How To: Root Your MyTouch 3G / Magic (GoldCard Method)
PLEASE NOTE! IF YOU HAVE A MyTouch 1.2 / Fender, STOP!
Before Beginning:
Have a SPARE memory card (2GB is perfect and relatively cheap) to use for the Goldcard procedure, do NOT use your normal everyday card as it will ONLY be a goldcard after we are done.
I. Setup ADB and Create a Goldcard
1. Just follow our new How To Create a Goldcard procedure and once you have finished it enitrely and have a working goldcard, come back to finish this procedure.
III. Root the MyTouch using the Goldcard
1. Download the file for your phone: (for old MyTouch and all Magics)
Save the file to your computer, then save it to your goldcard (Do NOT rename it to anything, leave it as Then take out your Goldcard from the computer.
2.. Take your original memory card (NOT YOUR GOLDCARD) and save whatever is on it to your computer as a backup before beginning.
3.Put the memory card into your phone (AGAIN NOT THE GOLDCARD).
4. With the memory card in your phone, click on Settings, SD and Phone storage, then click Unmount SD card. Once it unmounts, click Format SD card.
5. Plug the phone into the computer and mount the SD card so we can save a file to it.
6. Download the 1.33.2005 HBoot and save it to your newly formatted memory card, and then rename it to (windows sometimes just needs you to rename it update and if you still see the zip folder symbol next to the file that means that it is still even though it only shows update).
7. Turn off your phone once the file is on the memory card.
8. Take out the memory card from the phone and put in the Goldcard (all while the phone is still off).
9. Turn on the phone by hold down the Power and Volume Down button. When the screen comes to the rainbow (or skating android screen), it should automatically pick up the file and ask you to update. Go ahead and update (DO NOT INTERRUPT THIS PROCESS).
10. Once the flashing is COMPLETE. Then turn off the phone.
11. While the phone is off, take out the Goldcard and put in the regular SD card (the one with the file on it).
12. Turn on the phone while holding Back and Power until the Fastboot screen comes up.
13. Download Amon Ra’s Recovery Image and save it to the AndroidSDK\Tools folder on your computer.
14. Plug the phone into the computer (while still in fastboot mode).
15. Goto the Start menu type cmd into the run section of the start menu and hit enter to bring up the Command Prompt.
16. Type the following into the command dos prompt on the computer (the black screen with white letters that just opened) while the phone is connected through USB, hitting enter at the end of the line:
cd androidsdk\tools\
fastboot devices
17. You should see a serial number pop up and the word fastboot to the right of it. This means that your USB drivers are all set up correctly and you can continue. If you do NOT see this, then you need to start over or Google for how to set up the USB drivers correctly (this will help).
18. If it worked, type the following into the command prompt (with hitting enter at the end of the line):
fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img *the 0 in 1.2.0H is a Zero not an Oh
19. Once the phone boots into the recovery mode, then click on Apply (if you get Can’t Mount E: etc. then just click Wipe Data on the recovery screen then hit Apply again).
20. Once it is finished applying the update, hit home and back to reboot the phone. It should boot up into recovery mode OR get stuck at the HTC Magic screen. Once it does either of those, then take out the battery and put it back in.
21. Turn on the phone by holding Back and Power to get into Fastboot mode again. At the top it should read 1.33.2005. If so, turn off the phone. If not retry this section.
22. Take out the SD card (while the phone is off) and put it into your computer via the cardreader it came with.
23. Open the memory card on the computer and delete the file from the memory card.
24. Download Amon Ra’s 32A based image and save it to the memory card, rename it to
25. Put the SD card back into your phone and turn the phone on by holding down Back and Power. Once it boots up into fastboot mode, plug the phone into the computer via Usb (the command prompt should still be open on your computer).
26. Type the following into the command prompt (with hitting enter at the end of the line):
fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img *the 0 in 1.2.0H is a Zero not an Oh
27. Once the phone boots up into recovery mode, click the Apply (if you get Can’t Mount E: etc. then just click Wipe Data on the recovery screen then hit Apply again).
28. Once the update is complete click home and back to reboot.
29. ALL DONE YOU NOW HAVE ROOT! You can use the phone as is now with Root access. If you want to load a new ROM (like a Hero ROM for instance) then go to the next step.
IV How to Put the MyTouch Splash Screen instead of the Vodafone One
1. Download the original splash screen:
MyTouch Splash Image
2. Save it to the Tools folder of your AndroidSDK (same place you saved the Recovery Image etc.).
3. Turn on your phone by holding down Back and Power to get to Fastboot mode, then plug it into the computer.
4. Open the command prompt on your computer, then type:
cd AndroidSDK\tools
fastboot flash splash1 splash.nb
5. Reboot the phone once it is done.
V How to Install Hero or another 32B ROM
Visit our next video, How to Load Hero onto your MyTouch 3G 🙂
Reported Issues
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Thanks for posting the guide. Makes life easier with visual aid. Waiting for the next video on loading hero for the MT3G. 🙂
when i click the “how to load hero onto your mytouch 3g” link it says page not found. is the video not up yet? thanks.
Thanks for posting the guide. Makes life easier with visual aid. Waiting for the next video on loading hero for the MT3G. 🙂
when i click the “how to load hero onto your mytouch 3g” link it says page not found. is the video not up yet? thanks.
I was able to do it (thank you very much) but now i have a lot of things force closing including the dialer, i cant make a phone call. i tried using another phone book program (phonebook by voxmobili) and i get the same thing. LOL, i don’t really need the phone if i can’t use the basic functions like, well ummmm, the phone…Ha Ha. Any suggestions?
Hello Bear,
Did you want Hero? I’d suggest going on to that procedure, I have it running on the phone here and it works pretty well….
Otherwise, reformat the memory card and do Sections II and III again.
Thanks, i will try putting the Hero rom on and let you know how that works out.
wtf… y dont u show us how to dl the fastboook n wat driver to put it on and everything………. its reallly hard
im sorry, as to im new to all this, what exactly is rooting?
Hello Stephanie,
It is similar to “jailbreaking” as far as an iPhone is concerned. IT just allows us to gain full access to commands on the phone (and therefore change things to how we see fit). I recommend going to and clicking on the Sapphire forum. One of the top posts is about rooting and why we do it.
i dotn think i dled the right fastbook folder plz make a video… n do we have to use the 2 gb sdcard for the 1st card or the normal one?
I was able to do it (thank you very much) but now i have a lot of things force closing including the dialer, i cant make a phone call. i tried using another phone book program (phonebook by voxmobili) and i get the same thing. LOL, i don’t really need the phone if i can’t use the basic functions like, well ummmm, the phone…Ha Ha. Any suggestions?
Hello Bear,
Did you want Hero? I’d suggest going on to that procedure, I have it running on the phone here and it works pretty well….
Otherwise, reformat the memory card and do Sections II and III again.
Thanks, i will try putting the Hero rom on and let you know how that works out.
Everything works fine till i get up to typing adb devices in the command prompt i installed the drivers correctly because it worked for the fastboot devices procedure i don’t know what to do someone plz help
wtf… y dont u show us how to dl the fastboook n wat driver to put it on and everything………. its reallly hard
Hey, you were right loading the Hero rom gave me back my phone and dialing functions Thank you very much, cause nobody wants to see a grown man cry. lol
I ran into another issue that i will post on the hero rom thread.
im sorry, as to im new to all this, what exactly is rooting?
Hello Stephanie,
It is similar to “jailbreaking” as far as an iPhone is concerned. IT just allows us to gain full access to commands on the phone (and therefore change things to how we see fit). I recommend going to and clicking on the Sapphire forum. One of the top posts is about rooting and why we do it.
i dotn think i dled the right fastbook folder plz make a video… n do we have to use the 2 gb sdcard for the 1st card or the normal one?
lmao thanks unlockr… im only 16 n im not rly a computer guy n i just bought the mytouch 3g n i rly want the hero ROM imma try it right now…
Everything works fine till i get up to typing adb devices in the command prompt i installed the drivers correctly because it worked for the fastboot devices procedure i don’t know what to do someone plz help
Hey, you were right loading the Hero rom gave me back my phone and dialing functions Thank you very much, cause nobody wants to see a grown man cry. lol
I ran into another issue that i will post on the hero rom thread.
lmao thanks unlockr… im only 16 n im not rly a computer guy n i just bought the mytouch 3g n i rly want the hero ROM imma try it right now…
Is there a way to unroot your mytouch incase you need to send it in with a warranty?
Hello Acsteffy87,
Yes there is, it is on XDA-Developers. I plan to do a video for it shortly (while I still have a MyTouch handy).
any way of getting back the stock spl 1.33.0006
Hello Tato22,
Yes, the instructions are on XDA, I plan to put them on here by the end of the week and do a video; How To Unroot the MyTouch.
Is there a way to unroot your mytouch incase you need to send it in with a warranty?
Hello Acsteffy87,
Yes there is, it is on XDA-Developers. I plan to do a video for it shortly (while I still have a MyTouch handy).
any way of getting back the stock spl 1.33.0006
Hello Tato22,
Yes, the instructions are on XDA, I plan to put them on here by the end of the week and do a video; How To Unroot the MyTouch.
is there any way to do this with out having a micro card reader on ur pc
Hello Geoshaft,
You need a new memory card to do the procedure anyway. So go get a 2GB Non-Sandisk memory card for $10 at a BestBuy or wherever and it comes with an SD adapter and most laptops or computers have an SD adapter slot. If not then buy a MicroSD to USB adapter for under $5 while you are at the BestBuy.
my sapimg saved as a rar file… do i have to extract it????
Hello Mario,
It should have saved as a .zip file. Once you have it as a .zip do NOT unzip it. Just put it on the Goldcard as is.
i extracted it thats y all these came out… should i delete them n download sappimg as an “All file”?
Hello Mario,
Do NOT extract the, just put it on the card as
nvm my last comments
i rooted it
is there any way to do this with out having a micro card reader on ur pc
Hello Geoshaft,
You need a new memory card to do the procedure anyway. So go get a 2GB Non-Sandisk memory card for $10 at a BestBuy or wherever and it comes with an SD adapter and most laptops or computers have an SD adapter slot. If not then buy a MicroSD to USB adapter for under $5 while you are at the BestBuy.
my sapimg saved as a rar file… do i have to extract it????
Hello Mario,
It should have saved as a .zip file. Once you have it as a .zip do NOT unzip it. Just put it on the Goldcard as is.
i extracted it thats y all these came out… should i delete them n download sappimg as an “All file”?
Hello Mario,
Do NOT extract the, just put it on the card as
nvm my last comments
i rooted it
Hello Unlockr,
I want to thank you sooo much for your video, it helped a lot…I rooted my myTouch yesterday and even though it took me a total of 6 hours, its worth it.
For anyone wondering what you will lose when you root your myTouch and load HERO, I realized that there is no voice search in the google search bar, and you will also lose the Street view in maps
As far as gains, you will gain multi touch, PDF viewer, and Quickoffice, oh and an amazing ROM!!!
Hello Sam,
Yea, took me about a full night and the next day to do the video. Not an easy process, glad the video helped you get it done!
By the way, you can get Voice Search and Street view back by going to the market and downloading Google Maps and Google Voice Search 🙂 Once you download the map, the street view is now when you hold down on a location it gives you the option to go into Street View (Google’s new way of doing it I guess, not just for Hero ROMs).
I noticed you informed someone to use a Non-Sandisk memory card. Why is that? Just curious because I just ordered one from ebay, but I can easily get a different kind they are under 5 dollars on there.
Hello Maryanne,
For some reason people have reported that the Sandisk cards do not work with the Gold Card process. I used a PNY 2GB card from BestBuy for $10.
Thanks for the instructions and the videos, incredibly helpful stuff.
I was wondering how you go about saving apps and caches to the SDCard, especially if you’re going to be using a Hero ROM.
Also, does anyone know what would happen to the phone if I canceled my data plan with T-mobile. Would wifi/market/syncing still work?
Hello Ted,
Thanks! I really appreciate you guys coming to my humble site 🙂
1. Apps2SD is done automatically so long as you have the partitions done correctly (our How To Load Hero onto Your MyTouch 3G video shows you how to do that). And once you have the phone up and running with Hero just goto the Market and download Move Cache for Root Users, use it and Reboot the phone. Done!
2. If you cancelled your Data plan, you would be fine (you would just have to use Wifi for internet, syncing, market etc.). Now if you cancelled your data plan and then wiped the phone, you would not be able to log back into the phone. BUT if you have the Hero ROM on your phone and Wiped you would be fine (because the Hero ROM gives you the option to not sign in and to use Wifi during the setup process, whereas the T-Mobile ROMs don’t).
Hello Unlockr,
I want to thank you sooo much for your video, it helped a lot…I rooted my myTouch yesterday and even though it took me a total of 6 hours, its worth it.
For anyone wondering what you will lose when you root your myTouch and load HERO, I realized that there is no voice search in the google search bar, and you will also lose the Street view in maps
As far as gains, you will gain multi touch, PDF viewer, and Quickoffice, oh and an amazing ROM!!!
Hello Sam,
Yea, took me about a full night and the next day to do the video. Not an easy process, glad the video helped you get it done!
By the way, you can get Voice Search and Street view back by going to the market and downloading Google Maps and Google Voice Search 🙂 Once you download the map, the street view is now when you hold down on a location it gives you the option to go into Street View (Google’s new way of doing it I guess, not just for Hero ROMs).
is a 1gb card ok?
Hello John,
So long as the SappIMG file fits on the card, you should be fine.
how do you guys come up with all this stuff because i would have never came up with all this… Are you a hack god … Not meaning that in a mean way..
Hello Tisha,
Credit goes to the 2 guys mentioned in beginning of the procedure… They are your Hack Gods lol I just try their procedures and add whatever they left out (through trial and error) then do a video to help others.
ive tried a few tutorials on rooting/flashing hero but i always end up at the same spot….
i really believe i have the drivers set up and installed just as your (and many others) have instructed. when i am in fastboot and i plug in the USB cable it reads fastboot usb for 5-20 seconds then goes back to just fastboot. i have the USB drivers installed manually when in fastboot. then windows prompts me with driver notifications when plugged in while in fastboot mode. i reinstall the drivers and it eventually turns back to just fastboot. any clue on what i messed up or whats wrong?
I noticed you informed someone to use a Non-Sandisk memory card. Why is that? Just curious because I just ordered one from ebay, but I can easily get a different kind they are under 5 dollars on there.
Hello Maryanne,
For some reason people have reported that the Sandisk cards do not work with the Gold Card process. I used a PNY 2GB card from BestBuy for $10.
Thanks for the instructions and the videos, incredibly helpful stuff.
I was wondering how you go about saving apps and caches to the SDCard, especially if you’re going to be using a Hero ROM.
Also, does anyone know what would happen to the phone if I canceled my data plan with T-mobile. Would wifi/market/syncing still work?
Hello Ted,
Thanks! I really appreciate you guys coming to my humble site 🙂
1. Apps2SD is done automatically so long as you have the partitions done correctly (our How To Load Hero onto Your MyTouch 3G video shows you how to do that). And once you have the phone up and running with Hero just goto the Market and download Move Cache for Root Users, use it and Reboot the phone. Done!
2. If you cancelled your Data plan, you would be fine (you would just have to use Wifi for internet, syncing, market etc.). Now if you cancelled your data plan and then wiped the phone, you would not be able to log back into the phone. BUT if you have the Hero ROM on your phone and Wiped you would be fine (because the Hero ROM gives you the option to not sign in and to use Wifi during the setup process, whereas the T-Mobile ROMs don’t).
is a 1gb card ok?
Hello John,
So long as the SappIMG file fits on the card, you should be fine.
how do you guys come up with all this stuff because i would have never came up with all this… Are you a hack god … Not meaning that in a mean way..
Hello Tisha,
Credit goes to the 2 guys mentioned in beginning of the procedure… They are your Hack Gods lol I just try their procedures and add whatever they left out (through trial and error) then do a video to help others.
ive tried a few tutorials on rooting/flashing hero but i always end up at the same spot….
i really believe i have the drivers set up and installed just as your (and many others) have instructed. when i am in fastboot and i plug in the USB cable it reads fastboot usb for 5-20 seconds then goes back to just fastboot. i have the USB drivers installed manually when in fastboot. then windows prompts me with driver notifications when plugged in while in fastboot mode. i reinstall the drivers and it eventually turns back to just fastboot. any clue on what i messed up or whats wrong?
thanks a lot for this video.just curious,in the second video at 6:34 your HBOOT-1.33.0009,mine is HBOOT-1.33.2005 .so whats the difference?.
After installing HERO the screen become blurry could plz show me how to fix that . thanks
Hello Ramo,
It is supposed to say 2005 not 2009, I had actually messed up (I didn’t let the phone reboot after installing the SPL). The original instructions don’t tell you to do that, so after I messed up and Googled what I did wrong I figure that out and then put it in the video and instructions so it didn’t happen to you guys lol
You are the 3rd person with this problem… Not sure what happened unless I watched you do the whole thing, try Googling Hero Fuzzy on MyTouch, someone would have had to have the same issue and fixed it. And it you wouldn’t mind sharing it with the rest of us would be awesome thanks!
does this hero Rom have flash 10
could you post a link to the xda-developer page where they discuss how to un-root the mytouch for some of us who are not patient enough for your tutorial.
thanks a lot for this video.just curious,in the second video at 6:34 your HBOOT-1.33.0009,mine is HBOOT-1.33.2005 .so whats the difference?.
After installing HERO the screen become blurry could plz show me how to fix that . thanks
Hello Ramo,
It is supposed to say 2005 not 2009, I had actually messed up (I didn’t let the phone reboot after installing the SPL). The original instructions don’t tell you to do that, so after I messed up and Googled what I did wrong I figure that out and then put it in the video and instructions so it didn’t happen to you guys lol
You are the 3rd person with this problem… Not sure what happened unless I watched you do the whole thing, try Googling Hero Fuzzy on MyTouch, someone would have had to have the same issue and fixed it. And it you wouldn’t mind sharing it with the rest of us would be awesome thanks!
hello unlockr
I rooted the phone nicely but it has a problem when I want to buy a app in the market the part of the checkout of the credit card,when im going to put the expiration the keypad doesen`t have the this simbol(/) and I cant buy it cant you resolve my problem please.Letme know asap thanks.
why do i keep getting a message while im trying to flash the goldcard that says
model id incorrect!
Update Fail!
Do You want to reboot device?
does this hero Rom have flash 10
could you post a link to the xda-developer page where they discuss how to un-root the mytouch for some of us who are not patient enough for your tutorial.
hello unlockr
I rooted the phone nicely but it has a problem when I want to buy a app in the market the part of the checkout of the credit card,when im going to put the expiration the keypad doesen`t have the this simbol(/) and I cant buy it cant you resolve my problem please.Letme know asap thanks.
why do i keep getting a message while im trying to flash the goldcard that says
model id incorrect!
Update Fail!
Do You want to reboot device?
Everything works fine till i get up to typing adb devices, it don’t show anything in the command prompt i installed the drivers correctly because it worked for the fastboot devices procedure i don’t know what to do
Hello Maikel,
That means the ADB drivers aren’t installed (they are separate from the Fastboot, Bootloader your computer calls them, drivers).
This happened to me at one point to (and I googled and came up with a solution).
Just Google for the program USBDeview and download it (free), then open it (run as administrator) while the phone is plugged in and uninstall all of the drivers with the name HTC in them. Then unplug the phone, plug it back in and when the Windows Drivers Install thing pops up open it and see if it installs the ADB drivers on its own this time (mine did and then after that I was fine).
Everything works fine till i get up to typing adb devices, it don’t show anything in the command prompt i installed the drivers correctly because it worked for the fastboot devices procedure i don’t know what to do
Hello Maikel,
That means the ADB drivers aren’t installed (they are separate from the Fastboot, Bootloader your computer calls them, drivers).
This happened to me at one point to (and I googled and came up with a solution).
Just Google for the program USBDeview and download it (free), then open it (run as administrator) while the phone is plugged in and uninstall all of the drivers with the name HTC in them. Then unplug the phone, plug it back in and when the Windows Drivers Install thing pops up open it and see if it installs the ADB drivers on its own this time (mine did and then after that I was fine).
unlockr are u positive that a sand disk wont work for a gold card
Hello Poosk,
Nope, that is just what others are reporting. If you are will to ruin the card to try, by all means go ahead. I opted to buy a 2GB card non sandisk for $10 instead. But up to you.
i was able to create a gold card successfully with a sandisk, but when i try to do the sappimg in hboot, it says model id incorrect update fail. i followed the directions to a T. can anyone help?
cant get the sappimg to load it just reads the file but does not load it why wats wrong ???? please help
unlockr are u positive that a sand disk wont work for a gold card
Hello Poosk,
Nope, that is just what others are reporting. If you are will to ruin the card to try, by all means go ahead. I opted to buy a 2GB card non sandisk for $10 instead. But up to you.
i was able to create a gold card successfully with a sandisk, but when i try to do the sappimg in hboot, it says model id incorrect update fail. i followed the directions to a T. can anyone help?
cant get the sappimg to load it just reads the file but does not load it why wats wrong ???? please help
Hey there,
I downloaded the SDK kit and the fastboot, I noticed that there is already a Fastboot file under the tools folder should i replace it, as I am extracting.
Now I also wanted to ask will this work with Rogers G2(Magic).
Hello Ashar,
If it is already there then no need to extract (maybe the new version of the SDK comes with it).
As for the procedure, search our site for the How To Root Your Magic video, this procedure will NOT work for any other phone besides the MyTouch and phones with the “perfect SPL”.
Hey there,
I downloaded the SDK kit and the fastboot, I noticed that there is already a Fastboot file under the tools folder should i replace it, as I am extracting.
Now I also wanted to ask will this work with Rogers G2(Magic).
Hello Ashar,
If it is already there then no need to extract (maybe the new version of the SDK comes with it).
As for the procedure, search our site for the How To Root Your Magic video, this procedure will NOT work for any other phone besides the MyTouch and phones with the “perfect SPL”.
I have tried to get my gold card and I have done everything exactly as said and when I get to the part in the hex editor where i change things and go to save it will not allow me to it says media is write protected. I made sure the box was unchecked and also i tried kingston and sandisk sd cards
sorry I figured it out I had the adapter locked lol silly me
when i try to update the sappimg it gives me an error saying update fail….model id incorrect. Any suggestions as to what I did wrong? up until that point everything went as it did in your video
I have tried to get my gold card and I have done everything exactly as said and when I get to the part in the hex editor where i change things and go to save it will not allow me to it says media is write protected. I made sure the box was unchecked and also i tried kingston and sandisk sd cards
sorry I figured it out I had the adapter locked lol silly me
Ok as I was doing this I tried different things and I got it to work. Great job on the rotting video and tutorial, now attempting to add hero rom
when i try to update the sappimg it gives me an error saying update fail….model id incorrect. Any suggestions as to what I did wrong? up until that point everything went as it did in your video
Ok as I was doing this I tried different things and I got it to work. Great job on the rotting video and tutorial, now attempting to add hero rom
I followed your tutorial to a T but when i get into HBOOT it says “Main Version is older! Update Fail!”
HBOOT-1.33.0010 (SAPP10000)
Jun 2, 2009, 17:28:28
Could you tell me what’s wrong?
Hello Harkeer,
What phone are you using? According to those specs, you do not have a MyTouch… If you have a different Magic then use the How To Root a Magic procedure instead.
Great video! It worked like a charm. Many thanks to you. I was able to get Google maps to give me street view after I went to the market and downloaded the newest version. I still haven’t found a way to get the amazon mp3 application back on my phone. Is there a way that I am missing?
I followed your tutorial to a T but when i get into HBOOT it says “Main Version is older! Update Fail!”
HBOOT-1.33.0010 (SAPP10000)
Jun 2, 2009, 17:28:28
Could you tell me what’s wrong?
Hello Harkeer,
What phone are you using? According to those specs, you do not have a MyTouch… If you have a different Magic then use the How To Root a Magic procedure instead.
Great video! It worked like a charm. Many thanks to you. I was able to get Google maps to give me street view after I went to the market and downloaded the newest version. I still haven’t found a way to get the amazon mp3 application back on my phone. Is there a way that I am missing?
Wow this is a great tutorial but i am having issues when i shut the phone off and switch to the goldcard, i have done everything to the t up to this point, i turn the mytouch on in hboot by holding volume down and power but when i click on hboot it says it cannot find img.! PLEASE HELP!!
Wow this is a great tutorial but i am having issues when i shut the phone off and switch to the goldcard, i have done everything to the t up to this point, i turn the mytouch on in hboot by holding volume down and power but when i click on hboot it says it cannot find img.! PLEASE HELP!!
I keep getting
Model ID Incorrect
Update Fail!
right after I hit Power and Volume down and when its checking the folder. I had used this SD card as Goldcard before but I did format the card and then went through all the steps to redo it from the start.
I had done HTC Hero Rom on my MyTouch and it worked fine. Then I unrooted it back to MyTouch and I want Hero again.
Is the error because I need a new SD card?
Can you pls help!
I keep getting
Model ID Incorrect
Update Fail!
right after I hit Power and Volume down and when its checking the folder. I had used this SD card as Goldcard before but I did format the card and then went through all the steps to redo it from the start.
I had done HTC Hero Rom on my MyTouch and it worked fine. Then I unrooted it back to MyTouch and I want Hero again.
Is the error because I need a new SD card?
Can you pls help!
when i was installing the drivers in fastboot usb mode it told me i couldnt find it so then i went to the link for the guide to google and i said to go to the usb driver folder and then amd64
wen i did that it started to download and then it said it couldnt download because of the htc bootloader
anything u can do???
Hello Neel,
Check out the bold writing at the top of the post. You do not need to load drivers. Goto the new procedure for rooting the MyTouch in one click and continue from there.
when i was installing the drivers in fastboot usb mode it told me i couldnt find it so then i went to the link for the guide to google and i said to go to the usb driver folder and then amd64
wen i did that it started to download and then it said it couldnt download because of the htc bootloader
anything u can do???
Hello Neel,
Check out the bold writing at the top of the post. You do not need to load drivers. Goto the new procedure for rooting the MyTouch in one click and continue from there.
i got it
i got it
just a question before i try these steps .. to root and to load hero.. does that mean that i can use any sim card in my phone, i am not welversed with the terms used, after following the complete procedure that will unlock my phone since the ROm is custom..
pls reply.
just a question before i try these steps .. to root and to load hero.. does that mean that i can use any sim card in my phone, i am not welversed with the terms used, after following the complete procedure that will unlock my phone since the ROm is custom..
pls reply.
i did the exact steps and after i pushed the volume down and power button everything loaded fine. but when i pushed the update button a green list came down and went away without the scroll on the right.
any idea what went wrong?
i did the exact steps and after i pushed the volume down and power button everything loaded fine. but when i pushed the update button a green list came down and went away without the scroll on the right.
any idea what went wrong?
CAN Someone help me when ever i try install it say cannot install and all can sumone plz help
Hey can anyone help me when ever i try install my phone it say cannot install
Hello Nick,
Search the site for the How To Root in one click, do that instead. Then do the next procedure.
CAN Someone help me when ever i try install it say cannot install and all can sumone plz help
Hey the Unlockr Can You Help like i want the htc hero rom but i have get like the cmd ahhh and it say connot do this and all you gotta help me
Hey can anyone help me when ever i try install my phone it say cannot install
Hello Nick,
Search the site for the How To Root in one click, do that instead. Then do the next procedure.
Hey the Unlockr Can You Help like i want the htc hero rom but i have get like the cmd ahhh and it say connot do this and all you gotta help me
when I type fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img, it’s said failed( remote : not allow).
may I know why?
Hello Zayar,
You need to unroot (you or on Donut). Do the unroot procedure then dont do this procedure do the How To Root in One Click procedure.
when I type fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img, it’s said failed( remote : not allow).
may I know why?
Hello Zayar,
You need to unroot (you or on Donut). Do the unroot procedure then dont do this procedure do the How To Root in One Click procedure.
I have my ROM flashed already. Actually i already flashed about 5 roms in 1 week lol. BUT I’ve found a rom THAT REQUIRES1.33.2005 or 1.33.2009 SPL BUT i have 1.33.0006. And i already have a Hero ROM flashed. My question is, do i need to unroot then do the SPL or Do i just leave MYTOUCH3G rooted and just download the SPL and rename it then flash it??
You can flash the SPL and then immediately flash the ROM (when you flash the SPL your phone will most likely get stuck on the boot screen, when that happens just follow the directions in the How To Load a ROM procedure for your phone).
To be honest though, I would try to load the ROM without the SPL and see if it runs first (worst that happens is it gets stuck on the boot screen like the SPL update would do anyway).
I have my ROM flashed already. Actually i already flashed about 5 roms in 1 week lol. BUT I’ve found a rom THAT REQUIRES1.33.2005 or 1.33.2009 SPL BUT i have 1.33.0006. And i already have a Hero ROM flashed. My question is, do i need to unroot then do the SPL or Do i just leave MYTOUCH3G rooted and just download the SPL and rename it then flash it??
You can flash the SPL and then immediately flash the ROM (when you flash the SPL your phone will most likely get stuck on the boot screen, when that happens just follow the directions in the How To Load a ROM procedure for your phone).
To be honest though, I would try to load the ROM without the SPL and see if it runs first (worst that happens is it gets stuck on the boot screen like the SPL update would do anyway).
I did everything it all looks good booted up. i didnt add any roms or anything else and im not getting my internet working no edge or 3g the icon isnt even next to the Service bars. Can you help me out please. Thank You.
You did the wrong procedure. Please read the top of this post, the giant bold writing. Shows you the newer procedures. At the bottom of one of the newer procedures it says “Internet Doesnt Work” as one of the issues. The fix is to set your APN settings. Read the reported issues for how to do so.
Good luck! And if you have any other issues please post in the Technical Support Forums instead of here in the comments so we dont clog them up, thanks!
ok well that sucks i worked on this all morning lol finally finished and now i ran into this. Can you please give me the link on were to start on fixing this problem please thanks i really appriciate it.
I did everything it all looks good booted up. i didnt add any roms or anything else and im not getting my internet working no edge or 3g the icon isnt even next to the Service bars. Can you help me out please. Thank You.
You did the wrong procedure. Please read the top of this post, the giant bold writing. Shows you the newer procedures. At the bottom of one of the newer procedures it says “Internet Doesnt Work” as one of the issues. The fix is to set your APN settings. Read the reported issues for how to do so.
Good luck! And if you have any other issues please post in the Technical Support Forums instead of here in the comments so we dont clog them up, thanks!
ok well that sucks i worked on this all morning lol finally finished and now i ran into this. Can you please give me the link on were to start on fixing this problem please thanks i really appriciate it.
Got some trouble:
Can’t not update (Main Version is older – Update fail)
Can anybody help ?
Mike ,
Please post in the technical support forum so we dont clog the comments. Thanks!
Got some trouble:
Can’t not update (Main Version is older – Update fail)
Can anybody help ?
Mike ,
Please post in the technical support forum so we dont clog the comments. Thanks!
Well, I’m stuck with my 32A Magic.
I’ve got a perfected SPL (1.33.0014) and nothing to do with it.
Tried All methods to root and nothing.
FlashRec cannot execute it’s commands.
So the only one left is downgrading with a gold card.
On the video here, after formatting the sd card, in hex editor it’s 00 everywhere as i can see.
When i do the same on my phone, it’s different and i have no success making a gold card.
If anybody would like to borrow me one or sell me one, i’d consider it.
@TheUnlockr: I hope i’m not doing something that is forbidden here and by the way, sorry for making a little off topic.
P.S.: I’m from Portugal
Have you tried the How to unroot your Magic procedure on this site?
No your fine, but I would recommend just posting in the Forum Marketplace and do a WTB: Rooted Magic post and see if anyone will.
Have you tried the How to unroot your Magic procedure on this site? – It was first thing i tried…
It just gets me nowhere, this spl i have is really tough, i’ve tried everything i was able to find here, xda and modaco.
Tried to flash remotely by usb and androidsdk and nothing as well.
Hope goldcard could work and i feel like htc made some changes to the way phone formats the sd so it’s more difficult to make a gold card cus on your video first 170 hex sectors are blank (00) after you’ve formatted it and mine aren’t.
Well, I’m stuck with my 32A Magic.
I’ve got a perfected SPL (1.33.0014) and nothing to do with it.
Tried All methods to root and nothing.
FlashRec cannot execute it’s commands.
So the only one left is downgrading with a gold card.
On the video here, after formatting the sd card, in hex editor it’s 00 everywhere as i can see.
When i do the same on my phone, it’s different and i have no success making a gold card.
If anybody would like to borrow me one or sell me one, i’d consider it.
@TheUnlockr: I hope i’m not doing something that is forbidden here and by the way, sorry for making a little off topic.
P.S.: I’m from Portugal
Have you tried the How to unroot your Magic procedure on this site?
No your fine, but I would recommend just posting in the Forum Marketplace and do a WTB: Rooted Magic post and see if anyone will.
Have you tried the How to unroot your Magic procedure on this site? – It was first thing i tried…
It just gets me nowhere, this spl i have is really tough, i’ve tried everything i was able to find here, xda and modaco.
Tried to flash remotely by usb and androidsdk and nothing as well.
Hope goldcard could work and i feel like htc made some changes to the way phone formats the sd so it’s more difficult to make a gold card cus on your video first 170 hex sectors are blank (00) after you’ve formatted it and mine aren’t.
I was able to make a goldcard.
The same SD that i tested before.
First i edited the card in HEX editor on a laptop on its integrated card reader with Windows 7 X64 Ultimate.
Failed to make a GoldCard.
Second i’ve edited the card on my desktop with same OS but an external card reader. Nothing as well.
Then i’ve got to extreme. I have a MP4 player with a slot for MicroSd cards.
Got it into the player, connected usb to my desktop, edited in Hex and done…
Some crazy bug i may say, if it worked with an mp4 player, it should at least work on my laptop…
I was able to make a goldcard.
The same SD that i tested before.
First i edited the card in HEX editor on a laptop on its integrated card reader with Windows 7 X64 Ultimate.
Failed to make a GoldCard.
Second i’ve edited the card on my desktop with same OS but an external card reader. Nothing as well.
Then i’ve got to extreme. I have a MP4 player with a slot for MicroSd cards.
Got it into the player, connected usb to my desktop, edited in Hex and done…
Some crazy bug i may say, if it worked with an mp4 player, it should at least work on my laptop…
Im in this for some days now and ended here.
All went well, when i insert my goldcard with the on it, i boot using Power+VolDown.
Hitting the trackball wasn’t needed it went right on, BUT… it didn’t see the and ignored it right on.
Do you have a MyTouch or a Magic?
If you have a MyTouch, use the How To Root the MyTouch/G1 in One Click procedure instead of this one.
If you have a Magic, use the How To Root the Magic in One Click procedure. Good luck! (Make sure to read the Before You Begin on those procedures when you get to them).
Im in this for some days now and ended here.
All went well, when i insert my goldcard with the on it, i boot using Power+VolDown.
Hitting the trackball wasn’t needed it went right on, BUT… it didn’t see the and ignored it right on.
Do you have a MyTouch or a Magic?
If you have a MyTouch, use the How To Root the MyTouch/G1 in One Click procedure instead of this one.
If you have a Magic, use the How To Root the Magic in One Click procedure. Good luck! (Make sure to read the Before You Begin on those procedures when you get to them).
Will this work on a Mac?
Will this work on a Mac?
Hey guys im new to this stuff and i just had one simple question i have a my-touch 3g with t mobile i just want to use it prepaid however prepaid doesn’t offer the required data that MT uses therefore i cant get pass the log in gmail screen is there any way to bypass this. plz help and thank you in advance.
Easiest way is to have a friend that has a regular account, add the data plan, put his SIM in your phone and login. Then take his SIM out and put yours in and have him turn off the data plan on his account after (will cost $1 for the day of being on).
Hey guys im new to this stuff and i just had one simple question i have a my-touch 3g with t mobile i just want to use it prepaid however prepaid doesn’t offer the required data that MT uses therefore i cant get pass the log in gmail screen is there any way to bypass this. plz help and thank you in advance.
Easiest way is to have a friend that has a regular account, add the data plan, put his SIM in your phone and login. Then take his SIM out and put yours in and have him turn off the data plan on his account after (will cost $1 for the day of being on).
Hello, I followed this procedure because I got the Main version older error for MT3G. So I made the gold card and did everything down to step 28(Rooting Mytouch using Goldcard section above) applying the Hboot img file as and once I did it now gets stuck in rebooting into the Vodafone splash screen and does Nothing! Can someone please help me on what I should do. I cannot load into fastboot anymore either. HELP!
Hello, I followed this procedure because I got the Main version older error for MT3G. So I made the gold card and did everything down to step 28(Rooting Mytouch using Goldcard section above) applying the Hboot img file as and once I did it now gets stuck in rebooting into the Vodafone splash screen and does Nothing! Can someone please help me on what I should do. I cannot load into fastboot anymore either. HELP!
hello TheUnlockr
can i use the same gold card to different phone(mytouch 3g) even though i already used it?
and also thank you for your vids, works perfect.
Yup you can.
hello TheUnlockr
can i use the same gold card to different phone(mytouch 3g) even though i already used it?
and also thank you for your vids, works perfect.
Yup you can.
What happend to QMAT 4.36? I go to the site and its all about “PSAS”
@theunlockr ..Where’s tech support?
All I get is “can’t up date version to old ”
Try on two different phones and yes I am
Using a samdisk sdcard
What? Tech support?
This site is a resource not tech support.
dead goldcard link
What happend to QMAT 4.36? I go to the site and its all about “PSAS”
@theunlockr ..Where’s tech support?
All I get is “can’t up date version to old ”
Try on two different phones and yes I am
Using a samdisk sdcard
What? Tech support?
This site is a resource not tech support.
dead goldcard link
The link above for QMAT works perfectly! It’s just called PSAS now! It says at the top of the screen that PSAS is the successor to QMAT. Gold card process worked perfectly with the new software!
You are an amazing resource and unbelievably benign for sharing all this knowledge! Thank you! One question for you!
I have a MT3G that is showing up as SAPP30000. Is this image going to work for me? I’ve seen a couple of comments saying that it was the wrong model id. If I do change the text in the android text file to the correct model would I have to resign it? I guess that’s an irrelevant question if this image will work! I’d appreciate your insight!
Give it a try, worst that happens is it will say Wrong Model ID. But the idea is that the goldcard if done right will bypass the model ID check…
Good luck!
The link above for QMAT works perfectly! It’s just called PSAS now! It says at the top of the screen that PSAS is the successor to QMAT. Gold card process worked perfectly with the new software!
You are an amazing resource and unbelievably benign for sharing all this knowledge! Thank you! One question for you!
I have a MT3G that is showing up as SAPP30000. Is this image going to work for me? I’ve seen a couple of comments saying that it was the wrong model id. If I do change the text in the android text file to the correct model would I have to resign it? I guess that’s an irrelevant question if this image will work! I’d appreciate your insight!
Give it a try, worst that happens is it will say Wrong Model ID. But the idea is that the goldcard if done right will bypass the model ID check…
Good luck!
@theunlockr You said if we had trouble with the process
To look for tech support at the end of the proceder
…dead link I try. ….
I did all the steps with my samdisk card everything went smooth
But when I hit update it said version to old
Any ideas. .I’m not trying to be a smart@$$.
@theunlockr You said if we had trouble with the process
To look for tech support at the end of the proceder
…dead link I try. ….
I did all the steps with my samdisk card everything went smooth
But when I hit update it said version to old
Any ideas. .I’m not trying to be a smart@$$.
goldcard generator link not dead! SCROLLDOWN!
goldcard generator link not dead! SCROLLDOWN!
is it true that getting the cid can be done using terminal?
is it true that getting the cid can be done using terminal?
IF YOU HAVE 1.33.0007 SPL .!!
IF YOU HAVE 1.33.0007 SPL .!!
I was on part two flashing the hboot1.33.2005 but once i flashed it the phone never went back in to reacovery. it booted up htc magic..
model num: htc magic
baseband: 62.525.20.18u_3.22.20.17
Kernel: 2.6.27-357975db
bulid nymber: 146733 cl#31685 test-key
Should I continue on and just take the battery out and move on to the next step? Or am I done?
LMAO nevermind….I need to learn to follow directions and stop trying to follow the video!
I was on the last step and im stuck at the vodafone red screen. I can still boot into fastboot mode but every time I do steps 24-28 I never leave the red vodafone screen..what am I doing wrong?
well I changed the splash screen to mytouch. But I still cant boot my phone pass this screen. I tried doing steps 24-28 again and again, I even wiped the phone but still nothing pass the mytouch splash screen. Should I move on to the next video (load hero rom)? Or should I unroot and try this again? Im lost!
I was on part two flashing the hboot1.33.2005 but once i flashed it the phone never went back in to reacovery. it booted up htc magic..
model num: htc magic
baseband: 62.525.20.18u_3.22.20.17
Kernel: 2.6.27-357975db
bulid nymber: 146733 cl#31685 test-key
Should I continue on and just take the battery out and move on to the next step? Or am I done?
LMAO nevermind….I need to learn to follow directions and stop trying to follow the video!
I was on the last step and im stuck at the vodafone red screen. I can still boot into fastboot mode but every time I do steps 24-28 I never leave the red vodafone screen..what am I doing wrong?
well I changed the splash screen to mytouch. But I still cant boot my phone pass this screen. I tried doing steps 24-28 again and again, I even wiped the phone but still nothing pass the mytouch splash screen. Should I move on to the next video (load hero rom)? Or should I unroot and try this again? Im lost!
should I redo section 3 over and reload the spl?
Im on
sapphire pvt 32b eng s-off h
hboot-1.33.2005 (sapp30000)
will flashing the spl again brick my phone?…(sorry for posting so much ..Im very
should I redo section 3 over and reload the spl?
Im on
sapphire pvt 32b eng s-off h
hboot-1.33.2005 (sapp30000)
will flashing the spl again brick my phone?…(sorry for posting so much ..Im very
i am afraid i bricked my Magic last night trying to update the SPL! since that i can’t power it up, even i can’t get into fastboot… the only thing i get is a green led (or orange) at the top when plugging but led comes off when press the power button. No chances for a soft/hard reset… is there any solutions for me?? my htc is only 2months old 🙁
Why did you load an SPL on your Magic? Unnecessary lol
You might have to call HTC and just tell them that your phone got an update over the air and then it wouldnt turn on after and see if they will cover that under warranty (make them think their OTA came and messed up the phone).
Good luck!
i am afraid i bricked my Magic last night trying to update the SPL! since that i can’t power it up, even i can’t get into fastboot… the only thing i get is a green led (or orange) at the top when plugging but led comes off when press the power button. No chances for a soft/hard reset… is there any solutions for me?? my htc is only 2months old 🙁
Why did you load an SPL on your Magic? Unnecessary lol
You might have to call HTC and just tell them that your phone got an update over the air and then it wouldnt turn on after and see if they will cover that under warranty (make them think their OTA came and messed up the phone).
Good luck!
I need a copy of the file if anyone can email it to me. the link isn’t letting me download it.
I need a copy of the file if anyone can email it to me. the link isn’t letting me download it.
Okay, just making sure.. I messed up on the Recovery image, it took me to a vodafone image and then it went into the default recovery.. so do I have to reformat my SD card again to load a new recovery image? or can I just do it right away?
You are supposed to use the Vodafone image. But you need to flash a custom recovery afterwards and then you can load a new ROM (and get rid of the Vodafone image that way).
Just follow the directions it tells you.
Okay, just making sure.. I messed up on the Recovery image, it took me to a vodafone image and then it went into the default recovery.. so do I have to reformat my SD card again to load a new recovery image? or can I just do it right away?
You are supposed to use the Vodafone image. But you need to flash a custom recovery afterwards and then you can load a new ROM (and get rid of the Vodafone image that way).
Just follow the directions it tells you.
I got up to the insert gold card portion and afterwards the phone told me the update failed due to an incorrect MODEL ID…
Also with the special code a had to reverse…the code started with fr and then proceeded with digits, should i have replaced the “fr” with 00 or the digits that came after?
Incorrect Model ID means the goldcard did not work.
You need to replace the first two characters not digits. See how I do it in the video and in the procedure.
First though can I ask, do you have a MyTouch? Or a Magic?
I got up to the insert gold card portion and afterwards the phone told me the update failed due to an incorrect MODEL ID…
Also with the special code a had to reverse…the code started with fr and then proceeded with digits, should i have replaced the “fr” with 00 or the digits that came after?
Incorrect Model ID means the goldcard did not work.
You need to replace the first two characters not digits. See how I do it in the video and in the procedure.
First though can I ask, do you have a MyTouch? Or a Magic?
I have a mytouch 3g…with the 3.5mm that device any different from a regular mytouch?
Yes it is. But the goldcard method you are looking at SHOULD work (and cant hurt), its the one click method on our site that will most likely not work for you 3.5mm myTouch.
I have a mytouch 3g…with the 3.5mm that device any different from a regular mytouch?
Yes it is. But the goldcard method you are looking at SHOULD work (and cant hurt), its the one click method on our site that will most likely not work for you 3.5mm myTouch.
hi guys, i have experience with rooting the G1 and so i decided i wanted to root my mytouch 3g v1.0(no 3.5mm jack) it has a 32B board and has the .ooo7 SPL which is not on the list of “perfeted SPLs” over at xda, but the error i get when i fastboot seems to mean that it is perfected. the mytouch is running 1.6(donut) and using the sappimg.nbh does not work(main version older error) so i have been trying the goldcard method. i have tried several sd cards, even one that has been a goldcard before and now it is not working. so far i have tried a no name 2GB sd card, a lexar 2GB card, a 4GB PNY card, and an 8GB no name card, i’m not surprised the no name cards don’t work, but the lexar card has been used as a goldcard before and so it should work now, the PNY is relatively new and i don’t see why it won’t work. i don’t want to go out and buy yet another card but it seems that i have to. please let me know if there is anything else i can try
I have a HTC Magic.
I have HTC Sense on it, an official update from HTC.
It’s Android 1.5
But i want 2.0 or 2.1 on it.
I came to the cmd. Fastboot boot recovery and so on.
But i says that it cant do it.
I have goldcard, and followed the guide.
I have follwed som other guides in here, but cant make it work.
Hope you inderstand me, my english aint that great.
Do the procedure for the HTC Magic on our site, instead of the MyTouch.
hi guys, i have experience with rooting the G1 and so i decided i wanted to root my mytouch 3g v1.0(no 3.5mm jack) it has a 32B board and has the .ooo7 SPL which is not on the list of “perfeted SPLs” over at xda, but the error i get when i fastboot seems to mean that it is perfected. the mytouch is running 1.6(donut) and using the sappimg.nbh does not work(main version older error) so i have been trying the goldcard method. i have tried several sd cards, even one that has been a goldcard before and now it is not working. so far i have tried a no name 2GB sd card, a lexar 2GB card, a 4GB PNY card, and an 8GB no name card, i’m not surprised the no name cards don’t work, but the lexar card has been used as a goldcard before and so it should work now, the PNY is relatively new and i don’t see why it won’t work. i don’t want to go out and buy yet another card but it seems that i have to. please let me know if there is anything else i can try
I have a HTC Magic.
I have HTC Sense on it, an official update from HTC.
It’s Android 1.5
But i want 2.0 or 2.1 on it.
I came to the cmd. Fastboot boot recovery and so on.
But i says that it cant do it.
I have goldcard, and followed the guide.
I have follwed som other guides in here, but cant make it work.
Hope you inderstand me, my english aint that great.
Do the procedure for the HTC Magic on our site, instead of the MyTouch.
Ok, I finished step one, the serial number came up. Then I go to step to, get down to the step were it tells your to type adb devices, and I get nothing. Now where, notta, zip… This is frustrating as heck.. Help please?
Oh I’m using a stock magic, 1.6, 32b. if need anything else, just ask. I’m going nuts.
Captain Kirk,
THIS PROCEDURE IS FOR THE MYTOUCH, not Magic. Look for the How To Root the Magic and try again.
Ok, I finished step one, the serial number came up. Then I go to step to, get down to the step were it tells your to type adb devices, and I get nothing. Now where, notta, zip… This is frustrating as heck.. Help please?
Oh I’m using a stock magic, 1.6, 32b. if need anything else, just ask. I’m going nuts.
Captain Kirk,
THIS PROCEDURE IS FOR THE MYTOUCH, not Magic. Look for the How To Root the Magic and try again.
Im stuck at step II-6
none of my pc will run the program, can you help me reverse the code?
Hi again, Just making sure before I do this but…
Can I switch to AmonRA’s new recovery image? (Carebear)
And if so, I just have to put it in the tools folder and do the fastboot ect. right?
Look for our How To Flash a New Recovery Image procedure and it’ll walk you through it 🙂
@unlocker for the ones rooting a MT3G 1.2/fender you need to refer them to the sappimg used in the instructions on xda… since that is the only one that was said to work. Also make sure they boot back into fast boot and flash the stock radio and spl and amen_ra’s “G” recovery. (not “H” version cuz it wont boot) the stock radio and spl can be found on xda. if they dont flash the stock radio and spl then their touch screen will not work. this phone is a 32a hybrid and has a new touch screen and 3.5mm jack so at this time there are no custom roms that work on it. The only option you have is the “stock” fender rom with root. if you need more info on rooting a mt3g 1.2 hit me up on twitter @ceasoner.. ill try to help as much as possible.
Thanks! Will hit you up on gmail if that is ok? Don’t have a MyTouch 1.2 so some help would be appreciated. I’ll email you shortly.
Im stuck at step II-6
none of my pc will run the program, can you help me reverse the code?
Hi again, Just making sure before I do this but…
Can I switch to AmonRA’s new recovery image? (Carebear)
And if so, I just have to put it in the tools folder and do the fastboot ect. right?
Look for our How To Flash a New Recovery Image procedure and it’ll walk you through it 🙂
@unlocker for the ones rooting a MT3G 1.2/fender you need to refer them to the sappimg used in the instructions on xda… since that is the only one that was said to work. Also make sure they boot back into fast boot and flash the stock radio and spl and amen_ra’s “G” recovery. (not “H” version cuz it wont boot) the stock radio and spl can be found on xda. if they dont flash the stock radio and spl then their touch screen will not work. this phone is a 32a hybrid and has a new touch screen and 3.5mm jack so at this time there are no custom roms that work on it. The only option you have is the “stock” fender rom with root. if you need more info on rooting a mt3g 1.2 hit me up on twitter @ceasoner.. ill try to help as much as possible.
Thanks! Will hit you up on gmail if that is ok? Don’t have a MyTouch 1.2 so some help would be appreciated. I’ll email you shortly.
I thought the mytouch was the magic, my bad. I have the my touch 3g
I thought the mytouch was the magic, my bad. I have the my touch 3g
Unlocker, What is going on with my issue? I followed all the steps correctly, Did the test like in step one and I got a serial code. Went and continued to step two, followed those to a T, then when I went to go to cmd and typed “adb devices” nothing worked, so I re-installed the drivers and nothing.
Unlocker, What is going on with my issue? I followed all the steps correctly, Did the test like in step one and I got a serial code. Went and continued to step two, followed those to a T, then when I went to go to cmd and typed “adb devices” nothing worked, so I re-installed the drivers and nothing.
Hey Unlockr!I followed your steps to root my phone,the steps for mytouch Fender and 1.2 which I own.After following your steps my phone says HTC magic and no touch screen?Now what!?!Please help!
Follow the rest of the procedure and continue or simply goto the How To Unroot Your MyTouch procedure and do that to undo what was done.
hi i root mytouch 3.5mm but the screen is no working only the track ball and i have the vodaphone red boot screen
i root mytouch 3.5mm and my phone was 32a now is 32b and the touchscreen feature is no working
Now load a custom ROM and you will get those features back and have root.
Hey Unlockr!I followed your steps to root my phone,the steps for mytouch Fender and 1.2 which I own.After following your steps my phone says HTC magic and no touch screen?Now what!?!Please help!
Follow the rest of the procedure and continue or simply goto the How To Unroot Your MyTouch procedure and do that to undo what was done.
hi i root mytouch 3.5mm but the screen is no working only the track ball and i have the vodaphone red boot screen
i root mytouch 3.5mm and my phone was 32a now is 32b and the touchscreen feature is no working
Now load a custom ROM and you will get those features back and have root.
hi i root mytouch 3.5mm 1.2 and the touchscreen not work my phone was 32a now is 32b any help
Now load a custom ROM and you will get it all back.
hi i root mytouch 3.5mm 1.2 and the touchscreen not work my phone was 32a now is 32b any help
Now load a custom ROM and you will get it all back.
HAHA!Rooted the Mytouch 1.2!Ended up with no touchscreen,phone,contacts,notihing..about 12 hrs later I got it!I’m only running the stock 1.6 ROM from cursordroid but hey it’s ready to go when some ROMs are released.
Hey Victor I did the same thing buddy!Red Vodafone screen,no touchscreen,the works!You still having problems?Go to the xda forums and look up cursordroids 1.6 ROM,Radio,and SPL/HBOOT.Then follow the directions.Make sure to extract the radio and hboot to the same folder and rename the long hboot file to just hboot.img.You’ll be set!
HAHA!Rooted the Mytouch 1.2!Ended up with no touchscreen,phone,contacts,notihing..about 12 hrs later I got it!I’m only running the stock 1.6 ROM from cursordroid but hey it’s ready to go when some ROMs are released.
Hey Victor I did the same thing buddy!Red Vodafone screen,no touchscreen,the works!You still having problems?Go to the xda forums and look up cursordroids 1.6 ROM,Radio,and SPL/HBOOT.Then follow the directions.Make sure to extract the radio and hboot to the same folder and rename the long hboot file to just hboot.img.You’ll be set!
I just received a replacement mt3g in the mail and am trying to root it. It came with 1.6 and I have tried both the one click and gold card method. When I try to downgrade to 1.5 by flashing the sappimg I still get the “Main version is older, update fail” error in HBOOT. This is not the new mt3g with the 3.5mm headset port, it is the original mt3g. Please help.
You need to create a goldcard and then put the Sappimg.nbh on it and flash it (the goldcard bypasses the version check, so if you used a goldcard when you did that and it still says that, you did not make a goldcard correctly.
I just received a replacement mt3g in the mail and am trying to root it. It came with 1.6 and I have tried both the one click and gold card method. When I try to downgrade to 1.5 by flashing the sappimg I still get the “Main version is older, update fail” error in HBOOT. This is not the new mt3g with the 3.5mm headset port, it is the original mt3g. Please help.
You need to create a goldcard and then put the Sappimg.nbh on it and flash it (the goldcard bypasses the version check, so if you used a goldcard when you did that and it still says that, you did not make a goldcard correctly.
thanks to all of you guys
thanks to all of you guys
help when I type fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img, it’s said failed( remote : not allow).
i installed the sappimage and everything i dont know what to do
help when I type fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img, it’s said failed( remote : not allow).
i installed the sappimage and everything i dont know what to do
i was about to root a g1 and a new update pop up. any 1 knows what the update is about????? it was already on 1.6
is that means g1 is getting 2.1 over the air????
i have a mytouch and i did the gold card and i still have the main version is older. fail
any idea and what i need to do?
Means the card isn’t working.
i was about to root a g1 and a new update pop up. any 1 knows what the update is about????? it was already on 1.6
is that means g1 is getting 2.1 over the air????
i have a mytouch and i did the gold card and i still have the main version is older. fail
any idea and what i need to do?
Means the card isn’t working.
Will this work on the 1.33.0007 SPL? Do I need a different sappimg as im rooting a 1.33.0007 as someone sugested above?
Did you try the one click root method on our site first? If that doesn’t work then come here. Your SPL makes no difference in either procedure.
Will this work on the 1.33.0007 SPL? Do I need a different sappimg as im rooting a 1.33.0007 as someone sugested above?
Did you try the one click root method on our site first? If that doesn’t work then come here. Your SPL makes no difference in either procedure.
Firstly excellent site, unfortunetly however I’ve hit a bit of a snag. I have a HTC Magic (UK Vodafone), and have followed all the steps, right down to number 18 of the goldcard (I have a 1gb goldcard, 16gb normal card), however it won’t let me use the Amon Ra recovery, saying it fails.
Step 17 is fine, I can see the serial of the phone, but it just won’t let me use the recovery image.
Any help would be much appreciated, as for additional info I have a 32B it seems, hboot 1.33.0004, but any extra info needed just let me know and I’ll find it!
Just to be more specific, when I type
fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img
it comes back with
downloading ‘boot.img’ … FAILED (remote:not allow)
You need to flash a new SPL first then. Step 6.
Firstly excellent site, unfortunetly however I’ve hit a bit of a snag. I have a HTC Magic (UK Vodafone), and have followed all the steps, right down to number 18 of the goldcard (I have a 1gb goldcard, 16gb normal card), however it won’t let me use the Amon Ra recovery, saying it fails.
Step 17 is fine, I can see the serial of the phone, but it just won’t let me use the recovery image.
Any help would be much appreciated, as for additional info I have a 32B it seems, hboot 1.33.0004, but any extra info needed just let me know and I’ll find it!
Just to be more specific, when I type
fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img
it comes back with
downloading ‘boot.img’ … FAILED (remote:not allow)
You need to flash a new SPL first then. Step 6.
Well I managed to flash a new SPL, but I still don’t seem to be able to do anything. Posted the whole sorry episode at
but yeah, 16 hours so far, and I have a half working phone. It is either a really odd phone and series of things, or I’ve missed something fundamental, and there is an easy fix. I hope it is the latter!
Basically I can fastboot into the amon ra recovery at will, but seem to be unable to flash any roms other than ‘myhero’.
Well I managed to flash a new SPL, but I still don’t seem to be able to do anything. Posted the whole sorry episode at
but yeah, 16 hours so far, and I have a half working phone. It is either a really odd phone and series of things, or I’ve missed something fundamental, and there is an easy fix. I hope it is the latter!
Basically I can fastboot into the amon ra recovery at will, but seem to be unable to flash any roms other than ‘myhero’.
I have a german vodafone 32b magic with 1.6.
If I try the goldcard method i get 9 a “wrong cid” error at step III. What have i done wrong?
I have a german vodafone 32b magic with 1.6.
If I try the goldcard method i get 9 a “wrong cid” error at step III. What have i done wrong?
for the 1.33.0007 spl, AFTER you changed the spl to 1.33.2005 with the goldcard, wouldn’t it just be easier to flash the regular sappimg.nbh(for the regular unrooting process), making it have the 1.33.0006, which makes it vulnerable to the flashrec.apk, the one click root method? thats the way i did it. this way may be faster, but the other one i believe is more user friendly.
for the 1.33.0007 spl, AFTER you changed the spl to 1.33.2005 with the goldcard, wouldn’t it just be easier to flash the regular sappimg.nbh(for the regular unrooting process), making it have the 1.33.0006, which makes it vulnerable to the flashrec.apk, the one click root method? thats the way i did it. this way may be faster, but the other one i believe is more user friendly.
Hi unlockr
I havent, but assumed as so many people had issues with this method and a 1.33.0007 SPL it wasnt even worth trying out. I dont want to brick it.
Hi unlockr
I havent, but assumed as so many people had issues with this method and a 1.33.0007 SPL it wasnt even worth trying out. I dont want to brick it.
I followed the instructions when creating the gold card and from what I gather I did it correctly. But when I get to section 3 step 9, my phone doesn’t find the sapp img file.
I followed the instructions when creating the gold card and from what I gather I did it correctly. But when I get to section 3 step 9, my phone doesn’t find the sapp img file.
hi how do you unroot a t mobile mytouch 3g 1.2 with android 1.6??? please help!!!!
At the moment you can’t.
hi how do you unroot a t mobile mytouch 3g 1.2 with android 1.6??? please help!!!!
At the moment you can’t.
whre I can download qmaT 4.36 ? is not any more in the site you are showing
whre I can download qmaT 4.36 ? is not any more in the site you are showing
I’m half way done with the root, but the QMAT 4.36 is not on the link you guys show any more.
Any one can help me and show me where I can donwload QMAT please.
Updated the post with the new goldcard procedure… has an updated link.
I’m half way done with the root, but the QMAT 4.36 is not on the link you guys show any more.
Any one can help me and show me where I can donwload QMAT please.
Updated the post with the new goldcard procedure… has an updated link.
TheUnlockr thanks for you help!!
This is the best web site on the internet.
Again thanks for help everybody.
TheUnlockr thanks for you help!!
This is the best web site on the internet.
Again thanks for help everybody.
i ask you before i use the goldcard, have you the empty folder LOST.DIR on your goldcard? everytime i click on format sd there is the LOST.DIR who appears… So it’s a problem i can ignore or not?
It’s not a problem. Just continue.
thank you very much and just one more question i have this SPL HBOOT-1.33.2007 (SAPP30000), there is a lot of risks to brick or i can continue to follow the steps?
just ignore my last question, but this one please answer me : At the step 21 I have the spl 1.33.0005 so have I finished or I follow the steps : 22, 23, …,29?
And can I flash the recovery, the spl, the rom as when I bought the phone?
i ask you before i use the goldcard, have you the empty folder LOST.DIR on your goldcard? everytime i click on format sd there is the LOST.DIR who appears… So it’s a problem i can ignore or not?
It’s not a problem. Just continue.
thank you very much and just one more question i have this SPL HBOOT-1.33.2007 (SAPP30000), there is a lot of risks to brick or i can continue to follow the steps?
just ignore my last question, but this one please answer me : At the step 21 I have the spl 1.33.0005 so have I finished or I follow the steps : 22, 23, …,29?
And can I flash the recovery, the spl, the rom as when I bought the phone?
Hello! I’ve read a lot and I can’t find an answer, so please help me. I followed the procedure and I have my phone working with the ROM of Amon Ra (step 24) but it’s Android 1.5 and wifi tethering doesn’t work. So I tried to load a different ROM but I can’t because (I guess) I don’t have the option in the Recovery Menu to Format Fat32+Ext2+LinuxSwap (Actually I don’t have any option to format) I don’t have the option to choose between different update’s files either. I tried to load a Hero ROM (although this is not what I wanted) but my phone gets stuck in the Vodafone logo, I had to restore my nandroid backup (good luck I had one). What do I need to do now? I guess that I can change the recovery image, but I saw in the procedure of this page that we put the amon RA recovery image with the letter “H” at the end, do I need to update to the “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2H.img” or to the “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2G.img” or am I messing everything?
By the way, I have a Mytouch 3G phone and I use the Gold Card Method (which you explained wonderfully) because I had the message of “Older version” or something like that when I tried the one click method. Thanks in advance
I’m getting crazy! I just can not change the ROM, I use the gold card method and I’m not able to use any ROM but the one on the tutorial (step 24), I have tried several things: Using fastboot USB I ‘load’ (I don’t know if this word fits) the “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2H.img” (“G” version didn’t work) this allowed me to format (and ‘particionate’) my sd card and so to try the HERO ROM. It didn’t work.
With “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2H.img” I also was able to try the cyanogen ROM, since I could apply more than one zip file. It didn’t worked.
Last thing I tried without success was to flash the “RAv1.6.2H” ROM. In this last attempt the phone wasn’t stuck on the Vodafone logo screen, but after several seconds in that screen it reboots, and so on.
Any help would be appreciated. I just want a ROM with Android 1.6 and wifi tethering.
Hello! I’ve read a lot and I can’t find an answer, so please help me. I followed the procedure and I have my phone working with the ROM of Amon Ra (step 24) but it’s Android 1.5 and wifi tethering doesn’t work. So I tried to load a different ROM but I can’t because (I guess) I don’t have the option in the Recovery Menu to Format Fat32+Ext2+LinuxSwap (Actually I don’t have any option to format) I don’t have the option to choose between different update’s files either. I tried to load a Hero ROM (although this is not what I wanted) but my phone gets stuck in the Vodafone logo, I had to restore my nandroid backup (good luck I had one). What do I need to do now? I guess that I can change the recovery image, but I saw in the procedure of this page that we put the amon RA recovery image with the letter “H” at the end, do I need to update to the “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2H.img” or to the “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2G.img” or am I messing everything?
By the way, I have a Mytouch 3G phone and I use the Gold Card Method (which you explained wonderfully) because I had the message of “Older version” or something like that when I tried the one click method. Thanks in advance
I saw the light!!! Here is the answer:
Basically it was necessary to revert to 32B since we (after this) are in 32A…
Thanks unlockr for this greats tutos!
Rafa I,
I’m sorry I just saw your frustrated comments lol coulda saved you a lot of headache…
If your MyTouch has a 3.5mm headphone jack on top, it is a “MyTouch 1.2” not a MyTouch.
If you click on How Tos at the top of the site, then click Android you’ll see the MyTouch 1.2 as a separate device than the regular MyTouch and would find the separate how to 🙂
Glad you got it working anyway!
I’m getting crazy! I just can not change the ROM, I use the gold card method and I’m not able to use any ROM but the one on the tutorial (step 24), I have tried several things: Using fastboot USB I ‘load’ (I don’t know if this word fits) the “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2H.img” (“G” version didn’t work) this allowed me to format (and ‘particionate’) my sd card and so to try the HERO ROM. It didn’t work.
With “recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.6.2H.img” I also was able to try the cyanogen ROM, since I could apply more than one zip file. It didn’t worked.
Last thing I tried without success was to flash the “RAv1.6.2H” ROM. In this last attempt the phone wasn’t stuck on the Vodafone logo screen, but after several seconds in that screen it reboots, and so on.
Any help would be appreciated. I just want a ROM with Android 1.6 and wifi tethering.
I saw the light!!! Here is the answer:
Basically it was necessary to revert to 32B since we (after this) are in 32A…
Thanks unlockr for this greats tutos!
Rafa I,
I’m sorry I just saw your frustrated comments lol coulda saved you a lot of headache…
If your MyTouch has a 3.5mm headphone jack on top, it is a “MyTouch 1.2” not a MyTouch.
If you click on How Tos at the top of the site, then click Android you’ll see the MyTouch 1.2 as a separate device than the regular MyTouch and would find the separate how to 🙂
Glad you got it working anyway!
Don’t worry Unlockr, you’ve already done a lot to help us and I felt great when I finally did it (although sometimes I was afraid to brick my phone).
I don’t have the Mytouch 1.2, I just got an OTA update last month and I think that made things hard for me.
Anyway, now I’m enjoying a truly better performance on my phone.
Thank you again
No problem.
Wait thought you said you had a 32a motherboard? No?
Don’t worry Unlockr, you’ve already done a lot to help us and I felt great when I finally did it (although sometimes I was afraid to brick my phone).
I don’t have the Mytouch 1.2, I just got an OTA update last month and I think that made things hard for me.
Anyway, now I’m enjoying a truly better performance on my phone.
Thank you again
No problem.
Wait thought you said you had a 32a motherboard? No?
I’ve finally got the phone rooted but now i have no service, no APN information. Plz help
Jose Luna,
Put the APN settings in manually. We have them here.
I’ve finally got the phone rooted but now i have no service, no APN information. Plz help
Jose Luna,
Put the APN settings in manually. We have them here.
hey when i put my goldcard and tunr the phone on. is trying to do the update but i get a message saying “model id incorrect” can u help me?
Yes, that means your Goldcard didn’t work. Recreate it (use the How To Create a Goldcard procedure, it’s a little easier to understand).
hey when i put my goldcard and tunr the phone on. is trying to do the update but i get a message saying “model id incorrect” can u help me?
Yes, that means your Goldcard didn’t work. Recreate it (use the How To Create a Goldcard procedure, it’s a little easier to understand).
do you think i will need a new card. i’m using a 1gb samsung sd card.
do you think i will need a new card. i’m using a 1gb samsung sd card.
Thanks for this tutorial. I tried to root before but failed at the goldcard, so I stopped. I roved the forums and came back here after a few months, and everything worked perfectly. Thanks again. ‘Gonna see if I can get cm on this puppy now:-P!
Thanks for this tutorial. I tried to root before but failed at the goldcard, so I stopped. I roved the forums and came back here after a few months, and everything worked perfectly. Thanks again. ‘Gonna see if I can get cm on this puppy now:-P!
hi unlockr,
im up to step 18 atm…
but stucked bcoz it says “failed remote( not allow)”
i saw u adviced others to repeat step 6, and also try to “unroot and back to cupcake” method. i tried repeat step 6 but everything the same, and the unroot bit i tried as well but bcoz it says wrong model ID and it refers me back here so im pretty much stucked..
is there anyway to root my device and maybe possibly flash other roms in?
phone info:
HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP10000)
Oct 21 2009,22:33:27
hi unlockr,
im up to step 18 atm…
but stucked bcoz it says “failed remote( not allow)”
i saw u adviced others to repeat step 6, and also try to “unroot and back to cupcake” method. i tried repeat step 6 but everything the same, and the unroot bit i tried as well but bcoz it says wrong model ID and it refers me back here so im pretty much stucked..
is there anyway to root my device and maybe possibly flash other roms in?
phone info:
HBOOT-1.33.0013 (SAPP10000)
Oct 21 2009,22:33:27
Hello Unlockr,
I have a HTC Magic 32A, bought it in Brazil with carrier Claro, assuming I would be able to use Android Market or Google Maps. But later I found out that Claro did not purchase those products from Google and they were all taken out of the original ROM. So I wanted to root the phone. Studied all the posts and tried One Click and Goldcard. Both unsuccesful. I get the ‘older version’ message when loading either images, .zip or .nbh
What can be wrong? This is the data on HBoot:
HBOOT-1.76.0008 (SAPP600000)
Nov 3 2009, 15:56:29
Also, assuming you help me root the phone, I want to keep the version in Portuguese that I have, I like it. I only want to add Google products to the phone. Everything else works fine.
Hello Unlockr,
I have a HTC Magic 32A, bought it in Brazil with carrier Claro, assuming I would be able to use Android Market or Google Maps. But later I found out that Claro did not purchase those products from Google and they were all taken out of the original ROM. So I wanted to root the phone. Studied all the posts and tried One Click and Goldcard. Both unsuccesful. I get the ‘older version’ message when loading either images, .zip or .nbh
What can be wrong? This is the data on HBoot:
HBOOT-1.76.0008 (SAPP600000)
Nov 3 2009, 15:56:29
Also, assuming you help me root the phone, I want to keep the version in Portuguese that I have, I like it. I only want to add Google products to the phone. Everything else works fine.
hey unlockr,
i did everything right and im back to 1.5
everything works fine, but when i try to
flash other roms i always get stuck on my
vodafone load screen, what’s wrong?
thanks, jesse
I went through the rooting tut. Everything went very nice until I came to step 24. Here it says to flash the device with the 32A firmware. However I have a German Vodafone Magic (32B) device and now I am stuck in what to do next.
Can I just continue using the 32A image?
Do I have to use a special 32B image? And if yes, can you give me a link? Will it work with all the steps I have done so far?
Thanks in advance,
hey unlockr,
i did everything right and im back to 1.5
everything works fine, but when i try to
flash other roms i always get stuck on my
vodafone load screen, what’s wrong?
thanks, jesse
I went through the rooting tut. Everything went very nice until I came to step 24. Here it says to flash the device with the 32A firmware. However I have a German Vodafone Magic (32B) device and now I am stuck in what to do next.
Can I just continue using the 32A image?
Do I have to use a special 32B image? And if yes, can you give me a link? Will it work with all the steps I have done so far?
Thanks in advance,
In steps 24-26 it is saying the image should be 1.2.0H but when I download the file from the link it says it’s Is the 1.1 OK instead of 1.2?
The other question is, what is the advantage of doing a “gold card root” of the T-MO Mytouch 3G vs. the non-gold card root.”
Sorry, coming from an iPhone this is all new to me so I am trying to follow the steps exactly and when things are different I am afraid to continue. 🙂
Thanks for your patience and understanding!
In steps 24-26 it is saying the image should be 1.2.0H but when I download the file from the link it says it’s Is the 1.1 OK instead of 1.2?
The other question is, what is the advantage of doing a “gold card root” of the T-MO Mytouch 3G vs. the non-gold card root.”
Sorry, coming from an iPhone this is all new to me so I am trying to follow the steps exactly and when things are different I am afraid to continue. 🙂
Thanks for your patience and understanding!
😀 figured it out
was reading ‘rafa I’ comments
and solved my problem
i had to revert back to 32b radio
since i have a vodafone magic
btw you should post this bit up for
32b users
thanks for everything unlockr 🙂
😀 figured it out
was reading ‘rafa I’ comments
and solved my problem
i had to revert back to 32b radio
since i have a vodafone magic
btw you should post this bit up for
32b users
thanks for everything unlockr 🙂
@ Jesse I have the same issue, where did you get the 32b radio?
@ Jesse I have the same issue, where did you get the 32b radio?
So i’m following Theunlockr’s guide to roll-back to Android 1.5 (Goldcard method) and i’m using a 256bm Sandisk sd card. I’ve created a goldcard (I think – anyway of being sure? ) and I copied over sappimg.nbh – around 96mb (also tried .zip – around 60mb) both of which dont work from H-boot. I wait and then a load of writing comes up and dissappears again and shows the initial H-boot screen again. I’m not sure what the problem is, help?
So i’m following Theunlockr’s guide to roll-back to Android 1.5 (Goldcard method) and i’m using a 256bm Sandisk sd card. I’ve created a goldcard (I think – anyway of being sure? ) and I copied over sappimg.nbh – around 96mb (also tried .zip – around 60mb) both of which dont work from H-boot. I wait and then a load of writing comes up and dissappears again and shows the initial H-boot screen again. I’m not sure what the problem is, help?
I am having issues with the that i download here, it is not loading it says, SAPPDIA2.nbh, SAPPDIAG.nbh, SAPPIMG not found. Please HELP.. I am having the same issue as Saleem.. and I have created a 2gb Kingston GC. Thanks you so very muchh..
I have
I am having issues with the that i download here, it is not loading it says, SAPPDIA2.nbh, SAPPDIAG.nbh, SAPPIMG not found. Please HELP.. I am having the same issue as Saleem.. and I have created a 2gb Kingston GC. Thanks you so very muchh..
I have
someone please helpppp!!! I have sucessfully created the goldcard.. but the sappIMG file that I downloaded from here is not recognized. Please HELP!! Pleaseeee!
someone please helpppp!!! I have sucessfully created the goldcard.. but the sappIMG file that I downloaded from here is not recognized. Please HELP!! Pleaseeee!
is this tutorial for the 32b magics?
i first thought so.
but it sais : 24. Download Amon Ra’s 32A based image
if not, is there a tut for 32b? (1.33.0007)
Yup click on How Tos at the top of the site, then Android, then you’ll see Magic. Use the one click root from there.
is this tutorial for the 32b magics?
i first thought so.
but it sais : 24. Download Amon Ra’s 32A based image
if not, is there a tut for 32b? (1.33.0007)
Yup click on How Tos at the top of the site, then Android, then you’ll see Magic. Use the one click root from there.
but i have the perfect spl (1.33.00007),
Isnt the one click root for other spl?
Is it going to work for me?
Thanks already: )
i have the perfect spl(1.33.0007).
and when i look at the one click method, i should first downgrade to cupcake.
but when i try to do that it sais wrong Model ID.
the tut sais that if that happens, i have to use the goldcard method, and i’m directed to here :crazy: 🙁
but i have the perfect spl (1.33.00007),
Isnt the one click root for other spl?
Is it going to work for me?
Thanks already: )
i have the perfect spl(1.33.0007).
and when i look at the one click method, i should first downgrade to cupcake.
but when i try to do that it sais wrong Model ID.
the tut sais that if that happens, i have to use the goldcard method, and i’m directed to here :crazy: 🙁
ok hey the unlockr i have went threw countless fourms looking for a sulution and i cant find one i have a mytouch 3g the first one and im stuck at step 18 i alredy tryed the one click method it didnt work im using a macbook wen i enter the comand it says {/AndroidSDK/tools/fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img
cannot load ‘recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img} any help would be appreciated i can get fastboot to tell me my serial number
ok hey the unlockr i have went threw countless fourms looking for a sulution and i cant find one i have a mytouch 3g the first one and im stuck at step 18 i alredy tryed the one click method it didnt work im using a macbook wen i enter the comand it says {/AndroidSDK/tools/fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img
cannot load ‘recovery-RAv1.2.0H.img} any help would be appreciated i can get fastboot to tell me my serial number
the Ulockr please help! i have succesfully rooted my phone and it worked for a few hours. then it just turned off by itself and stopped working. I did a nandroid backup before i tried flashing dwang rom but the rom didnt flash. so i did a nandroid recovery and then just used the phone like that for a few hours before it stopped working. Now the phone turns on and stays at the mytouch screen and it will not go into recovery mode. it will go to fastboot so i tried istalling sappimg again and it doesnt work and i tried reflashing the recovery image and it says boot okay but it will not boot into the recovery screen. I have a mytouch 3g and i used the goldcard method to root.And the hboot is 1.33.2005
the Ulockr please help! i have succesfully rooted my phone and it worked for a few hours. then it just turned off by itself and stopped working. I did a nandroid backup before i tried flashing dwang rom but the rom didnt flash. so i did a nandroid recovery and then just used the phone like that for a few hours before it stopped working. Now the phone turns on and stays at the mytouch screen and it will not go into recovery mode. it will go to fastboot so i tried istalling sappimg again and it doesnt work and i tried reflashing the recovery image and it says boot okay but it will not boot into the recovery screen. I have a mytouch 3g and i used the goldcard method to root.And the hboot is 1.33.2005
unlock er
i have 32b vodafone 1.6 rom
Hboot-1.33.0004 sapp10000
I tried first method but did not work so i tried goldcard but i get a error while checking “CID incorrect”
at shell prompt i get this cid 2750485344303247207002810c00a38c
and after conversion i use this for goldimage 00a3000c810270204732304453485027
please tell me where i am wrong do i have to edit some zeros as mentioned in article.
i am using unbranded micro sd card is it the reason?
because i don’t get any error before apply.
unlock er
i have 32b vodafone 1.6 rom
Hboot-1.33.0004 sapp10000
I tried first method but did not work so i tried goldcard but i get a error while checking “CID incorrect”
at shell prompt i get this cid 2750485344303247207002810c00a38c
and after conversion i use this for goldimage 00a3000c810270204732304453485027
please tell me where i am wrong do i have to edit some zeros as mentioned in article.
i am using unbranded micro sd card is it the reason?
because i don’t get any error before apply.
now i have bought new 2 kingston card also but getting same error again and again , the only difference is am using usb card reader for writing files to card , dose i make any difference please help me
out i have tried this for 5 times and no lick please help me unlokr
Hey first of all Unlockr thanks for the tutorial its amazing but i did hit a snag… So i got all the way to typing in “Fastboot boot recovery…” and well i didnt get the screen on the vid but the red vodafone screen and the Mytouch is stuck on that. Did i successfully brick my phone lol and if i did could you please tell me how to fix this?
Thanks a ton
now i have bought new 2 kingston card also but getting same error again and again , the only difference is am using usb card reader for writing files to card , dose i make any difference please help me
out i have tried this for 5 times and no lick please help me unlokr
Hey first of all Unlockr thanks for the tutorial its amazing but i did hit a snag… So i got all the way to typing in “Fastboot boot recovery…” and well i didnt get the screen on the vid but the red vodafone screen and the Mytouch is stuck on that. Did i successfully brick my phone lol and if i did could you please tell me how to fix this?
Thanks a ton
will formatting a microsd that was used as a gold card change it to a regular memory card again
will formatting a microsd that was used as a gold card change it to a regular memory card again
I have got the exact same problem as shaikh. I get “CID incorrect” and I definately did the Goldcard right. I have tried several different sappimg files.
Here are my specs:
Sapphire PVT 32B Ship S-On G
HBOOT-1.33.0004 (SAPP10000)
Apr 9 200923:30:40
I have got the exact same problem as shaikh. I get “CID incorrect” and I definately did the Goldcard right. I have tried several different sappimg files.
Here are my specs:
Sapphire PVT 32B Ship S-On G
HBOOT-1.33.0004 (SAPP10000)
Apr 9 200923:30:40
Wow I was having problems getting a rom to load and then I followed Rafa I’s well-written comments and link and got it working in 5 minutes! Horray for intelligent comments!
Folkes, if you are getting stuck at the mytouch/vodafone boot spash after flashing the 32A rooted ROM, you need to get back to 32B!
Thanks again everyone!
Wow I was having problems getting a rom to load and then I followed Rafa I’s well-written comments and link and got it working in 5 minutes! Horray for intelligent comments!
Folkes, if you are getting stuck at the mytouch/vodafone boot spash after flashing the 32A rooted ROM, you need to get back to 32B!
Thanks again everyone!
I followed the guide and get the same issue as Antoine Jones and Bryan. Been at it for hours trying to get it to work now. I have no idea why it wont go into recovery mode, perhgaps something to do with Vodafone? Any help appreciated.
oops – forgot to add- I have used the 32b rom
I followed the guide and get the same issue as Antoine Jones and Bryan. Been at it for hours trying to get it to work now. I have no idea why it wont go into recovery mode, perhgaps something to do with Vodafone? Any help appreciated.
oops – forgot to add- I have used the 32b rom
Hi ive got through most of the steps and im at the very last bit, my phone is supposed to boot up in recovery mode but its stuck on the vodafone screen and has been for the last 5 minutes. Any suggestions?
Hi ive got through most of the steps and im at the very last bit, my phone is supposed to boot up in recovery mode but its stuck on the vodafone screen and has been for the last 5 minutes. Any suggestions?
I tried the goldcard several times. After recalculating the cid, the first 2 characters are zero and I receive the goldcard image.
This procedure, I did this 3 times and the results are the same.
Incorrect CID.
I have a sapphire 32B Vodafone Magic of the Netherlands.
Maybe somebody have a solution?
Thanks a lot!
Actually it fails with the checksum.
Other things I notified is the goldcardimage I receive is smaller than till line 170.
In my case the goldcard.img is until 6 zeroes of line 100.
But writing over the first 100 lines or til line 170 makes no difference.
I tried the goldcard several times. After recalculating the cid, the first 2 characters are zero and I receive the goldcard image.
This procedure, I did this 3 times and the results are the same.
Incorrect CID.
I have a sapphire 32B Vodafone Magic of the Netherlands.
Maybe somebody have a solution?
Thanks a lot!
Actually it fails with the checksum.
Other things I notified is the goldcardimage I receive is smaller than till line 170.
In my case the goldcard.img is until 6 zeroes of line 100.
But writing over the first 100 lines or til line 170 makes no difference.
I got now on screen:
Sapphire Unknown 32B Ships-on g
hboot-1.33.0006 (sapp10000)
may 27 2009,19:06:41
2.6.29-00479-g3c7df37 android-build@apa26 #19
Does anyone recognize my problems and have a solution?
If not:
Can anyone tell me if there is something changed with my Magic Dutch Vodafone (is it in original state because I don’t know about that ‘unknown’ in the first section of my reply)?
Thanks so much in advance!
I got now on screen:
Sapphire Unknown 32B Ships-on g
hboot-1.33.0006 (sapp10000)
may 27 2009,19:06:41
2.6.29-00479-g3c7df37 android-build@apa26 #19
Does anyone recognize my problems and have a solution?
If not:
Can anyone tell me if there is something changed with my Magic Dutch Vodafone (is it in original state because I don’t know about that ‘unknown’ in the first section of my reply)?
Thanks so much in advance!
Hello everything and thanks for writing and answering questions so that we all can get a better understanding of our issues. I’m in a similar situation to many where I’ve made it to step 20 but cannot get pass the vodafone screensplash. I cannot access recovery or fastboot so at the moment, the phone bricked. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do please, thanks?
Take out the battery. Put it back in and turn the phone on holding down home and power to get to recovery mode (keep holding home and power down until the recovery screen comes up).
Hello everything and thanks for writing and answering questions so that we all can get a better understanding of our issues. I’m in a similar situation to many where I’ve made it to step 20 but cannot get pass the vodafone screensplash. I cannot access recovery or fastboot so at the moment, the phone bricked. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do please, thanks?
Take out the battery. Put it back in and turn the phone on holding down home and power to get to recovery mode (keep holding home and power down until the recovery screen comes up).
@ step 9; after reading for awhile, the phone shows ;
Main version is older !
update fail!
do you want to reboot device ?
help on this pls >.<
Means you didn’t create the goldcard correctly. Retry
@ step 9; after reading for awhile, the phone shows ;
Main version is older !
update fail!
do you want to reboot device ?
help on this pls >.<