG.nbh however it didn’t work in addition I downloaded recovery-RA-dream-v1.2.3.img and it didn’t work!! It comes up error message aphorism… THERE IS A PROBLEM PARSING THE PACKAGE.

    Can anyone help me out?

    Thank u : )

  307. Well I just today got a new mytouch and I tried to put the sapp file on the card and update and it said main version is older I have only one memory card.. I dont know what to do

  308. Hello everyone!
    I followed exact what I read and I downloaded SAPPIMG.nbh however it didn’t work in addition I downloaded recovery-RA-dream-v1.2.3.img and it didn’t work!! It comes up error message aphorism… THERE IS A PROBLEM PARSING THE PACKAGE.

    Can anyone help me out?

    Thank u : )

  309. Well I just today got a new mytouch and I tried to put the sapp file on the card and update and it said main version is older I have only one memory card.. I dont know what to do

  310. hi
    i tried to change from 1.6 to 1.5 following your procedure. it seemed to work as i get the fish wallpaper but the emergency calls and power off are the only thing that work on the phone. ive tried to install the sappimg.nbh file again and it comes up with the wrong model number. no probs i thought id try the gold card method but i cant do the first step as my phone doesnt work.
    any ideas? sorry to be a pest.

  311. hi
    i tried to change from 1.6 to 1.5 following your procedure. it seemed to work as i get the fish wallpaper but the emergency calls and power off are the only thing that work on the phone. ive tried to install the sappimg.nbh file again and it comes up with the wrong model number. no probs i thought id try the gold card method but i cant do the first step as my phone doesnt work.
    any ideas? sorry to be a pest.

  312. i was told to come here if i have a doughnut phone that’s not rooted.
    will this process work for me if i want to reverse my phone to cupcake so i can root it with the one step method?

  313. i was told to come here if i have a doughnut phone that’s not rooted.
    will this process work for me if i want to reverse my phone to cupcake so i can root it with the one step method?

  314. Nice work and thanks for all the good videos and tutorials, I was wondering if it is essential to transfer the nbh file through the computer while the sd card is out of the phone. (I can’t put the sd card into my computer)
    My phone isn’t rooted but I’m trying to get cupcake on it so I can do the “one click” root. Am I starting on the right path? my mytouch does have 1.6

    1. DJMackey,

      You just put the .nbh file on the root of your sd card (however you do that is up to you but the easiest way is to plug the phone in via USB, click mount sd card then drag and drop the file on the sd card when it shows up on the computer). Done.
      Also please check the top of your mytouch, if you have a headphone Jack on top you have a mytouch 1.2 and this procedure is not for you, please click on how tos at the top of the site and look for the mytouch 1.2 procedures.

  315. Nice work and thanks for all the good videos and tutorials, I was wondering if it is essential to transfer the nbh file through the computer while the sd card is out of the phone. (I can’t put the sd card into my computer)
    My phone isn’t rooted but I’m trying to get cupcake on it so I can do the “one click” root. Am I starting on the right path? my mytouch does have 1.6

    1. DJMackey,

      You just put the .nbh file on the root of your sd card (however you do that is up to you but the easiest way is to plug the phone in via USB, click mount sd card then drag and drop the file on the sd card when it shows up on the computer). Done.
      Also please check the top of your mytouch, if you have a headphone Jack on top you have a mytouch 1.2 and this procedure is not for you, please click on how tos at the top of the site and look for the mytouch 1.2 procedures.

  316. Blazin' J 4 NYC

    Hey Unlockr,
    Love the info I can get for the MT3G. I’ve did my research and tried every possible way to either downgrade my device to 1.5 ( I have 1.6 now on it), using the Goldcard method to root the fone, tried to use the one click method, ran flash recovery and it gives me backup errors, I’ve been on this mission to root my fone for weeks! Plz, is there a way to do this without the run-around. Your site seems to be the only one who has the better knowledge on this. Appreciate it. Thanks. Get back at me!

    1. Blazin,

      Yes, if you have a MyTouch with a 3.5mm headphone jack on top then you need to do the How To Root the MyTouch 1.2 Procedures. Makes it a lot simpler for you.

  317. First off I would like to thank all of you guys for all the help! Today I tried to unroot the Mytouch 1.2 I followed everything to the letter just like when I rooted the phone. The Zip file thats posted is corrupt or invalid can you guys help me with this as i need to send this phone back to T mobile.

  318. First off I would like to thank all of you guys for all the help! Today I tried to unroot the Mytouch 1.2 I followed everything to the letter just like when I rooted the phone. The Zip file thats posted is corrupt or invalid can you guys help me with this as i need to send this phone back to T mobile.

  319. Hey Unlockr,
    Love the info I can get for the MT3G. I’ve did my research and tried every possible way to either downgrade my device to 1.5 ( I have 1.6 now on it), using the Goldcard method to root the fone, tried to use the one click method, ran flash recovery and it gives me backup errors, I’ve been on this mission to root my fone for weeks! Plz, is there a way to do this without the run-around. Your site seems to be the only one who has the better knowledge on this. Appreciate it. Thanks. Get back at me!

    1. Blazin,

      Yes, if you have a MyTouch with a 3.5mm headphone jack on top then you need to do the How To Root the MyTouch 1.2 Procedures. Makes it a lot simpler for you.

  320. I totally agree with sircow! I dont have a 1.2 but mine apparently has to be rooted with the stupid gold card method which i can not do whatsoever. Someone please help me!!!

  321. I totally agree with sircow! I dont have a 1.2 but mine apparently has to be rooted with the stupid gold card method which i can not do whatsoever. Someone please help me!!!

  322. Ok once again I did Root the Mytouch 1.2 with the Gold Card method & it worked like a dream so easy!!! The problem i’m having is that I can’t UnRoot the phone with the file you guys have posted!!! ( rename the to sappimg.nbh it does not work!!! Will not UNROOT!!!

  323. if i changed my SPL would i still use this method to unroot or do i need to change it back? im not unrooting but im just wondering, and someone else might have the same question. so no rush on this.

  324. Ok once again I did Root the Mytouch 1.2 with the Gold Card method & it worked like a dream so easy!!! The problem i’m having is that I can’t UnRoot the phone with the file you guys have posted!!! ( rename the to sappimg.nbh it does not work!!! Will not UNROOT!!!

  325. if i changed my SPL would i still use this method to unroot or do i need to change it back? im not unrooting but im just wondering, and someone else might have the same question. so no rush on this.

  326. LOL!!! .Zip worked just great!!! Okay I used the Gold Card I made with the help of from guys & again thanks for that. Then I had to change the SPL I used to 1.33.2010!!! Learned a bunch thanks again…….

  327. LOL!!! .Zip worked just great!!! Okay I used the Gold Card I made with the help of from guys & again thanks for that. Then I had to change the SPL I used to 1.33.2010!!! Learned a bunch thanks again…….

  328. hi

    since no one replied to my post April 9th, 2010 at 9:24 pm. i had no choice but to buy another magic and try to create a goldcard to fix my original phone. i followed unlockrs goldcard procedure and now my phone is rooted and working again.
    i still dont have a clue what went wrong in the original attempt or if there was another way to fix it but the goldcard method saved it. i wish tried it first time around instead of taking the easy option with the sapping.nhb.
    well thanks unlockr for your goldcard procedure and now its time to unload the 2nd phone on ebay.

  329. hi

    since no one replied to my post April 9th, 2010 at 9:24 pm. i had no choice but to buy another magic and try to create a goldcard to fix my original phone. i followed unlockrs goldcard procedure and now my phone is rooted and working again.
    i still dont have a clue what went wrong in the original attempt or if there was another way to fix it but the goldcard method saved it. i wish tried it first time around instead of taking the easy option with the sapping.nhb.
    well thanks unlockr for your goldcard procedure and now its time to unload the 2nd phone on ebay.

  330. My 1.2 is rooted and I’m trying to unroot, however, I am getting the main version is older update failed issue… I’ve tried with my gold card that I originally used to root, and just a regular micro sd I had and still no good. ??? Am I missing something?

  331. My 1.2 is rooted and I’m trying to unroot, however, I am getting the main version is older update failed issue… I’ve tried with my gold card that I originally used to root, and just a regular micro sd I had and still no good. ??? Am I missing something?

  332. I just bought the htc Magic like 2 days ago and I dont know if it is “cupcake” or not
    actually i dont even know what that is
    I’ll tell you my info
    Firmware Version: 1.5
    Build Number: 3.05 etc.

  333. I just bought the htc Magic like 2 days ago and I dont know if it is “cupcake” or not
    actually i dont even know what that is
    I’ll tell you my info
    Firmware Version: 1.5
    Build Number: 3.05 etc.

    1. Bartongang,

      Android 1.5 is Cupcake
      Android 1.6 is Donut
      Android 2.0/2.0.1/2.1 are Eclair

      Hope that helps 🙂

  334. hey
    i ll appreciate if you can show me how to downgrade my Htc Magic(Htc-03a NTT DOCOMO Japan) firmware 1.6 to firmware 1.5.
    Looking forward,

  335. hey
    i ll appreciate if you can show me how to downgrade my Htc Magic(Htc-03a NTT DOCOMO Japan) firmware 1.6 to firmware 1.5.
    Looking forward,

  336. I have a MT3G with 1.6, i’ve read and know what to do to root my phone, but before that i want to know:
    1) Since i have to downgrade to 1.5 to root, how can I go back to 1.6 if I unroot it later?
    2)Will rooting erase all my contacts and apps?

  337. I have a MT3G with 1.6, i’ve read and know what to do to root my phone, but before that i want to know:
    1) Since i have to downgrade to 1.5 to root, how can I go back to 1.6 if I unroot it later?
    2)Will rooting erase all my contacts and apps?

  338. what do u do after u have the zip file onto your mytouch 1.2 because when i go into the bootloader it says failed and does that mean i have to do the gold card method?

  339. what do u do after u have the zip file onto your mytouch 1.2 because when i go into the bootloader it says failed and does that mean i have to do the gold card method?

  340. So it seems like I have had a lot of problems with a “rooted phone” by the goldcard method. Was unable to load ROMs, can’t access the recovery. I am trying to Unroot it as we speak, but i am at the HBoot screen and clicked the trackball and it is doing absolutely nothing. it hasn’t picked up the SAPPIMG.nbh to update on the goldcard. I’ve tried to use another card (PNY 8g) to transfer the SAPPIMG.nbh file and the the MAin version is older. Update failed. Can sumone please help me. I am Desperate to get my phone back to Stock Unrooted MT3G with 1.6 OS.

    And I don’t know if it helps, but when i boot my phone up it shows Vodafone splash image and HTC magic logo.

  341. So it seems like I have had a lot of problems with a “rooted phone” by the goldcard method. Was unable to load ROMs, can’t access the recovery. I am trying to Unroot it as we speak, but i am at the HBoot screen and clicked the trackball and it is doing absolutely nothing. it hasn’t picked up the SAPPIMG.nbh to update on the goldcard. I’ve tried to use another card (PNY 8g) to transfer the SAPPIMG.nbh file and the the MAin version is older. Update failed. Can sumone please help me. I am Desperate to get my phone back to Stock Unrooted MT3G with 1.6 OS.

    And I don’t know if it helps, but when i boot my phone up it shows Vodafone splash image and HTC magic logo.

  342. i attempted to use the gold card method and my phone battery came out of the phone now my phone reads as a magic from vodaphone instead of mytouch 3g what can i do to get back to the tmobile setting any help is appreciated

  343. i attempted to use the gold card method and my phone battery came out of the phone now my phone reads as a magic from vodaphone instead of mytouch 3g what can i do to get back to the tmobile setting any help is appreciated

  344. I am trying to unroot my phone and now when I plug my phone into the computer it will not recognize my SD card. I can still reboot into recovery mode but I cant open my sd cardon my computer and now my phone wont turn on, just in recovery. Is it broken?

  345. Ok I had to go in with a different memory card and I just put the from the How to Root your Mt3g on to it as well as the recovery stuff that it asks for when you are first rooting your phone. I powered up my phone and it comes on and I can use it but with this software on it, is it still rooted? And if so I tried to put the Sappimg.nbh and I will boot my phone up (volume down and power) then I hit the action button to bring up the reboot process and it just says no image found or image not found and then doesn’t do it. I am just wanting to know if my phone is still rooted at this point

  346. I am trying to unroot my phone and now when I plug my phone into the computer it will not recognize my SD card. I can still reboot into recovery mode but I cant open my sd cardon my computer and now my phone wont turn on, just in recovery. Is it broken?

  347. Ok I had to go in with a different memory card and I just put the from the How to Root your Mt3g on to it as well as the recovery stuff that it asks for when you are first rooting your phone. I powered up my phone and it comes on and I can use it but with this software on it, is it still rooted? And if so I tried to put the Sappimg.nbh and I will boot my phone up (volume down and power) then I hit the action button to bring up the reboot process and it just says no image found or image not found and then doesn’t do it. I am just wanting to know if my phone is still rooted at this point

  348. hi,
    i have magic 32b with spl 1.33.0007, so i had to use the goldcard method.
    i made one, and put the sappimg.nbh on it to update with HBOOT.
    but now i get the main version is older error 🙁

    Help pleasssee !??

  349. hi,
    i have magic 32b with spl 1.33.0007, so i had to use the goldcard method.
    i made one, and put the sappimg.nbh on it to update with HBOOT.
    but now i get the main version is older error 🙁

    Help pleasssee !??

  350. this was probably already asked, but i couldn’t find it after like 10 minutes of reading
    Do you have to delete the files off your SD card before you do this?
    I haven’t rooted yet, i’m just trying to look at everything related before i do

  351. this was probably already asked, but i couldn’t find it after like 10 minutes of reading
    Do you have to delete the files off your SD card before you do this?
    I haven’t rooted yet, i’m just trying to look at everything related before i do

  352. dear unlockr i have mt3g
    sapphire pvt 32b ship s-on h
    i have tried your unlock method several times and i always get a bad signature error please help i just wanna get back onto android 1.6

  353. dear unlockr i have mt3g
    sapphire pvt 32b ship s-on h
    i have tried your unlock method several times and i always get a bad signature error please help i just wanna get back onto android 1.6

    HBOOT-1.33.0014 (SAPP30000)
    Sep 2 2009,17:42:56

    I have MT3G with T-Mobile, once i tried to root my phone with one click method, at the end i got my touch 3g but i think it’s with a magic rom because the splsh screen said htc magic and the model number too; the firmware version 1.5.

    I tried to get it back to factory rom, but nothing. i tried goldcard and it doesnt find the .nbh file.

    Can you help me ?

    HBOOT-1.33.0014 (SAPP30000)
    Sep 2 2009,17:42:56

    I have MT3G with T-Mobile, once i tried to root my phone with one click method, at the end i got my touch 3g but i think it’s with a magic rom because the splsh screen said htc magic and the model number too; the firmware version 1.5.

    I tried to get it back to factory rom, but nothing. i tried goldcard and it doesnt find the .nbh file.

    Can you help me ?

  356. Well I think I might have figured out the older version problem. When I used the tutorial to unlock my mytouch 3g le it boots a 32b radio on to a 32a phone. This also has kept me from using the 32b-32a little diddy to utilize the 280 mb of ram on the cyanogen stuff. I think this may be a problem and will report back if it works.

  357. Well I think I might have figured out the older version problem. When I used the tutorial to unlock my mytouch 3g le it boots a 32b radio on to a 32a phone. This also has kept me from using the 32b-32a little diddy to utilize the 280 mb of ram on the cyanogen stuff. I think this may be a problem and will report back if it works.

  358. what i did for all those who had the “older model” deal is i flashed the sappimg you got when you originally rooted it and then flashed the one on here. it worked for me, best of luck.

  359. what i did for all those who had the “older model” deal is i flashed the sappimg you got when you originally rooted it and then flashed the one on here. it worked for me, best of luck.

  360. it’d be great if you mentioned that once you do this, you will have to do that stupid gmail login again. then i could have waited until i had a sim nearby instead of turning my phone into a paperweight again.

  361. it’d be great if you mentioned that once you do this, you will have to do that stupid gmail login again. then i could have waited until i had a sim nearby instead of turning my phone into a paperweight again.

  362. Hi Unlockr,

    It has been about a month since I was using this guide to try nnroot my original mytouch 3G, and lost all access to rooting capabilities. At this point I am running:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP30000)
    Oct 21 2009, 22:33:27

    Model Number
    T-Mobile myTouch 3G

    Firmware Version

    Baseband Version

    Kernel Version
    htc-kernel@and1-2 #3

    Build Number
    2.10.531.4 CL119339 release-keys

    I have tried everything I can to fix my SPL, using Amon Ra’s guide, using goldcard method I don’t know how many times. and I will find any of these issues:
    ID Mismatch
    Fastboot (remote not allowed)
    Missing Signature
    or the phone returns to the original Hboot screen. Any insight would be wonderful, and I couldn’t tell you at this point if I may have flashed the 1.2 downgrade instead of the original one. If this is the case is there any way to get myself back on the right track? Thank you so much in advance

  363. Hi Unlockr,

    It has been about a month since I was using this guide to try nnroot my original mytouch 3G, and lost all access to rooting capabilities. At this point I am running:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP30000)
    Oct 21 2009, 22:33:27

    Model Number
    T-Mobile myTouch 3G

    Firmware Version

    Baseband Version

    Kernel Version
    htc-kernel@and1-2 #3

    Build Number
    2.10.531.4 CL119339 release-keys

    I have tried everything I can to fix my SPL, using Amon Ra’s guide, using goldcard method I don’t know how many times. and I will find any of these issues:
    ID Mismatch
    Fastboot (remote not allowed)
    Missing Signature
    or the phone returns to the original Hboot screen. Any insight would be wonderful, and I couldn’t tell you at this point if I may have flashed the 1.2 downgrade instead of the original one. If this is the case is there any way to get myself back on the right track? Thank you so much in advance

  364. WTF, I have a 32A TIM Magic, downloaded the nhb file… tok out microsd…put it into computer, formatted it, put on the file, back into phone…followed the procedure…procedure started then came up with ‘Model ID Incorrect’ …Now i think my phone is bricked… can anyone help… Unlockr please help…!

  365. WTF, I have a 32A TIM Magic, downloaded the nhb file… tok out microsd…put it into computer, formatted it, put on the file, back into phone…followed the procedure…procedure started then came up with ‘Model ID Incorrect’ …Now i think my phone is bricked… can anyone help… Unlockr please help…!

  366. Hey, I already have a WORKING goldcard but I still get stuck with the “Main version is older…”.
    I know the goldcard is working as I am updating my ROM from another region file.
    Could you please be of help?

  367. is it possible to root your my touch if it came stockwith 1.6 firmware? i tried doing the unrroting procedure, but everytime i tried i remained at 1.6 firmware, help please, i would love to be able to root my phone.

  368. hey unlockr,
    ok so i followd the unroot procedures to a t, and when i turn the phone back on holding down the volume key nd the power button it does let me do the update, but when the update is in pregress it says checking signature, then it says main version older! update fail! can you help?

  369. Hey, I already have a WORKING goldcard but I still get stuck with the “Main version is older…”.
    I know the goldcard is working as I am updating my ROM from another region file.
    Could you please be of help?

  370. is it possible to root your my touch if it came stockwith 1.6 firmware? i tried doing the unrroting procedure, but everytime i tried i remained at 1.6 firmware, help please, i would love to be able to root my phone.

  371. hey unlockr,
    ok so i followd the unroot procedures to a t, and when i turn the phone back on holding down the volume key nd the power button it does let me do the update, but when the update is in pregress it says checking signature, then it says main version older! update fail! can you help?

  372. Dear TheUnlockr, When I unrooted my mytouch 3g (orginal) It was on 1.5 and I tryed updated it, it said currently up to date, what should I do?

  373. Dear TheUnlockr, When I unrooted my mytouch 3g (orginal) It was on 1.5 and I tryed updated it, it said currently up to date, what should I do?

  374. The problem (if i’m not missing anything) is that this ROM is version 3.[something]. When trying to ‘downgrade’ to the official 1.6 ROM, wich is version 2.[something] I get the usual error, and i’m forced to use the official Sense-ROM. Is there any way to get around this? Cause I really wanna run the 1.6.


  375. The problem (if i’m not missing anything) is that this ROM is version 3.[something]. When trying to ‘downgrade’ to the official 1.6 ROM, wich is version 2.[something] I get the usual error, and i’m forced to use the official Sense-ROM. Is there any way to get around this? Cause I really wanna run the 1.6.


  376. Hey, i just unrooted my mytouch, everything went fine but it has the 1.5 os on it, will i get a ota for 1.6 at one point? i kno you can manually force the 1.6 update but the link for that is broken. so will my phone automatically update to 1.6 or am i stuck in 1.5 os?

    1. Androidfan19,

      You can either call TMobile and make something up about how you never got 1.6 and have them push it to you, or just Google for the Android 1.6 update file for the MyTouch and you’ll find it.

  377. Hey, i just unrooted my mytouch, everything went fine but it has the 1.5 os on it, will i get a ota for 1.6 at one point? i kno you can manually force the 1.6 update but the link for that is broken. so will my phone automatically update to 1.6 or am i stuck in 1.5 os?

    1. Androidfan19,

      You can either call TMobile and make something up about how you never got 1.6 and have them push it to you, or just Google for the Android 1.6 update file for the MyTouch and you’ll find it.

  378. Hi, i have no tried unrooting my phone, but i just want to ask a few questions before i go ahead and do this.

    i bought my htc magic in hong kong. would this effect how the unroot works for my phone? i followed a walkthough and installed the CM 5.0.7 android 2.1 rom on my phone. by using this unroot, will my phone revert back to its original state?

    HTC hong kong released an update to put HTC sense on the magic, can i still use that upgrade?


    1. Lawrence,

      I say this a lot. There is no reason to unroot your phone unless you are sending it in for warranty.
      The update will come out very slowly when it does (over the course of a week or two usually) and as soon as the first people get it it’ll be put up online and rooted. You’ll most likely be able to flash it sooner by having a rooted phone and flashing it with your recovery image than by waiting for it to come to the phone OTA.
      Not too mention, you can still get it OTA even if you are rooted, you’ll just lose root when you update…

  379. Hi, i have no tried unrooting my phone, but i just want to ask a few questions before i go ahead and do this.

    i bought my htc magic in hong kong. would this effect how the unroot works for my phone? i followed a walkthough and installed the CM 5.0.7 android 2.1 rom on my phone. by using this unroot, will my phone revert back to its original state?

    HTC hong kong released an update to put HTC sense on the magic, can i still use that upgrade?


    1. Lawrence,

      I say this a lot. There is no reason to unroot your phone unless you are sending it in for warranty.
      The update will come out very slowly when it does (over the course of a week or two usually) and as soon as the first people get it it’ll be put up online and rooted. You’ll most likely be able to flash it sooner by having a rooted phone and flashing it with your recovery image than by waiting for it to come to the phone OTA.
      Not too mention, you can still get it OTA even if you are rooted, you’ll just lose root when you update…

  380. Hi, My phone is rooted i have a google ion. Tmobile is supposedly coming out with a 2.2 update for their whole mytouch line and i wanted the update, so i was looking at unrooting. but since my phone is rooted couldnt i theoretically just ubtain the 2.2 image once its released and just flash it on there how i would a hacked ROM?

    1. Tony,

      I say this a lot. There is no reason to unroot your phone unless you are sending it in for warranty. 🙂
      The update will come out very slowly when it does (over the course of a week or two usually) and as soon as the first people get it it’ll be put up online and rooted. You’ll most likely be able to flash it sooner by having a rooted phone and flashing it with your recovery image than by waiting for it to come to the phone OTA.
      Not too mention, you can still get it OTA even if you are rooted, you’ll just lose root when you update…

  381. Thanks for the reply. the reason i want to unroot my phone is because I find the phone really sluggish and drains a lot of battery. not to mention most of the features included with 2.1 are unuseable in my area.

    i am from hong kong so there are no automatic updates through any carriers. the ONLY update i have for my phone is android 1.5 with htc sense.

    this is the update for my phone in my area

    i just want to know that if i unroot my phone using this method will my phone revert back to its factory state and can i flash the RUU in that link?


  382. Hi, My phone is rooted i have a google ion. Tmobile is supposedly coming out with a 2.2 update for their whole mytouch line and i wanted the update, so i was looking at unrooting. but since my phone is rooted couldnt i theoretically just ubtain the 2.2 image once its released and just flash it on there how i would a hacked ROM?

    1. Tony,

      I say this a lot. There is no reason to unroot your phone unless you are sending it in for warranty. 🙂
      The update will come out very slowly when it does (over the course of a week or two usually) and as soon as the first people get it it’ll be put up online and rooted. You’ll most likely be able to flash it sooner by having a rooted phone and flashing it with your recovery image than by waiting for it to come to the phone OTA.
      Not too mention, you can still get it OTA even if you are rooted, you’ll just lose root when you update…

  383. Thanks for the reply. the reason i want to unroot my phone is because I find the phone really sluggish and drains a lot of battery. not to mention most of the features included with 2.1 are unuseable in my area.

    i am from hong kong so there are no automatic updates through any carriers. the ONLY update i have for my phone is android 1.5 with htc sense.

    this is the update for my phone in my area

    i just want to know that if i unroot my phone using this method will my phone revert back to its factory state and can i flash the RUU in that link?


  384. great, this unroot process puts mytouch3g onto my magic…which is not what i want. i cant activate my phone because it now cant recognize the 3g signal here in hong kong and wont let me connect to google.

    just great…what am i suppose to do now?

  385. great, this unroot process puts mytouch3g onto my magic…which is not what i want. i cant activate my phone because it now cant recognize the 3g signal here in hong kong and wont let me connect to google.

    just great…what am i suppose to do now?

  386. Unlockr,
    I have already rooted my myTouch, but in light of the news of a 2.2 update coming, I wanted to restore my phone to 1.6 to wait for the update. Unfortunately this only unroots to 1.5, so now I’m stuck with Cupcake.
    Is there anyway to get 1.6 back ont the myTouch this late after the update roll out? ‘Cause I tried calling T-Mobile and asking but that was a complete failure.

    1. Jack,

      I say this a lot. There is no reason to unroot your phone unless you are sending it in for warranty. When the update comes out chances are you’ll be able to flash it as a custom rom with your rooted phone well before the OTA actually gets to your device.
      If you still feel like unrooting then go ahead and just use the search just above the comments to search for mytouch donut and you should find it,

  387. Unlockr,
    I have already rooted my myTouch, but in light of the news of a 2.2 update coming, I wanted to restore my phone to 1.6 to wait for the update. Unfortunately this only unroots to 1.5, so now I’m stuck with Cupcake.
    Is there anyway to get 1.6 back ont the myTouch this late after the update roll out? ‘Cause I tried calling T-Mobile and asking but that was a complete failure.

    1. Jack,

      I say this a lot. There is no reason to unroot your phone unless you are sending it in for warranty. When the update comes out chances are you’ll be able to flash it as a custom rom with your rooted phone well before the OTA actually gets to your device.
      If you still feel like unrooting then go ahead and just use the search just above the comments to search for mytouch donut and you should find it,

  388. I have a problem, i have unrooted with this method all is fine phone boots etc but i can not get past the signin to google but as there is no 2g/3g connection even though there is very good 3g where i am. is there any other way of getting into my phone without having to do this? how can i get past this?

  389. I have a problem, i have unrooted with this method all is fine phone boots etc but i can not get past the signin to google but as there is no 2g/3g connection even though there is very good 3g where i am. is there any other way of getting into my phone without having to do this? how can i get past this?

  390. I went to the one site I could find to get the donut 1.6 .zip file but the link is invalid. Is there any other ways to grab ahold of the update unlockr?

  391. I downloaded the file actually off of another site but after reading other people’s comments, they had the same problem as me, the build was different. I did what they did but I cannot get back to donut.

    Does anyone have any of the links or know how to upgrade from build COC10 on 1.5 to Donut?


  392. I went to the one site I could find to get the donut 1.6 .zip file but the link is invalid. Is there any other ways to grab ahold of the update unlockr?

  393. I downloaded the file actually off of another site but after reading other people’s comments, they had the same problem as me, the build was different. I did what they did but I cannot get back to donut.

    Does anyone have any of the links or know how to upgrade from build COC10 on 1.5 to Donut?


  394. Hi Unlockr,

    It has been about a month since I was using this guide to try nnroot my original mytouch 3G, and lost all access to rooting capabilities. At this point I am running:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP30000)
    Oct 21 2009, 22:33:27

    Model Number
    T-Mobile myTouch 3G

    Firmware Version

    Baseband Version

    Kernel Version
    htc-kernel@and1-2 #3

    Build Number
    2.10.531.4 CL119339 release-keys

    I have tried everything I can to fix my SPL, using Amon Ra’s guide, using goldcard method I don’t know how many times. and I will find any of these issues:
    ID Mismatch
    Fastboot (remote not allowed)
    Missing Signature
    or the phone returns to the original Hboot screen. Any insight would be wonderful, and I couldn’t tell you at this point if I may have flashed the 1.2 downgrade instead of the original one. If this is the case is there any way to get myself back on the right track? Thank you so much in advance

  395. Hi Unlockr,

    It has been about a month since I was using this guide to try nnroot my original mytouch 3G, and lost all access to rooting capabilities. At this point I am running:
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP30000)
    Oct 21 2009, 22:33:27

    Model Number
    T-Mobile myTouch 3G

    Firmware Version

    Baseband Version

    Kernel Version
    htc-kernel@and1-2 #3

    Build Number
    2.10.531.4 CL119339 release-keys

    I have tried everything I can to fix my SPL, using Amon Ra’s guide, using goldcard method I don’t know how many times. and I will find any of these issues:
    ID Mismatch
    Fastboot (remote not allowed)
    Missing Signature
    or the phone returns to the original Hboot screen. Any insight would be wonderful, and I couldn’t tell you at this point if I may have flashed the 1.2 downgrade instead of the original one. If this is the case is there any way to get myself back on the right track? Thank you so much in advance

  396. hi,
    is this also for the vodafone htc magic? i
    it’s 32b with perfected 1.33.0007 spl.
    i’ve bricked it twice, so i don’t wanna fail again 🙂
    can i use the sappimg.nbh with goldcard?

    THANKS 😀

  397. hi,

    i have bricked my phone twice, so this time i wanna prevent this 🙂
    i have spl 1.33.0007, wich is perfected, so i think i must use goldcard.
    do i just put the .NBH file on my goldcard and Hboot it? or must i use the .ZIP?

    pls give advise 😀

    Htc Magic Vodafone 32B
    SPL: 1.33.0007 (perfected)

    1. I have exactly the same UK Vodafone 32B – just afraid to start from somewhere. What you would suggest from where to start? You have bricked your phone 2 times so how did you unbrick it then?

  398. hi,
    is this also for the vodafone htc magic? i
    it’s 32b with perfected 1.33.0007 spl.
    i’ve bricked it twice, so i don’t wanna fail again 🙂
    can i use the sappimg.nbh with goldcard?

    THANKS 😀

  399. hi,

    i have bricked my phone twice, so this time i wanna prevent this 🙂
    i have spl 1.33.0007, wich is perfected, so i think i must use goldcard.
    do i just put the .NBH file on my goldcard and Hboot it? or must i use the .ZIP?

    pls give advise 😀

    Htc Magic Vodafone 32B
    SPL: 1.33.0007 (perfected)

    1. I have exactly the same UK Vodafone 32B – just afraid to start from somewhere. What you would suggest from where to start? You have bricked your phone 2 times so how did you unbrick it then?

  400. it does not work on my Fender, I did all the steps but a error appears saying that the that the main version is older. what should I do in this case? thank you

  401. Hi, I have a HTC magic with the perfect SPL 1.33.0006
    Htc Magic Vodafone 32B
    I use the file sappimg.nbh as told in the post.
    But I got the message “No Image” when booting on the file
    I’ve try again with the same file, but the resuklt didn’t change at all.
    Did Mister UNLOCKER can help me?

    thanks for evering thing

  402. Hi, I have a HTC magic with the perfect SPL 1.33.0006
    Htc Magic Vodafone 32B
    I use the file sappimg.nbh as told in the post.
    But I got the message “No Image” when booting on the file
    I’ve try again with the same file, but the resuklt didn’t change at all.
    Did Mister UNLOCKER can help me?

    thanks for evering thing

  403. I have a friend who tried to root their Mytouch 3g 1.2 w/ 3.5mm head jack by following the Mytouch 3g instructions. It still boots into fastboot and appears to be rooted but off of the MT3G sappimg. Do I need to completely unroot the device and then root with the correct sappimg for MT3G 1.2 or can I just copy the correct sappimg file onto the sdcard and run the update?

  404. I have a friend who tried to root their Mytouch 3g 1.2 w/ 3.5mm head jack by following the Mytouch 3g instructions. It still boots into fastboot and appears to be rooted but off of the MT3G sappimg. Do I need to completely unroot the device and then root with the correct sappimg for MT3G 1.2 or can I just copy the correct sappimg file onto the sdcard and run the update?

  405. This is my first time trying anything like this and I just wanted to make sure I only needed to download the NBH File and not the zip because I have an old MyTouch 3g (firmware 1.6). Any help would be greatly appreciated

    1. Ya just the nbh. but I still don’t know how to get from 1.5 to1.6!! I unrooted so I could get the legit 2.2 version when it comes out but I can’t stand 1.5!!

  406. This is my first time trying anything like this and I just wanted to make sure I only needed to download the NBH File and not the zip because I have an old MyTouch 3g (firmware 1.6). Any help would be greatly appreciated

    1. Ya just the nbh. but I still don’t know how to get from 1.5 to1.6!! I unrooted so I could get the legit 2.2 version when it comes out but I can’t stand 1.5!!

  407. Hey Unlockr,

    what im facing with my HTC Magic, i rooted it and updated it with one touch method, but after updating it is not wokring, it is not goin into recovery mode or fasboot mode aswell. it just shows the HTC Magic splash screen for ever, on any key combination. only power+action key makes the oranga LED go blue and nothing appears on screen ?
    i have tried various ways but no vain, please advise.
    thanks in advance,

  408. Hey Unlockr,

    what im facing with my HTC Magic, i rooted it and updated it with one touch method, but after updating it is not wokring, it is not goin into recovery mode or fasboot mode aswell. it just shows the HTC Magic splash screen for ever, on any key combination. only power+action key makes the oranga LED go blue and nothing appears on screen ?
    i have tried various ways but no vain, please advise.
    thanks in advance,

  409. Hello Unlockr.
    I tried to use this method for my
    Magic 32A w/o 3.5mm headphone but it says update failed.
    Now I can boot into fastboot but it says:

    Ship S-ON G
    HBOOT – 1.33.0006 (SAPP50000)
    CPLD- 12

    It will not boot properly and I cannot access recovery.
    the adb is also saying fastboot remote not allows.

    I would really appreciate any tips or advice.
    Thank you.

  410. Hello Unlockr.
    I tried to use this method for my
    Magic 32A w/o 3.5mm headphone but it says update failed.
    Now I can boot into fastboot but it says:

    Ship S-ON G
    HBOOT – 1.33.0006 (SAPP50000)
    CPLD- 12

    It will not boot properly and I cannot access recovery.
    the adb is also saying fastboot remote not allows.

    I would really appreciate any tips or advice.
    Thank you.

  411. i did this tutorial and it worked. BUT! when my phone reboot i cant get passed the google sign in menu….. it says that i dont have a connecction.

    My normal phone runs on vodafone 32B now when i start my phone i get “my toutch 3g” can some one plz help me fix this?? i just want to get into my phone again. 🙁

  412. i did this tutorial and it worked. BUT! when my phone reboot i cant get passed the google sign in menu….. it says that i dont have a connecction.

    My normal phone runs on vodafone 32B now when i start my phone i get “my toutch 3g” can some one plz help me fix this?? i just want to get into my phone again. 🙁

  413. I have the 1.6 mytouch but i cant seem too get it root. i tried the Zip File cause i have the 3.5 jack with it so wat do i do

    1. JJ,

      Do the How To Root the MyTouch 1.2 procedure.. click on How To’s then Android then the MyTouch 1.2 (that is what the MyTouch with the 3.5mm headphone jack is called).

  414. I have the 1.6 mytouch but i cant seem too get it root. i tried the Zip File cause i have the 3.5 jack with it so wat do i do

    1. JJ,

      Do the How To Root the MyTouch 1.2 procedure.. click on How To’s then Android then the MyTouch 1.2 (that is what the MyTouch with the 3.5mm headphone jack is called).

  415. Hi Unlockr-

    I’m trying to unroot my HTC MyTouch 3G w/ 3.5mm head-jack on top. However, I get stock on the screen saying:
    Main Version is older!
    Update Fail!

    Any advices, I will appreciate it…


  416. Hi Unlockr-

    I’m trying to unroot my HTC MyTouch 3G w/ 3.5mm head-jack on top. However, I get stock on the screen saying:
    Main Version is older!
    Update Fail!

    Any advices, I will appreciate it…


  417. i tried installing the and i get main version is older but im using the gold card method…what do i do??? my phone isn’t bricked right?

  418. I unrooted my original mytouch and it would work fine at first, but after a day it would require me to do a system update. Whenever I did the update it won’t allow me to make calls or anything at all. What do I need to do?

  419. i tried installing the and i get main version is older but im using the gold card method…what do i do??? my phone isn’t bricked right?

  420. I unrooted my original mytouch and it would work fine at first, but after a day it would require me to do a system update. Whenever I did the update it won’t allow me to make calls or anything at all. What do I need to do?

  421. correction: the .nbh file should be renamed as sappIMG.nbh (i had trouble flashing since it was SAPPIMG.nbh when i downloaded it so the file is case sensitive).

  422. correction: the .nbh file should be renamed as sappIMG.nbh (i had trouble flashing since it was SAPPIMG.nbh when i downloaded it so the file is case sensitive).

  423. wht do i always get “main version older” and “update failed” at the HBOOT screen??? What do i do to fix that?

  424. wht do i always get “main version older” and “update failed” at the HBOOT screen??? What do i do to fix that?

  425. I did as you put but left me with android 1.5 when I need the stock 1.6 how do I upgrade to 1.6 as I started before I rooted my phone with your basic rom?

    1. Alexmc,

      Google for the 1.6 mytouch 1.2 file and flash it through recovery, or call TMobile and tell them you reset your phone and now your at 1.5 for some odd reason and if they can send you the 1.6 update over the air.

    2. I was wondering cause I successfully unrooted my Mytouch 3g with the 3.5mm jack and I’m on version 1.6, let me know if you need help, or if anyone needs help

    3. i take that back, i am trying to unroot, i have 1.6, i was able to update the rom using the sappimg link provided above, but trying to back up, fails, and i can not load the image files provided in the several videos. i even renamed it “recovery.img” to shorten my typing, but still, back up fails.

  426. hey there, i have a HTC Magic from New Zealand, are these the correct steps, including the correct files

  427. Unlockr,
    I need your urgent help pls.
    I’ve HTC Magic 32A Vodafone and have rote it from long time and no problem and update mobile with cyanogenmod 5.8 Rom.
    The problem is that I’m tried to update Radio to Radio from here the problem happened, the mobile not working and only see Vodafone loge and mobile restart again automatically, even open recovery (home key + power key) trackball not working and mobile restarting again??

    Now I’m download sappimg.nbh to unroot mobile follow all above steps by hboot, but after finished got below
    Reading signature
    Reading system
    And then installing failed wrong model!!

    My mobile still not working and I don’t know what I should do to keep it working again??
    Pls pls need your help

    Thanks in advanced

    1. Shehata,

      You need to create a gold card to flash this .nbh file (search our site for how to create a goldcard) OR you need to find the .nbh file for your specific model (Google it).

  428. Unlockr,
    I need your urgent help pls.
    I’ve HTC Magic 32A Vodafone and have rote it from long time and no problem and update mobile with cyanogenmod 5.8 Rom.
    The problem is that I’m tried to update Radio to Radio from here the problem happened, the mobile not working and only see Vodafone loge and mobile restart again automatically, even open recovery (home key + power key) trackball not working and mobile restarting again??

    Now I’m download sappimg.nbh to unroot mobile follow all above steps by hboot, but after finished got below
    Reading signature
    Reading system
    And then installing failed wrong model!!

    My mobile still not working and I don’t know what I should do to keep it working again??
    Pls pls need your help

    Thanks in advanced

    1. Shehata,

      You need to create a gold card to flash this .nbh file (search our site for how to create a goldcard) OR you need to find the .nbh file for your specific model (Google it).

  429. anyone can help me my myTouch 3G gets the screen as when you press the declared volume and turn down and I run this file as income to the memory card and start uploading when powered up the phone stays again in recovery mode please help as I remove the recovery mode of my phone my email
    thank you very much

  430. ok…
    my phone, to the best of my knowledge, is not rooted.. thats what this is all for, correct? to root the phone?

    so i put the sappimg on the sd and went to the boot screen. it boots the img then checks for signatures.
    it says that i have an incorrect signature.
    i remember seeing a post that reads “if it is checking for signatures then it sounds like the phone is already rooted.”
    but its not.
    i tried the recovery flasher step.. (downloading the files. installing the app and running the app.)
    it says “back up failed: could not run command.”
    it will not let me flash the ra img with out this step first.

    also, i have set the phone to usb debug mode and have allowed third party apps.
    and i formatted the sd card at the appropriate time.

    i need help.
    any ideas?

    1. A. Jeremy,

      This procedure is to Unroot your already rooted phone OR to downgrade a phone that is getting backup failed in the recovery flasher program.
      If you have a MyTouch 1.2 (the MyTouch with a headphone jack at the top), then just follow the How To Root the MyTouch 1.2 procedure.

      1. i am trying to downgrade so i can root my phone. but it will not downgrade with the sappimg because of the signature issue.
        i have also tried to turn the phone on using the home and power buttons at the same time, with no luck… if the phone was rooted wouldn’t this work? so i can safely say my phone isn’t already rooted.

        is there a way to communicate to you through a more cohesive medium?

  431. ok…
    my phone, to the best of my knowledge, is not rooted.. thats what this is all for, correct? to root the phone?

    so i put the sappimg on the sd and went to the boot screen. it boots the img then checks for signatures.
    it says that i have an incorrect signature.
    i remember seeing a post that reads “if it is checking for signatures then it sounds like the phone is already rooted.”
    but its not.
    i tried the recovery flasher step.. (downloading the files. installing the app and running the app.)
    it says “back up failed: could not run command.”
    it will not let me flash the ra img with out this step first.

    also, i have set the phone to usb debug mode and have allowed third party apps.
    and i formatted the sd card at the appropriate time.

    i need help.
    any ideas?

    1. A. Jeremy,

      This procedure is to Unroot your already rooted phone OR to downgrade a phone that is getting backup failed in the recovery flasher program.
      If you have a MyTouch 1.2 (the MyTouch with a headphone jack at the top), then just follow the How To Root the MyTouch 1.2 procedure.

    2. i am trying to downgrade so i can root my phone. but it will not downgrade with the sappimg because of the signature issue.
      i have also tried to turn the phone on using the home and power buttons at the same time, with no luck… if the phone was rooted wouldn’t this work? so i can safely say my phone isn’t already rooted.

      is there a way to communicate to you through a more cohesive medium?

  432. Quick question… When I place the zip file onto the sd card and boot up, it goes through the whole process just like the video but when I reboot and I look at the firmware version it is still 1.6. Hope someone can help. Thanks!

    1. Joel – Sounds like it worked. All this does is remove root permissions by flashing the stock ROM back onto the phone. To check, open terminal and type su. If permission denied then you no longer have root access.

    2. Joel – Sounds like it worked. All this does is remove root permissions by flashing the stock ROM back onto the phone. To check, open terminal and type su. If permission denied then you no longer have root access.

    3. Joel – Sounds like it worked. All this does is remove root permissions by flashing the stock ROM back onto the phone. To check, open terminal and type su. If permission denied then you no longer have root access.

    4. Joel – Sounds like it worked. All this does is remove root permissions by flashing the stock ROM back onto the phone. To check, open terminal and type su. If permission denied then you no longer have root access.

  433. Quick question… When I place the zip file onto the sd card and boot up, it goes through the whole process just like the video but when I reboot and I look at the firmware version it is still 1.6. Hope someone can help. Thanks!

    1. Joel – Sounds like it worked. All this does is remove root permissions by flashing the stock ROM back onto the phone. To check, open terminal and type su. If permission denied then you no longer have root access.

  434. Hi Unlockr, okay so i did as you said and my phone is now at firmware 1.5 but i used to have it at firmware 1.6, is there any website that can upgrade my phone back to 1.6? or how do i upgrade back to 1.6?

  435. Hi Unlockr, okay so i did as you said and my phone is now at firmware 1.5 but i used to have it at firmware 1.6, is there any website that can upgrade my phone back to 1.6? or how do i upgrade back to 1.6?

  436. i did everything you said to do but it tells me the update is too old
    so what do i do now?
    and how do i get back to 1.6 im in the original mytouch 3g
    help please

    1. Chris,

      Means you didn’t make the goldcard correctly. Recreate it and make sure to follow the steps exactly (a common mistake is not altering the Physical Disk when the option appears).

      1. I am using the same gold card i used to root my mytouch 3.5 jack and i am having this same problem. please help. any other suggestions?

    1. Chris,

      Means you didn’t make the goldcard correctly. Recreate it and make sure to follow the steps exactly (a common mistake is not altering the Physical Disk when the option appears).

    2. I am using the same gold card i used to root my mytouch 3.5 jack and i am having this same problem. please help. any other suggestions?

  437. hi unlockr,

    i tried both methods on my already rooted mytouch 3g 1.2 (3.5mm jack) that is currently running cyangenmod 5.0.8-ds but i dont like not being able to have no 3g network when i am not in a wifi area. tried both methods and the had the main version older, so i flopped to the goldcard which i also made and it says cant open /sdcard/…

    what do you think i should do?

    1. Derek,

      The no 3G issue is because you needed to just put your internet settings in.
      There should be no reason to unroot a phone unless you are sending it in for warranty.

      1. hi unlockr,

        thank you for that, i redid everything for this and myphone is running cyangenmod 5.0.8-ds and the google app from the wiki website but for some reason the kernel for this is causing my phone to stop after the htc magic screen. so without the proper apn or as you said the internet setting i am lost. this is first time rooting phone.

        i am sorry this may be wrong section to be posting.

        thank you for the info again.

  438. hi unlockr,

    i tried both methods on my already rooted mytouch 3g 1.2 (3.5mm jack) that is currently running cyangenmod 5.0.8-ds but i dont like not being able to have no 3g network when i am not in a wifi area. tried both methods and the had the main version older, so i flopped to the goldcard which i also made and it says cant open /sdcard/…

    what do you think i should do?

    1. Derek,

      The no 3G issue is because you needed to just put your internet settings in.
      There should be no reason to unroot a phone unless you are sending it in for warranty.

    2. hi unlockr,

      thank you for that, i redid everything for this and myphone is running cyangenmod 5.0.8-ds and the google app from the wiki website but for some reason the kernel for this is causing my phone to stop after the htc magic screen. so without the proper apn or as you said the internet setting i am lost. this is first time rooting phone.

      i am sorry this may be wrong section to be posting.

      thank you for the info again.

  439. Apologize if this was already asked, but there’s a lot to read through. By simply reflashing SAPPIMG.nbg, won’t the Amon_Ra recovery still be installed? Won’t HTC see that and consider the warranty void? Or will SAPPIMG.nbh overwrite that as well?


  440. Apologize if this was already asked, but there’s a lot to read through. By simply reflashing SAPPIMG.nbg, won’t the Amon_Ra recovery still be installed? Won’t HTC see that and consider the warranty void? Or will SAPPIMG.nbh overwrite that as well?


  441. HI Unlockr, i get stuck at the part after it reads my SD card and seeing the sapping, but i dont get the option to update it. it goes back to

    fastboot mode

    help please?

    1. if you renamed the file to zip then you need to change it and leave it nbh file i had the same problem and it worked just fine for my mytouch 3g magic


    I bought my mytouch 1st gen from craigslist. The guy I bought it from had a friend that rooted it to 2.1. I would be fine having it, but everything is under HIS gmail account and I cant get it to sign into mine and because of that i cant use the market, calendar, ANYTHING that requires a gmail account cause its all under his still. So i figured if i unroot it i could start it using my account as the main one. I did just what you did in the video but when i turn it on my holding down the volume down and power button, it reads the sappimg then the only option it gives me is press the BACK button to go to fastboot mode. I never get a chance to chose to update it. My info on the screen says the following

    HBOOT-1.33.2005 (SAPP30000)
    APR 20 2009, 15:30:43

    PLEASEEEEE help me! thanks! 🙂

    1. turn phone off, restart it by holding down the home and power button DO NOT LET GO untill you see the revocery menu come up “green letters” find wipe, wipe factory reset then let it finish reboot and when the phone turns back on it should start with the walk thru on using android and making a google account if you dont have one.. Just select the sign in option.. Hope this helps…

  443. HI Unlockr, i get stuck at the part after it reads my SD card and seeing the sapping, but i dont get the option to update it. it goes back to

    fastboot mode

    help please?

    1. if you renamed the file to zip then you need to change it and leave it nbh file i had the same problem and it worked just fine for my mytouch 3g magic


    I bought my mytouch 1st gen from craigslist. The guy I bought it from had a friend that rooted it to 2.1. I would be fine having it, but everything is under HIS gmail account and I cant get it to sign into mine and because of that i cant use the market, calendar, ANYTHING that requires a gmail account cause its all under his still. So i figured if i unroot it i could start it using my account as the main one. I did just what you did in the video but when i turn it on my holding down the volume down and power button, it reads the sappimg then the only option it gives me is press the BACK button to go to fastboot mode. I never get a chance to chose to update it. My info on the screen says the following

    HBOOT-1.33.2005 (SAPP30000)
    APR 20 2009, 15:30:43

    PLEASEEEEE help me! thanks! 🙂

    1. turn phone off, restart it by holding down the home and power button DO NOT LET GO untill you see the revocery menu come up “green letters” find wipe, wipe factory reset then let it finish reboot and when the phone turns back on it should start with the walk thru on using android and making a google account if you dont have one.. Just select the sign in option.. Hope this helps…

  445. So i follow the instructions 100% but phone gets stuck at step [6] SYSTEM – Unzipping and nothing else happens after i dont know how long phone just reboots turns on but i keep geting android proces force close a bunch of them too phone just wont go into main screen , cant even get menu or anything just shows the top bar wit the signal and battery then just keeps showing the HTC screen… HELP!! lol

  446. So i follow the instructions 100% but phone gets stuck at step [6] SYSTEM – Unzipping and nothing else happens after i dont know how long phone just reboots turns on but i keep geting android proces force close a bunch of them too phone just wont go into main screen , cant even get menu or anything just shows the top bar wit the signal and battery then just keeps showing the HTC screen… HELP!! lol

  447. ok first i tried to root it but could not get tmobile signal kept droping and got a bunch of fc errors so i went to unroot it and now i dont have my fender logo or any icons whtf can any one please help thanks cant make any calls just a black screen

  448. hello unlockr,
    i was doing some research on how get my donut mytouch back to cupcake. it came with donut but the link to download the sappimg file wont phone isnt rooted, and its keeps saying that the version is old. This is the second mytouch ive gotten so far. the first one had 1.5, and i rooted it, then i put the cm6 rom on it. BUT>>>>>>my app market wouldnt work. i dont want to mess up my new phone though. please help, that mod was so freaking nice. is there a new link to download the sappimg file. and can you tell me why my market wouldnt work after i installed cm6 last time. thanks.

  449. hello unlockr,
    i was doing some research on how get my donut mytouch back to cupcake. it came with donut but the link to download the sappimg file wont phone isnt rooted, and its keeps saying that the version is old. This is the second mytouch ive gotten so far. the first one had 1.5, and i rooted it, then i put the cm6 rom on it. BUT>>>>>>my app market wouldnt work. i dont want to mess up my new phone though. please help, that mod was so freaking nice. is there a new link to download the sappimg file. and can you tell me why my market wouldnt work after i installed cm6 last time. thanks.

  450. TheUnlockr…. Is there any reason why i keep geting stuck at step 6? Unzipping system… ? after a while of being stuck there it just reboots and i get the mytouch screen it seems lick it loads up but i get errors and i cant do anything else… i get some android i dunno what error i get the bar up tip with the signal and battery icons but nothing else then it just reboots again it keeps doing the same thing over and over…

  451. TheUnlockr…. Is there any reason why i keep geting stuck at step 6? Unzipping system… ? after a while of being stuck there it just reboots and i get the mytouch screen it seems lick it loads up but i get errors and i cant do anything else… i get some android i dunno what error i get the bar up tip with the signal and battery icons but nothing else then it just reboots again it keeps doing the same thing over and over…

  452. Has anyone came across the same issue I am having where they get stuck at step 6 “Unzipping” then the phone just reboots and gives you all sorts of errors and then just keeps rebooting? Doesnt seem to “unzip” correctly or at all … I have the White Mytouch with the 3.2 headphone jack… Should i use the Zip file or the Nbh? ive tried the zip file that says works for the new mtouch with headphone jack but doesnt seem to work… Id really like to be able to Go back to stock or the original firmware once we get the 2.2 or 2.1 updates from our carriers… Please help THanks… ALSO IF ANYONE WITH MY SAME MYTOUCH WITH THE HEADPHONE JACK CAN LET ME KNOW IF THEY GOT IT DONE AND HOW….. PLEASE

  453. Has anyone came across the same issue I am having where they get stuck at step 6 “Unzipping” then the phone just reboots and gives you all sorts of errors and then just keeps rebooting? Doesnt seem to “unzip” correctly or at all … I have the White Mytouch with the 3.2 headphone jack… Should i use the Zip file or the Nbh? ive tried the zip file that says works for the new mtouch with headphone jack but doesnt seem to work… Id really like to be able to Go back to stock or the original firmware once we get the 2.2 or 2.1 updates from our carriers… Please help THanks… ALSO IF ANYONE WITH MY SAME MYTOUCH WITH THE HEADPHONE JACK CAN LET ME KNOW IF THEY GOT IT DONE AND HOW….. PLEASE

  454. I downloaded the file and it was already named sappimg.nbh – i followed the instructions and still it will not update – no image and goes right back to HBOOT – PLEASE HELP I HAVE TO RETURN THIS THING FOR WARRANTY ISSUES

  455. I downloaded the file and it was already named sappimg.nbh – i followed the instructions and still it will not update – no image and goes right back to HBOOT – PLEASE HELP I HAVE TO RETURN THIS THING FOR WARRANTY ISSUES

  456. Ok im unrooted my mytouch 3g, now im on 1.5, how do i go to 1.6, its been 2 days and it didnt even give me the update option, aND WHEN I go to settings it says that the phone is up to date Please Hep!

    1. Id just wait it out… Keep turning the phone off when your not going to use it for long periods of time, it may let the carrier to realize your at 1.5 when you turn it back on at some point.. Just a thought tho…

  457. Ok im unrooted my mytouch 3g, now im on 1.5, how do i go to 1.6, its been 2 days and it didnt even give me the update option, aND WHEN I go to settings it says that the phone is up to date Please Hep!

    1. Id just wait it out… Keep turning the phone off when your not going to use it for long periods of time, it may let the carrier to realize your at 1.5 when you turn it back on at some point.. Just a thought tho…

  458. Ok, so i rooted my Mytouch to the CyanogenMod 6.0 … i like it but .. some of my apps will not work, i have no clue as to why .. so i figured i should unroot it back to the way it was.. i put the sappIMG file on my sd card and did what the video told me to, however, it doesnt even show a boot screen , it loads back up like regular… what do i do Now ??? PLEASE HELP !

    1. sounds like what im going thru as well… I dont think that Sappimg works anymore… Im scared to try the NBH file since i have the 1.2 with the headphone jack i believe its the 32a version… i might brick my phone …. Ive tried geting an answer twice now to this and still nothing… Im sure he read my posting cause he answered the one right under mine or ontop not sure right now but regardless he said they would check on all the issues and see whats going to fix all this.. hope thats soon cause im geting a crap load of issues with the Cyanogen mod your talking about.. camera more then anything…

      1. @Jesus . oh really, what else dont you like about it ? im also getting tired of mines because it seems like nothing works on there lol

  459. Ok, so i rooted my Mytouch to the CyanogenMod 6.0 … i like it but .. some of my apps will not work, i have no clue as to why .. so i figured i should unroot it back to the way it was.. i put the sappIMG file on my sd card and did what the video told me to, however, it doesnt even show a boot screen , it loads back up like regular… what do i do Now ??? PLEASE HELP !

    1. sounds like what im going thru as well… I dont think that Sappimg works anymore… Im scared to try the NBH file since i have the 1.2 with the headphone jack i believe its the 32a version… i might brick my phone …. Ive tried geting an answer twice now to this and still nothing… Im sure he read my posting cause he answered the one right under mine or ontop not sure right now but regardless he said they would check on all the issues and see whats going to fix all this.. hope thats soon cause im geting a crap load of issues with the Cyanogen mod your talking about.. camera more then anything…

    2. @Jesus . oh really, what else dont you like about it ? im also getting tired of mines because it seems like nothing works on there lol

  460. Will i keep geting alot of force close on my apps even after i do the Fix permissions… I cant get any OTA updates… The only thing i really like is the Tethering… WHich i could still do on Android 1.6 but id have to download some software and so on so forth with the tethering on the cyanogen mod froyo you dont have to download anything just turn on the tethering option windows finds it and vuala internet… Nothing to download to my pc at all… That and i really like the slide to unlock lol… the 3d galery is nice… But i really wanna be able to go back to stock when the update to 2.1 or 2.2 come out IF!! it does… otherwise ima be stuck with the cyanogen mod or i just get the 1.6 rooted rom… Another thing i noticed is the cyanogen mod got rid of the track ball lighting … No more track ball light… i tried the original 1.6 rooted rom and it works… Have to see what happens im geting a bit upset now cause this is supposed to be the best site for stuff like this and so far i mean yea its noce to be able to do custom work to my phone but now theres no way to get it back and nowhere else do i find anything… I just wanna know what phones these previous posters have cause this isnt working for me… I have the one with the Headphone jack…

  461. Will i keep geting alot of force close on my apps even after i do the Fix permissions… I cant get any OTA updates… The only thing i really like is the Tethering… WHich i could still do on Android 1.6 but id have to download some software and so on so forth with the tethering on the cyanogen mod froyo you dont have to download anything just turn on the tethering option windows finds it and vuala internet… Nothing to download to my pc at all… That and i really like the slide to unlock lol… the 3d galery is nice… But i really wanna be able to go back to stock when the update to 2.1 or 2.2 come out IF!! it does… otherwise ima be stuck with the cyanogen mod or i just get the 1.6 rooted rom… Another thing i noticed is the cyanogen mod got rid of the track ball lighting … No more track ball light… i tried the original 1.6 rooted rom and it works… Have to see what happens im geting a bit upset now cause this is supposed to be the best site for stuff like this and so far i mean yea its noce to be able to do custom work to my phone but now theres no way to get it back and nowhere else do i find anything… I just wanna know what phones these previous posters have cause this isnt working for me… I have the one with the Headphone jack…

  462. I downgraded my mytouch 3g from a 1.6 to a 1.5. Now it says that i need to input my gmail info, but I am running AT&T and no data plan. Is there any way I can connect to wifi or my computer?

    1. I dont think so.. Only 2.1 or higher allows you to do that and or if your rooted.. =/ use someones sime card that has data get it all done then put your sim card back in…

    2. I dont think so.. Only 2.1 or higher allows you to do that and or if your rooted.. =/ use someones sime card that has data get it all done then put your sim card back in…

  463. I downgraded my mytouch 3g from a 1.6 to a 1.5. Now it says that i need to input my gmail info, but I am running AT&T and no data plan. Is there any way I can connect to wifi or my computer?

    1. I dont think so.. Only 2.1 or higher allows you to do that and or if your rooted.. =/ use someones sime card that has data get it all done then put your sim card back in…

  464. @Jesus , Omg you are having the EXACT SAME PROBLEMS I am having with the Apps and all. Its very slow too . id just rather wait til the update comes.. when is it supposed to come anyways? and how do i unroot this crap? i need help

    1. Yea i am… Its annouying me already , Update 2.2 is out already for The mytouch and i cant get it im stuck with cyanogem, i mean props to him and all that made it possible and i understand its not anyones fault the roms run like crap in some phones its the actual phone but it freaking sucks not being able to undo it…. i havent had anyluck since… Im looking to buy the samsung vibrant now anyway so i went ahead and started messing with the mytouch to get it back to 1.5, tried this metho and one found in xda and cyan forums no go….I decided id try it some other way i installed an engenring spl and tried the tmobile saphire sappimg and it worked all the way thru except it failed on updateing system and the last one “last two options. so now im just stuck on the mytouch screen..

    2. Yea i am… Its annouying me already , Update 2.2 is out already for The mytouch and i cant get it im stuck with cyanogem, i mean props to him and all that made it possible and i understand its not anyones fault the roms run like crap in some phones its the actual phone but it freaking sucks not being able to undo it…. i havent had anyluck since… Im looking to buy the samsung vibrant now anyway so i went ahead and started messing with the mytouch to get it back to 1.5, tried this metho and one found in xda and cyan forums no go….I decided id try it some other way i installed an engenring spl and tried the tmobile saphire sappimg and it worked all the way thru except it failed on updateing system and the last one “last two options. so now im just stuck on the mytouch screen..

  465. @Jesus , Omg you are having the EXACT SAME PROBLEMS I am having with the Apps and all. Its very slow too . id just rather wait til the update comes.. when is it supposed to come anyways? and how do i unroot this crap? i need help

    1. Yea i am… Its annouying me already , Update 2.2 is out already for The mytouch and i cant get it im stuck with cyanogem, i mean props to him and all that made it possible and i understand its not anyones fault the roms run like crap in some phones its the actual phone but it freaking sucks not being able to undo it…. i havent had anyluck since… Im looking to buy the samsung vibrant now anyway so i went ahead and started messing with the mytouch to get it back to 1.5, tried this metho and one found in xda and cyan forums no go….I decided id try it some other way i installed an engenring spl and tried the tmobile saphire sappimg and it worked all the way thru except it failed on updateing system and the last one “last two options. so now im just stuck on the mytouch screen..

  466. Hi!

    First of all, thanks for all this!!
    I wonder if this method works for a HTC magic with these specs:

    HBOOT-1.76.0009 (SAPP10000)
    Dec 8 2009, 17:38:48

    and if it does, wich sappimg should i use?


    1. No, the sappimg files linked on this page are for T-Mobile myTouch 3G and mytouch 3G 1.2/Fender devices only.

      XDA has a listing of the stock ROMS and RUU, pick the one for your device and go from there:

    2. No, the sappimg files linked on this page are for T-Mobile myTouch 3G and mytouch 3G 1.2/Fender devices only.

      XDA has a listing of the stock ROMS and RUU, pick the one for your device and go from there:

    3. No, the sappimg files linked on this page are for T-Mobile myTouch 3G and mytouch 3G 1.2/Fender devices only.

      XDA has a listing of the stock ROMS and RUU, pick the one for your device and go from there:

    4. No, the sappimg files linked on this page are for T-Mobile myTouch 3G and mytouch 3G 1.2/Fender devices only.

      XDA has a listing of the stock ROMS and RUU, pick the one for your device and go from there:

      1. Well thas prolly why it aint working for some… Alot of the cyanogen mod uses the HTC magic or dream, so when we try this itll say wrond phone model or something in that matter.. SO what? were stuck ? THere has to be a way and ive been checking on this for the longest time all i keep seeing is more and more ppl cant get it done and the site hasnt even been updated since 4/ 19 /10.. Id really like to get my phone back to its normal state had i known it would be this much of a pita i woulda never done it :/ oh well..

      2. Well thas prolly why it aint working for some… Alot of the cyanogen mod uses the HTC magic or dream, so when we try this itll say wrond phone model or something in that matter.. SO what? were stuck ? THere has to be a way and ive been checking on this for the longest time all i keep seeing is more and more ppl cant get it done and the site hasnt even been updated since 4/ 19 /10.. Id really like to get my phone back to its normal state had i known it would be this much of a pita i woulda never done it :/ oh well..

        1. hello i need help my fender mytouch market store will work but will not download any apps gives a message download unsucsessful please help nuts35120012YAHOO.COM

  467. Hi!

    First of all, thanks for all this!!
    I wonder if this method works for a HTC magic with these specs:

    HBOOT-1.76.0009 (SAPP10000)
    Dec 8 2009, 17:38:48

    and if it does, wich sappimg should i use?


    1. No, the sappimg files linked on this page are for T-Mobile myTouch 3G and mytouch 3G 1.2/Fender devices only.

      XDA has a listing of the stock ROMS and RUU, pick the one for your device and go from there:

    1. This update is only for the MyTouch. The only way for you phone to update to this update is if your model number says MyTouch 3G.

    2. Well thas prolly why it aint working for some… Alot of the cyanogen mod uses the HTC magic or dream, so when we try this itll say wrond phone model or something in that matter.. SO what? were stuck ? THere has to be a way and ive been checking on this for the longest time all i keep seeing is more and more ppl cant get it done and the site hasnt even been updated since 4/ 19 /10.. Id really like to get my phone back to its normal state had i known it would be this much of a pita i woulda never done it :/ oh well..

    3. hello i need help my fender mytouch market store will work but will not download any apps gives a message download unsucsessful please help nuts35120012YAHOO.COM

    1. It will. T-Mobile said you do not need your phone to be 1.6 to have the 2.2. They just look at your model number to do the updates. You can look at your model number go to your home screen then press menu> settings> about phone> and you should see model number on that page.

    1. It will. T-Mobile said you do not need your phone to be 1.6 to have the 2.2. They just look at your model number to do the updates. You can look at your model number go to your home screen then press menu> settings> about phone> and you should see model number on that page.

  468. I’m having a serious problem with this: I followed the instructions for the first part in utility mode and I scroll down to apply sd and the phone is coming up with this as follows: ( this is for the 1.6 donut update pt 1)

    install from sdcard…

    finding update package…

    opening update package…

    E:can’t open/sd card/ such file or directory)

    installation aborted

    I’ve checked everything and made sure that the file was properly typed in, I’ve looked at astro file on the phone to see the file and it’s there on the sdcard and I’ve taken the battery out as well as doing a system reset. I need helllllp!!! M&M

  469. I’m having a serious problem with this: I followed the instructions for the first part in utility mode and I scroll down to apply sd and the phone is coming up with this as follows: ( this is for the 1.6 donut update pt 1)

    install from sdcard…

    finding update package…

    opening update package…

    E:can’t open/sd card/ such file or directory)

    installation aborted

    I’ve checked everything and made sure that the file was properly typed in, I’ve looked at astro file on the phone to see the file and it’s there on the sdcard and I’ve taken the battery out as well as doing a system reset. I need helllllp!!! M&M

  470. Thanks a bunch This procedure worked perfectly for me on my Original My Tough 3G. I hope its that easy for everyone else. I simply DL the from file link above and followed the video. Easy as pie.

  471. Thanks a bunch This procedure worked perfectly for me on my Original My Tough 3G. I hope its that easy for everyone else. I simply DL the from file link above and followed the video. Easy as pie.

  472. Hello This procedure will it work on my HTC magic Vodafone 1.6 32b????

    Its link from a how for rooting the HTC Magic but all instruction are for the Mytouch

  473. Hello This procedure will it work on my HTC magic Vodafone 1.6 32b????

    Its link from a how for rooting the HTC Magic but all instruction are for the Mytouch

  474. Hey Unlockr, I have rooted my phone mytouch 3g the older one without the jack, I unrooted it not too long ago and i got a ota update from tmobile over the air the update that is with 2 parts. First part i updated fine the second part when it was updating a screen popped up with a triangle and exclamation mark inside by a little icon with the phone. Can you please tell me what that means? Thanks so much for your time! Please email me or respond here!

    1. Thats i believe the recovery screen your supposed to press a set of buttons to continue… Not sure if its the Volume up and power button or something in that sort… try Home and power or back and power, not sure i know for the evo its volume down or up and the power button… some one correct me if im wrong…

  475. Hey Unlockr, I have rooted my phone mytouch 3g the older one without the jack, I unrooted it not too long ago and i got a ota update from tmobile over the air the update that is with 2 parts. First part i updated fine the second part when it was updating a screen popped up with a triangle and exclamation mark inside by a little icon with the phone. Can you please tell me what that means? Thanks so much for your time! Please email me or respond here!

    1. Thats i believe the recovery screen your supposed to press a set of buttons to continue… Not sure if its the Volume up and power button or something in that sort… try Home and power or back and power, not sure i know for the evo its volume down or up and the power button… some one correct me if im wrong…

  476. I cant unroot my mytouch from the rom that i have
    its the htc magic rom
    ive tried this procedure and the golden card and cant seem to get it unrooted.
    Is there any way that i can get back to cupcake??

  477. I cant unroot my mytouch from the rom that i have
    its the htc magic rom
    ive tried this procedure and the golden card and cant seem to get it unrooted.
    Is there any way that i can get back to cupcake??

  478. I have the MyTough 3G 2.1. I am attempting to UnRoot, however, as many other, I am getting the No Image or Wrong Image error. I have formatted my SD Card using both Fat and Fat32. I have redownloaded the zip file many times, I have even attempted downloading it from different locations. Each time I get the same error. Any ideas UnLockr?

    1. Welcome to the club been at this for a month already and no luck…. No reply from the unlockr either… i think this is only for the normal mytouch not ours that has the jack…

  479. I have the MyTough 3G 2.1. I am attempting to UnRoot, however, as many other, I am getting the No Image or Wrong Image error. I have formatted my SD Card using both Fat and Fat32. I have redownloaded the zip file many times, I have even attempted downloading it from different locations. Each time I get the same error. Any ideas UnLockr?

    1. Welcome to the club been at this for a month already and no luck…. No reply from the unlockr either… i think this is only for the normal mytouch not ours that has the jack…

  480. unlockr… plz help. when i go to hboot the file it will say sd checking, loads, then goes to the same screen with hboot and the fastboot under it. i power down and when i power up everything still powers up fine, just like normal. i tried formating the card and redownloading the file but still does the same thing…
    i want to go to the 1.5 to root and get the hero rom.
    plz help!

  481. For 2 days I fought wth not being able to have the mytouch see the sappimg.nbh file.,.,today for the hell of it I noticed I wasn’t doing a “full format” to “FAT 32” to the sd card (I was doing the quick format).,. I did it today, installed the same sappimg.nbh file I’ve been using since yesterday and VOILA!!! It worked first shot.,,FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT CORRECTLY!!! Don’t be like me.,lol

  482. For 2 days I fought wth not being able to have the mytouch see the sappimg.nbh file.,.,today for the hell of it I noticed I wasn’t doing a “full format” to “FAT 32” to the sd card (I was doing the quick format).,. I did it today, installed the same sappimg.nbh file I’ve been using since yesterday and VOILA!!! It worked first shot.,,FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT CORRECTLY!!! Don’t be like me.,lol

  483. i have the original mytouch 3g without the jack and i rooted my phone awhile ago and then decided to unroot it so i could get the new froyo 2.2 update and i did but it went back to firmware 1.5 and the OTA update came to my phone and the first part worked fine but the second part froze up with the ! in a triangle thing so i just shut my phone off and waited to see if it sent me the update again cuz i figured it just messed up but a month later i still havent got it again. can anyone tell me how to get back to 1.6 firmware and/or if theres anyway i could get the 2.2 froyo update again. Thanks

  484. Yup, just Google for 1.6 upgrade for mytouch 3g and you should be able to find the for that. Once you flash that through recovery then Google 2.2 upgrade for mytouch 3g and do the same with that. Good luck!

  485. Yup, just Google for 1.6 upgrade for mytouch 3g and you should be able to find the for that. Once you flash that through recovery then Google 2.2 upgrade for mytouch 3g and do the same with that. Good luck!

  486. i have the original mytouch 3g without the jack and i rooted my phone awhile ago and then decided to unroot it so i could get the new froyo 2.2 update and i did but it went back to firmware 1.5 and the OTA update came to my phone and the first part worked fine but the second part froze up with the ! in a triangle thing so i just shut my phone off and waited to see if it sent me the update again cuz i figured it just messed up but a month later i still havent got it again. can anyone tell me how to get back to 1.6 firmware and/or if theres anyway i could get the 2.2 froyo update again. Thanks

    1. Yup, just Google for 1.6 upgrade for mytouch 3g and you should be able to find the for that. Once you flash that through recovery then Google 2.2 upgrade for mytouch 3g and do the same with that. Good luck!

    2. Easier said than done. I have just spent 3 hours trying and keep getting an error everytime I find a link to the update to 1.6 …. anyone have a good link?

  487. Salvatore Fugarino

    Will this bring you to the activation screen? I ask this because I don’t have a data plan and on cupcake the “bypass mytouch 3g activation” thing I submitted doesn’t work.

    1. You will be the way you were when you first bought the phone, so you will need a data plan to activate the phone. Borrow a friend’s SIM with data on it, or just add the data plan and remove it the next day (it’ll literally cost you $1 to do so).

  488. You will be the way you were when you first bought the phone, so you will need a data plan to activate the phone. Borrow a friend’s SIM with data on it, or just add the data plan and remove it the next day (it’ll literally cost you $1 to do so).

  489. After 2 hours of annoying set backs and the constant version is older message just changed phones spl and wirked perfectly fine

  490. After 2 hours of annoying set backs and the constant version is older message just changed phones spl and wirked perfectly fine

  491. Hello guys.
    Please help. I have a mytouch 3g (the original) and after rooting it with the latest Cyanogen mod it does not recognize the sd card anymore, not even on Hboot. I want to revert to original cupcake (unroot). What are my options? Is there a way to do this without the sd card?? Please help me as i’m serching like mad all over the net and i can’t find anything or anyone that has a complete black-out with the SD card. I’m hoping that after i unroot that will automatically enable the SD card. And i already checked the card works. its a 2gig class 4
    Please please please some feedback
    My email is “” in case you have any suggestions,
    Thanks a bunch

  492. Hello guys.
    Please help. I have a mytouch 3g (the original) and after rooting it with the latest Cyanogen mod it does not recognize the sd card anymore, not even on Hboot. I want to revert to original cupcake (unroot). What are my options? Is there a way to do this without the sd card?? Please help me as i’m serching like mad all over the net and i can’t find anything or anyone that has a complete black-out with the SD card. I’m hoping that after i unroot that will automatically enable the SD card. And i already checked the card works. its a 2gig class 4
    Please please please some feedback
    My email is “” in case you have any suggestions,
    Thanks a bunch

  493. For anyone who can’t pass the “Main version is older” even with a goldcad:

    check if you’re running the “perfected SPL” (mine was 0013) – search google for the term to find out exactly if yours is “perfected”. If you do, you need to flash and engineering SPL first

    I did that using the terminal emulation. more info here

    If you get “no permission” while trying to flash SPL from the terminal, make sure you first enter “su” command in the terminal.

    After you changed SPL, the rest of the steps outlined here would work fine.

  494. For anyone who can’t pass the “Main version is older” even with a goldcad:

    check if you’re running the “perfected SPL” (mine was 0013) – search google for the term to find out exactly if yours is “perfected”. If you do, you need to flash and engineering SPL first

    I did that using the terminal emulation. more info here

    If you get “no permission” while trying to flash SPL from the terminal, make sure you first enter “su” command in the terminal.

    After you changed SPL, the rest of the steps outlined here would work fine.

  495. For anyone who can’t pass the “Main version is older” even with a goldcad:

    check if you’re running the “perfected SPL” (mine was 0013) – search google for the term to find out exactly if yours is “perfected”. If you do, you need to flash and engineering SPL first

    I did that using the terminal emulation. more info here

    If you get “no permission” while trying to flash SPL from the terminal, make sure you first enter “su” command in the terminal.

    After you changed SPL, the rest of the steps outlined here would work fine.

  496. Finally i finally found out how to root mytouch 3g(no 3.5mm model)If your Mytouch after rooting had Htc Magic Splash Screen, Follow this guide to get back to the normal mytouch 3g green splash screen Then load the Generic MyTouch ROM w/ Root using this follow the instructions and try and unroot again using NBH file. Voila!!

  497. Finally i finally found out how to root mytouch 3g(no 3.5mm model)If your Mytouch after rooting had Htc Magic Splash Screen, Follow this guide to get back to the normal mytouch 3g green splash screen Then load the Generic MyTouch ROM w/ Root using this follow the instructions and try and unroot again using NBH file. Voila!!

  498. Finally i finally found out how to root mytouch 3g(no 3.5mm model)If your Mytouch after rooting had Htc Magic Splash Screen, Follow this guide to get back to the normal mytouch 3g green splash screen Then load the Generic MyTouch ROM w/ Root using this follow the instructions and try and unroot again using NBH file. Voila!!

  499. Alirght I don’t know what’s going on. When I run the Hboot I am told that there is no image or it’s a wrong image. The file is named sappimg.nbh and it’s on the root of the SD card.

  500. Do I need a goldcard in order to do this successfully? Bought a mytouch 3g that was rooted from ebay as is with no cards.
    I tried many times to revert back to factory (from cyanogen Mod) with no luck. Ive used the videos on here and the outcome is unsuccessful. What can I do?

  501. Alirght I don’t know what’s going on. When I run the Hboot I am told that there is no image or it’s a wrong image. The file is named sappimg.nbh and it’s on the root of the SD card.

  502. Do I need a goldcard in order to do this successfully? Bought a mytouch 3g that was rooted from ebay as is with no cards.
    I tried many times to revert back to factory (from cyanogen Mod) with no luck. Ive used the videos on here and the outcome is unsuccessful. What can I do?

  503. M M failed to say what spl version but other wise hes was correct it fix the issue “main version is older” so i have mytouch 3g jack 3.5mm my device–>Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-ON G
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP31000)
    RADIO- and i use —> just rename to here link:

  504. M M failed to say what spl version but other wise hes was correct it fix the issue “main version is older” so i have mytouch 3g jack 3.5mm my device–>Sapphire PVT 32A SHIP S-ON G
    HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP31000)
    RADIO- and i use —> just rename to here link:

  505. I have tried using the gold card method and still get the Main version is older on mt3g any help is appreciated

  506. I have tried using the gold card method and still get the Main version is older on mt3g any help is appreciated

  507. I’m having trouble finding the stock 1.6 for the myTouch 3G 1.2 (w/ 3.5mm Jack). Can someone please post a link to one please. Thanks!

  508. I’m having trouble finding the stock 1.6 for the myTouch 3G 1.2 (w/ 3.5mm Jack). Can someone please post a link to one please. Thanks!

  509. thanks a bunch worked great… except i had to flash an engineering spl first…

    I originally rooted primarily for the wifi hotspot app but have been having some issues and now that the mytouch 3g is no longer supported by cyanogen then i decided to un-root… i will be doing a soft root just to operate the wifi stuff…

    thanx for the help

  510. William Pierce

    thanks a bunch worked great… except i had to flash an engineering spl first…

    I originally rooted primarily for the wifi hotspot app but have been having some issues and now that the mytouch 3g is no longer supported by cyanogen then i decided to un-root… i will be doing a soft root just to operate the wifi stuff…

    thanx for the help

  511. i they everythink right but when it come to the google part i can not sign in and it not making me bi pass wat to do

  512. i they everythink right but when it come to the google part i can not sign in and it not making me bi pass wat to do

  513. Hello all,

    I unlocked my phone today. I was really, really sick of how sluggish it was after the 2.2 OS update. Plus, this update forced features I really didn’t like. Now that I’m back on 1.6 system, my phone keeps telling me that I have an update to install (the 2.2 OS update), but I do NOT want to update again because of how it affected my phone last time. Is there a way to prevent the update/installation message from appearing?


  514. Hello all,

    I unlocked my phone today. I was really, really sick of how sluggish it was after the 2.2 OS update. Plus, this update forced features I really didn’t like. Now that I’m back on 1.6 system, my phone keeps telling me that I have an update to install (the 2.2 OS update), but I do NOT want to update again because of how it affected my phone last time. Is there a way to prevent the update/installation message from appearing?


  515. with eng spl 2010 is dangerous. It will update the main version to 2.53.707.2. And you have “Main Version is Older”, which cann’t be solved by gold card.

     I have flashed the with eng spl 2010 (main version 2.53.707.2). When I use the spl 2010 to flash, it is stuck at unzipping the system image. the serial cable continues to give message:
    [MDDI_HW_ERR] mddi_queue_image timeout
    [MDDI_HW_ERR] mddi_queue_image timeout
    Reboot to use the stock (1.33.0013G) to flash again, I have “Main Version is Older” error, even with gold card.

    If frankie is right, the eng spl 2005 can solved the problem, but my problem is, I cannot mount sd card at the stock (1.33.0013G) recover mode now. My phone is hooked to JTAG, is there any method to flash the spl through JTAG?

  516. with eng spl 2010 is dangerous. It will update the main version to 2.53.707.2. And you have “Main Version is Older”, which cann’t be solved by gold card.

     I have flashed the with eng spl 2010 (main version 2.53.707.2). When I use the spl 2010 to flash, it is stuck at unzipping the system image. the serial cable continues to give message:
    [MDDI_HW_ERR] mddi_queue_image timeout
    [MDDI_HW_ERR] mddi_queue_image timeout
    Reboot to use the stock (1.33.0013G) to flash again, I have “Main Version is Older” error, even with gold card.

    If frankie is right, the eng spl 2005 can solved the problem, but my problem is, I cannot mount sd card at the stock (1.33.0013G) recover mode now. My phone is hooked to JTAG, is there any method to flash the spl through JTAG?

  517. Hey everyone. I am at a loss here. I dont understand any of this stuff. Those G#@$#%^^mm, no good M@$%#$F#^%^&N Sons O BW#$@#$%  at T mobile AND htc refuse to help me. So I find these instructions and think ” I’m saved !! ”  NOT !! I follow the instructions and after everything, the little blue bar goes up, then It says —  Incorrect model id  —  >:[ WHAT THE F#%$ does that mean ???? I am an idiot when it comes to this. someone please tell me how to get by this. I sat at my last computer for 5 G%%$#@ hours trying to do this. The reason I say last computer is because I got so PI$#@D off that I destroyed it. I’m down to one laptop now. PLEASE HELP !!

  518. Hey everyone. I am at a loss here. I dont understand any of this stuff. Those G#@$#%^^mm, no good M@$%#$F#^%^&N Sons O BW#$@#$%  at T mobile AND htc refuse to help me. So I find these instructions and think ” I’m saved !! ”  NOT !! I follow the instructions and after everything, the little blue bar goes up, then It says —  Incorrect model id  —  >:[ WHAT THE F#%$ does that mean ???? I am an idiot when it comes to this. someone please tell me how to get by this. I sat at my last computer for 5 G%%$#@ hours trying to do this. The reason I say last computer is because I got so PI$#@D off that I destroyed it. I’m down to one laptop now. PLEASE HELP !!

  519. i have htc my touch 3g 1.6 n i hve updated it to 2.2.1…..n i am hating ths new version so ho can i downgrade it again to 1.6………………help me …plz

  520. i have htc my touch 3g 1.6 n i hve updated it to 2.2.1…..n i am hating ths new version so ho can i downgrade it again to 1.6………………help me …plz

  521. ive followed the videos instructions,ive coppied the .nbh file to the sd card…when i turn on the phone,it automatically starts the update,but then it says “model id incorrect”…what do i do?

  522. ive followed the videos instructions,ive coppied the .nbh file to the sd card…when i turn on the phone,it automatically starts the update,but then it says “model id incorrect”…what do i do?

  523. My phone says “No image or wrong image”.
    Is there a way to use the goldcard-method even if my phone is unbootable?
    Anyway, what do you recommend to do if my phone is unbootable?
    I would really appreciate it if my phone worked again…thank you.

  524. My phone says “No image or wrong image”.
    Is there a way to use the goldcard-method even if my phone is unbootable?
    Anyway, what do you recommend to do if my phone is unbootable?
    I would really appreciate it if my phone worked again…thank you.

    1. Rahulkarthic_82

      I was able to downgrade to 1.6 and it (mytouch 3g) is very fast now. But, some how i lost some of my contacts after the downgrade… Can any one help me with that pleaseeee….

      i had about 200 contacts and now i have only 97 of them.. i do n’t know what happened to the rest of them… I check my gmail account –> contacts. I can see the 97 contacts on my phone in the gmail account. The ones I lost are the ones i added like with in 9 months before now..

    1. I was able to downgrade to 1.6 and it (mytouch 3g) is very fast now. But, some how i lost some of my contacts after the downgrade… Can any one help me with that pleaseeee….

      i had about 200 contacts and now i have only 97 of them.. i do n’t know what happened to the rest of them… I check my gmail account –> contacts. I can see the 97 contacts on my phone in the gmail account. The ones I lost are the ones i added like with in 9 months before now..

  525. Rahulkarthic_82

    I was able to downgrade to 1.6 and it (mytouch 3g) is very fast now. But, some how i lost some of my contacts after the downgrade… Can any one help me with that pleaseeee….

    i had about 200 contacts and now i have only 97 of them.. i do n’t know what happened to the rest of them… I check my gmail account –> contacts. I can see the 97 contacts on my phone in the gmail account. The ones I lost are the ones i added like with in 9 months before now..

  526. I was able to downgrade to 1.6 and it (mytouch 3g) is very fast now. But, some how i lost some of my contacts after the downgrade… Can any one help me with that pleaseeee….

    i had about 200 contacts and now i have only 97 of them.. i do n’t know what happened to the rest of them… I check my gmail account –> contacts. I can see the 97 contacts on my phone in the gmail account. The ones I lost are the ones i added like with in 9 months before now..

  527. for some reason before i screwed up my phone, the model # said G1. cbr43? but my phone is a mytouch! how can i fix this back to the real model #????

  528. for some reason before i screwed up my phone, the model # said G1. cbr43? but my phone is a mytouch! how can i fix this back to the real model #????

  529. I followed it to the T and at the end when hope shines It says “model Id incorrect” And i cant goldcard it adb on my comp is funny plus the site for goldcard img is down. please help! 

  530. I followed it to the T and at the end when hope shines It says “model Id incorrect” And i cant goldcard it adb on my comp is funny plus the site for goldcard img is down. please help! 

  531. I couldn’t take the sluggishness of the 2.2 update any longer.  I used this method to go back to 1.5 and OMG what a difference.  I had forgotten how fast the phone was before Froyo.  Thank you so much guys.

  532. I couldn’t take the sluggishness of the 2.2 update any longer.  I used this method to go back to 1.5 and OMG what a difference.  I had forgotten how fast the phone was before Froyo.  Thank you so much guys.

  533.  have a mytouch 3g 1.2 with the old radio and SPL, i acidently bricked it trying to flash the new radio and SPL and now i cant get into recovery or fastboot and the flash screen is frozen, pleassssssee help me get this fixed it has been completel useless for the last week or so

    1. did you do a backup before you flashed? nandroid? if so you should be able to restore. if not press home+power, once you see triangle “!” press home+power again, you will see the stock android restore, there you can flash a stock img.

  534.  have a mytouch 3g 1.2 with the old radio and SPL, i acidently bricked it trying to flash the new radio and SPL and now i cant get into recovery or fastboot and the flash screen is frozen, pleassssssee help me get this fixed it has been completel useless for the last week or so

    1. did you do a backup before you flashed? nandroid? if so you should be able to restore. if not press home+power, once you see triangle “!” press home+power again, you will see the stock android restore, there you can flash a stock img.

  535. I did this with my MyTouch phone (without the headphone jack) and it is WONDERFUL. It sent my phone back into the past with the Cupcake operating system. It then asked me if I wanted to upgrade to Donut (1.6), which I did. Now it asks me all the time if I want to update to Froyo (2.2), so I just keep saying no. Maybe I will find a way to make it stop asking me if I want to update to Froyo, but I’m not worried about that right now. I’m just so glad to have my phone back! I had all of the problems that everybody else seemed to have: apps wouldn’t load, would load r e a l l y slowly, $85 a month paperweight, and etc. While it’s a drag that I don’t have the functionality of Froyo, I’m just really glad to have a phone that actually works. Now I can use this phone for the next few months until my contract runs out, at which point I will say GOODBYE to HTC and GOODBYE to Android unless I receive some kind of written apology from them for being so awful. What a joke to have to reload all of my apps and have to go back to using an old operating system because of their much-hyped, but ultimately very flawed hardware. 

  536. I did this with my MyTouch phone (without the headphone jack) and it is WONDERFUL. It sent my phone back into the past with the Cupcake operating system. It then asked me if I wanted to upgrade to Donut (1.6), which I did. Now it asks me all the time if I want to update to Froyo (2.2), so I just keep saying no. Maybe I will find a way to make it stop asking me if I want to update to Froyo, but I’m not worried about that right now. I’m just so glad to have my phone back! I had all of the problems that everybody else seemed to have: apps wouldn’t load, would load r e a l l y slowly, $85 a month paperweight, and etc. While it’s a drag that I don’t have the functionality of Froyo, I’m just really glad to have a phone that actually works. Now I can use this phone for the next few months until my contract runs out, at which point I will say GOODBYE to HTC and GOODBYE to Android unless I receive some kind of written apology from them for being so awful. What a joke to have to reload all of my apps and have to go back to using an old operating system because of their much-hyped, but ultimately very flawed hardware. 

  537. My phone (myTouch 3G 3.5mm) wouldn’t boot to the home screen. It would go as far as Android and stall. If I played with the keys it would go to set up wizard, but it wouldn’t work it.

    I connected to my desktop via the USB and downloaded directly to the SD card. After following the rest of the directions as posted above I regained control of the device.

    Many thanks to theunlockr and to David C who posted the instructions.

    Any suggestions for a new ROM?

  538. My phone (myTouch 3G 3.5mm) wouldn’t boot to the home screen. It would go as far as Android and stall. If I played with the keys it would go to set up wizard, but it wouldn’t work it.

    I connected to my desktop via the USB and downloaded directly to the SD card. After following the rest of the directions as posted above I regained control of the device.

    Many thanks to theunlockr and to David C who posted the instructions.

    Any suggestions for a new ROM?



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