David Cogen

David opened a cell phone store on his college campus and started TheUnlockr.com as a personal tech blog back in 2009 along side. He gets an unnatural excitement out of showing others new things about their tech that they might not have known. Reach out to him on the following social networks and say hi.

Unroot Nexus 5X

Video: How to Unroot the Nexus 5X

So maybe you’re done messing around with the Nexus 5X or maybe you just need to sell it. Either way, here’s how to unroot the Nexus 5X so you can get it back to stock before handing it off. Unrooting is the process of flashing the stock firmware back onto

Root Nexus 5X

Video: How to Root the Nexus 5X (Toolkit Method)

If you’ve ever thought about rooting your Nexus 5X, here’s the easiest way. Utilizing a toolkit from developer WugFresh (that coupled with the fact that Google has a pretty lax attitude about you rooting their phones), it’s pretty painless. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to root the Nexus

Unroot the Nexus 6P

How to Unroot the Nexus 6P (Toolkit Method)

If you’re done messing around with your Nexus 6P or just need to sell it, return it for warranty or what have you, then you’ll need to unroot the Nexus 6P to get it back to stock beforehand. Essentially this process will flash the stock firmware (made available by good

OnePlus X

Video: OnePlus X Unboxing and Invite Giveaway (Winners Announced)

My OnePlus X arrived and, as is the protocol on the internet, figured that meant it was time to do an unboxing. In addition to the OnePlus X arriving I also received 3 invites from OnePlus to buy the OnePlus X, their latest phone, and figured I’d give them away

Root the Nexus 6P

Video: How to Root the Nexus 6P (Toolkit Method)

Google’s latest flagship phone the Nexus 6P has some of the top of the line hardware and, with updates directly from Google, top of the line Android software as well. But what if you’re like me and want to tinker a bit with said software? Well, there’s always rooting the

Microsoft Lumia 950XL Box

Video: Microsoft Lumia 950XL & Display Dock Unboxing

I received my Lumia 950XL recently and it came with a free display dock, so as is the protocol here on the internet, here’s a quick unboxing and first look at the specs of the Lumia 950XL and, as a bonus, the Microsoft display dock, as well. Let me know

LG Watch Urbane LTE 2nd Edition

Unboxing: LG Watch Urbane LTE 2nd Edition (Video)

I received my LG Watch Urbane LTE (2nd Edition) and, as is the protocol here on the internet, before I do a review, it’s time to do a quick unboxing. Read More: Nexus 6P Review (Video) So, as it turns out, as I was doing this video, LG just recalled

Nexus 5X Review

Review: Nexus 5X (Video)

Google usually does one of two things when they release a Nexus. They either try and showcase what Android can do with the latest and greatest specs or they create a budget friendly device with great specs to help get Android in the hands of as many people as humanely

iOS 9 Breadcrumbs

How to Remove the iOS 9 Breadcrumbs (JB Tweak)(Video)

Thanks to there now being a jailbreak for iOS 9 and thanks to a developer who makes jailbreak tweaks, there is now a jailbreak tweak that can remove those slightly out-of-place looking breadcrumbs that appear at the top left of your iPhone whenever you are taken to an app from

Nexus 6P Review

Review: Nexus 6P (Video)

Every year Google releases a Nexus device in partnership with different manufacturing partners — from original partner HTC with the Nexus One in 2010 to last year’s model, the Nexus 6, made by Motorola. During these releases, Google has either done one of two things with their Nexus devices. Either

OnePlus Two Giveaway

Giveaway: Win a OnePlus Two!

Thanks to how many of you entered my giveaway for the OnePlus Two Invite I figured I’d do another giveaway. This time, however, instead of an invite to buy the OnePlus Two, I’m going to just give away the phone itself. Entering the giveaway is easy, just do the actions